Listen, people. I know, I should listen to my own advice and not pay too much attention to 'influencers' and youtube 'personalities'. But this time I had to stop and listen. Yes, Kyle is handsome and all, but he's got a point. I had to stop and listen because what I was hearing was outrageous. And it was outrageous because I never really paid attention to the numbers. On top of that, I had just had a conversation with someone on Friday who told me Hillary didn't 'campaign enough' and was not really 'likable' when she run. What kind of fuckery is that? This is not fucking prom. It's not a popularity contest. It's choosing the person who can do a job well. And that job is being president of the country. Simple.
People who are LGBTQ+ could have changed the outcome of the 2016 election. That is a fact. But queer people decided not to vote. And some even voted for IMPOTUS (idiots!). But LGBTQ people who live in battleground states (PA, FL, WI, MI, etc) and who think their vote 'does not matter' need to do a reality check. Sixty percent of the population gets to decide who the president is and who is elected down the ballot . And we have all seen the effects of that 'my vote does not matter' mentality: we have an Adderall-addled, corrupt, malignant narcissist in the white house. By letting COVFEFE-19 get elected, people have done a tremendous disservice to the nation.
Cheeto's margin of victory in most of those key states was very small. If queer people had voted (and had voted mostly for Hillary, duh) Cheeto would not have been elected. We would not be in this fucking predicament. Most probably, the pandemic would not have killed more than two hundred thousand people in America, because a capable person would have been in charge. The seat left by RBG would not have been given to a bigoted zealot. The drunken rapist would not be in SCOTUS. And so on and so forth. I'm not here to tell you to vote for Biden and Harris because they are flawless and because they'll solve all of America's problems and clear your skin. I'm here to tell you to vote for them because they are the best people for the job. Just like Hillary was the best person for the job in 2016 and she lost because some people either casted 'protest votes' or voted for Jill fucking Stein. Or even worse, stayed home because their vote 'didn't count'. If votes didn't count the Repugs would not be so hellbent in suppressing them.
So if you are LGBTQ (or an Ally) make sure that your vote is counted. Make sure your voice is heard. Make sure you make the mistake of electing Twitler only once in your lifetime. Especially if you live in a battleground state, because you know the GOP is going to try to interfere with your vote. If you want to keep the immoral, corrupt, entitled, orange megalomaniac man-child in the White House, that's your prerogative. Just make sure you stay the fuck away from this blog, because I will forever badmouth you. There are very few things in this world that I despise more than an LGBTQ Rethuglyclown. Very, very few.
So make sure you make your vote count and that your voice is heard. Even if you don't live in traditional 'battleground' States. Vote Biden/Harris. And bring a friend or four with you!
It’s depressing that you still have to make posts like this, and that handsome men like Kyle have do spell it out for us. The writing is on the wall in big bold rainbow colors. If this prick is re-elected all bets are off. Marriage equality- gone. Fair labor acts - gone. Environmental protections- gone. The list goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteNot only doe that clown have to go, but the repuglican party must be relegated to the dust heap of history.
We must act now. Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does.
XOXO 👨❤️💋👨
Well, it's already happenings.
DeleteTwo of the conservative judges have started the assault on marriage equality. Alito and that other prick Thomas have handed down the religulous wrong a win and set the stage to dismantle Obergefell.
I found Kyle's logical, informative video to be great. More people should watch it.
What Huntley said. #ProudBoys
ReplyDeleteI know, right?
DeleteJimmy, did you change your avatar?
I have an Ally - friend who says they are not voting this year because of what happened last year. Makes no sense. None at all... but they are burnt out. What a selfish position to take. So... what do I say to her? I want to tell her that to not vote is a vote for the orange ogre and his minions. I want to tell her that to not vote is to silently allow the destruction of our planet and rights. I want to hit her over the head with all of this... but I am terrified she will dig in her heels and disenfranchise even more. Advice?
ReplyDeleteUpton - She's not voting? Does that mean she doesn't care what happens in her city/county/state? THOSE elected position are probably more important to her daily existence than the federal ones. That's why she needs to vote.
DeleteI think you need to tell her exactly what you just said here. If people don't vote they should have the right taken away I believe. It's an abuse of power...they have the chance to make change then don't use it. I had . HAD a friend who never voted, ever, yet bitched. I told him you have no right to say anything on anything if your didn't voted. Same here. If she can't vote, then she needs to sit down and not say anything. And Pat is right. The local and state seats affect her far more then national races.
DeleteOh, Upton!
DeleteI left you two links in my response in your blog. It's super hard to find out that some people still find objections to voting. It blows my mind. LIke Big says, maybe interesting her in things that have to do directly with her would move her. Or like Maddie says, just tell her what you posted here. She knows YOU. Tell her how this election would affect you and see if empathy kicks on.
Good luck!
Guess what I got in the mail this weekend!
ReplyDeleteGuess what I did last night!
Guess what I'm doing this morning!
Yeah, baby! My civic duty and what I've been waiting to do for four years!
I'm driving it to the post office myself and hand delivering it. Well, Clive is driving me. He's my chauffeur after all. But never mind that. I voted! YESSSS!
Delete*Happy Dance*
Also, make sure Clive casts his vote too!
"This is not fucking prom." LOL!
ReplyDeleteIt is not!
DeleteAmericans and their absolutely superficial way to approach everything in life is maddening. Why do you think I'm constantly on my soapbox here?
Well, to be fair, I believe Hillary thought she had it in the bag, as did ALL the ReTHUGlicans running against It in the primaries, and didn't do enough.
ReplyDeleteAnd she wasn't likeable to a lot of folks, who don't realize that their president should not be their buddy but be someone who can get things done, and make the hard choices, and not since by shoving Big Macs into his cake-hole while 200,000 Americans die.
Our county is allowing absentee in-person voting because of COVID and I will be slathered in sanitizer, wearing my mask, and casting my vote tomorrow!
Not for someone I like, but for someone I think can lead this country out of it's current nigthmare.
I thought she had it in the bag.
DeletePollsters all over thought she had it in the bag.
She won the popular vote.
As Kyle said, Cheeto won for a few thousand votes in some few key states. What we didn't know is that there was a concrete effort from the part of the Cheeto campaign, the Repugs and the Russians to get Twitler to the White House.
The sense of entitlement and privilege that many Americans feel has been lethal.
And Bravo! for hand delivering your vote! I just imagined you, Purell in hand explaining to Carlos what you are going to do.
This is not a popularity content. I've heard every excuse in the book from people who didn't vote last time. Stupid. Stupid people. And I ask them, "So how's that working out for you?"
ReplyDeleteHow anyone could cast a vote for this disgusting individual is beyond me, why they continually vote against their own best interests is beyond me.
Joe was not my choice in the Primary. I was happy when Harris dropped out. Now, they are the ticket and they'll get my vote. In fact, every name with a "D" next to it will get my vote because it's THAT important to get rid of the POT (Party of Trump). xoxo
I cannot believe people did not vote.
DeleteI cannot. A small section of the population put the country in this situation. Such a sorry state of affairs. But yes, people (especially LGBTQ people) voting against their best interests is nothing new.
Uncle Joe is not perfect, but that thought is what handed IMPOTUS the presidency. And your strategy sounds fantastic. I was talking to my gurlz yesterday and we agreed that just voting Blue down the ballot is the best strategy.
I have a friend in the us field operation who would partially agree with your friend. Hillary's campaign in certain swing states did not campaign hard enough where they should have Michigan being one of three states. There were few Hill signs in heavy dems areas where there should have been. The rump pence signs were insane my friend said. And this worries we with Biden, as they are following the same footsteps. In these same states, his number are below where hers were in those states, much below. It confuses me why they aren't doing more in these states. Many dem felt like they got brushed off. So your right if more would have voted the turn out would be us sitting pretty with Hillary right now.
ReplyDeleteI call it as I see it, and don't wish trump or the first lady well at all. Why hide it. I still say pine boxes for the lot of them , don't care.
But Maddie,
DeleteI, as a voter, am in charge of finding out who the best candidate is. I should not need a dog and pony show to help me make up my mind. The debates were broadcast nationally. It was obvious IMPOTUS was a joke and that Hillary was the best man for the job.
I have seen more Twitler signs in the suburbs where I live than Biden/Harris signs. Still, I hope they mobilize.
I cannot understand how Uncle Joe's numbers can be 'low', unless it's a very Repug-leaning state. Dems should put their big girl panties and stop being so fucking pampered.
And I'm with you. I don't feel any kind of concern for the Orange Baboon or any person associated with him. He could drop tomorrow and I would not look twice.
Oh I agree with you, but their aren't many like you I and our readers. Many will not take the time to research the candidates like they should. All most people go by , sadly, is the drama of the political theater. It's no different than those talent realty shows where the most talented and best singer often doesn't win. America calls in and votes more on looks then talent. Sadly I think Hillary would have been an excellent president, almost as good as Obama.Thats the sad part.
DeleteBob is right. Not only did Hillary think she'd nailed it, so did way too many Democrats. They just couldn't believe the Idiot Jerk in the White House could actually win an election. Because of that so many people have paid with their lives, thanks to Covid, and so many rights are in Jeopardy of being swept away because a minority, hate group is in charge of the Senate.
ReplyDeleteAgain, familiarity breeds contempt.
DeleteNobody thought that a failed real estate mogul, a clownish reality show host would be president, but the Russians. And voilá: IMPOTUS.
People were going with the Polls and the popular vote. Little they knew about voter suppression, Russian interference and the innate entitlement of Americans.
And did you read about the Supreme Court decision on 'Religious Liberty' and that cow from Kentucky? It has started already.
I really love your political commitment
DeleteI'm just very opinionated, Xersex.
Also, I despise the president and all he represents, so yeah.
I know what it means to be ashamed of one or more politicians. You have all my understanding. I think that Mrs M. is also ashamed of her present POTUS and her husband. If only she could, I think he'd give him a kick in his balls!
DeleteDesde fuera la gestión que el actual presidente ha hecho de la pandemia en los EEUU ha dado la impresión -creo que acertada- de ser un escándalo y un desastre...solamente por ese motivo ya se merecería que le largasen y darle la oportunidad a otro de hacer las cosas mejor, ¿no?
ReplyDeleteA ver si una de las inminentes noticias positivas a nivel globo-terráqueo es que Trump abandona el servicio activo e ingresa definitivamente en las filas de los jubilados :-)
¡Un abrazo grande, amigo!
Y es un escándalo y un desastre.
DeleteEs un gobierno centrado en el culto a la personalidad. No hay nada de substancia o de políticas que beneficien al país. Es un negocio redondo para pocos (especialmente el presidente y sus secuaces). Y bueno, por mi parte yo sería más feliz de verlo tras las rejas!
Un abrazote, Angelito!