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He’s got teal blue hair (for now) and a sound I cannot really describe. Even though many would not consider that enough, I usually go with my gut feeling when it comes to music and this one here sounds really good to me. His name is Omar Apollo and he's 23. The sound is not quite Alt Rock or Folk or R&B and I think I really like it. Defying norms is one of my go-to these days, well, because of course it is. I found him on Spotify, because I guess that's where you find music these days? 

Apollo comes from all places, fucking Indiana. Can you imagine? That state where you cannot find anything worth the trip from I-90 to Indianapolis. Who knew? Also, I think his story is quite compelling: the son of immigrants, he did Folk ballet when he was little and was into hip-hop dancing. He also wrote poetry and was published  when he was in seventh grade, natch. Talented. Until two years ago, Apollo was living in an attic, guitar and a laptop. Now, he's been profiled by Rolling Stone. Not bad for a kid from Iniana.

I like that I can relate to his songs, too. Not too angsty and not too broody, but introspective. He sounds like growing up to me. While not as openly queer as Orville, I still get that vibe (especially in Stayback)  and I'm not mad. I like listening to tall, lanky men singing about love and life. It's a quirk I have. So if you're in the mood for some music, give him a listen. Here below is a live concert he did for GrubHub. I've been listening to him all day after I got his EP because of course I did.

Happy listening!



  1. Interesting song. I wonder what his voice really sounds like? I like it when people sing without electronification.

    1. Oh, I love the song. it's such a fucking MOOD!
      And he sings live in the other video of a Livestream he did. That's why I posted it here. You should check it out.


  2. It is an interesting sound. And he’s kind of easy on the eyes too. I wish I had the time to listen to more music. Where the hell do all the hours go?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. I went and got the EP right away. The easy consumerism of iTunes. And I think he's adorable. He could get it. And then I'd have a song written about me. LOL
      And you need to fire up Spotify while you work, bae.


  3. and what beautiful guy


    1. Oh. wow.
      He's got his own wiki. And yes, he's super cute.


  4. Not really my genre, but I appreciate the style. I like his voice better without the augmentation in the longer video.
    On a shallow note, I can't with blue hair, so he looks ,much better platinum.

    1. I found out he does not really fit a genre per se.
      He was working with Casablancas, who's very Alt Rock, but has also worked with people who worked with Frank Ocean, so there's that.
      On a shallower note, I've had dark and light blue hair and several shades of gray and platinum. In the last year.


  5. Not a bad tone to his voice. I agree with the rest: It's got a techno vibe & I wonder what his voice sounds like without the electronic augmentation. Sing to me live without the gadgets and I'll know if you can really sing. 😎😊 xoxo

    Oh, you're right about the pic of the blonds in my post yesterday. They do remind of Maddie, don't they? Yum!

    1. I think the voice and the sound are super cool. But then again, I adore Frank Ocean.
      You should check his livestream from Death Valley in this post. He's had another one in Paisley Park, natch. I'm waiting for that one and I may update this post. There's a ton of live performances on YouTube, too. You should give him a listen. I think you'd like him.

      And weren't they total stand-ins for Maddie? Solid.


  6. Our PBS did a profile and creature of his music and i like it. It's what I call my Saturday afternoon lounge chill music if not listening to jazz or swingers.

    1. OMG Really?
      He's been written up in a ton of places, I guess. He's been on Rolling Stone and Billboard. I love the sound and you're right. It's pretty chill and lounge-y!
      Now all we need is some cocktails. Call he houseboys!


  7. A very nice laidback groove. He reminds me of a number of artists I found on Jamendo. You can download their stuff for free. Check it out. I go there and grab stuff to burn a CD for my car jam. Lots of pleasant surprises. Oh... and the black mesh shirt RGB he wears? Looks like the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Sigh... fashion. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. That's the word: Groove.
      I really like his vibe. And I did not know about Jamendo (they have an app, natch) and it reminded immediately of SoundCloud. Totally explorable.
      Hahaha. That shirt is sick! I loved it. Perfect for the desert . I was thinking this Summer that I need something like that to have my tits out while being 'dressed'. LOL



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