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The Men of Marco Marco

Marco Marco has celebrated trans and non binary people in his shows many times. And now he’s celebrating trans men's bodies again. It’s Trans Awareness Month and I had kind of forgotten to celebrate it (but like Mother’s Day, Trans Awareness month should be EVERY month, right?). 

Bob did a great post about our Trans sisters so I decided to do one about our Trans brothers, because of course I did. I find that there's very little representation of the T in LGBTQ in gay media overall. Trans people have been the focus of many attacks, especially after Agolf Twitler took office and the spineless repugs did not do anything to stop his attacks on the LGBTQ community. But with the upcoming demise of IMPOTUS' reign of terror hopefully Trans people will hopefully be able to again serve in the military. Biden/Harris have also pledged to fight against the violence Trans people suffer (especially Trans women of color). 

You may think it's not a big deal to be considered a 'model', but for someone whose identity and gender have been denied by society at large, the opportunity to be showcased while putting front and center their identity is kind of a big deal. For some, the simple fact of putting on a pair of briefs/boxers means much more than just stepping into some underwear. For some people, it's a reaffirmation. 

Trans men, like all men, come in all kinds of shapes and forms. And here we have, thanks to MarcoMarco a small sample of that diversity. Older, younger, buffer, slimmer, all representing who they are. Remember that being Trans does not mean 'passing'. The binary is not the objective. Being Trans means being accepted for who one is, not for looking like others think one should look. Even if one does look the part. Think about that the next time you step in YOUR underwear.

Happy Trans Awareness Month!



  1. This is a wonderful way to bring awareness to the Trans cause. As you said sometimes it seems the T is silent in LBGTQI and it needs to be loud and proud. These guys are hot, handsome and proud. Their identity is more than their body and they should be accepted for who they are.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. The T is suffering the ire of the religulous wrong, too. Because they could not fuck with same sex marriage, the wingnuts are going for Trans people. And they've been successful with Cheeto in the White House.
      Oh, and you know acceptance is hard to come by these days.


  2. Good post! May everyone be allowed to be who they truly are! And celebrated for it.

    1. And therein lays the problem: people cannot seem to be able to stay out of other people's business! Especially when it comes to sex or gender expression.


  3. I'm with Debra ... just accept people. Why is that so hard?

    1. Well, it's hard because people cannot stay in their lane. And because when people see injustice, they do nothing. It's very simple. When I was reading your post I was thinking of all the Trans women who have been beaten in front of crowds of people who have done NOTHING to help them. It's misogyny augmented by the bystander syndrome. Dreadful.


  4. Being a man in love with masculinity as with a wonderful perfume declined in infinite ways, I feel very far from the trans world, I have to be honest. But it really doesn't bother me that a woman dresses like a man and a man dresses like a woman. In Italy we also have our famous trans women and by now we are getting used to this fluidity of genres. Obviously this fluidity is one of the many results of the spirit of our time, we are in a fluid society and even the differences between genres are more nuanced. We are in the society of appearance, which could be defined as neo-baroque. And in fact there has never been so much interest in Baroque music as in recent decades.

    One of our most famous transgenders (MtF) is Vladimir Luxuria (here on wikipedia).

    1. I applaud your honesty.
      Hence, this post. We tend to forget what does not convey immediacy to us. The Trans experience is very detached for many gay men. But you are right, the times are changing and with them, our perceptions.
      It's fascinating you find current society neo-baroque. You should make a post about that!!1


      P.S. I read about Luxuria. She was a member of Parliament! We are taking baby steps in that respect here in America.


    2. There have been and there are deputies in our parliament who are openly homosexual: now, one is Ivan Scalfarotto and the other is Alessandro Zan. They are getting parliament to approve a law to defend victims from LGBT hatred. In 1987, a Hungarian pornstar was also elected: Cicciolina (click here ).

      On the neo-baroque period, it seems clear to me that a society based on appearance such as the present one, is really neo-baroque.

    3. Ah, the first trans to head to Washington was recently asked on Twitter: "I'm confused. Are you a man or a woman."
      Her brilliant answer: "I'm a Senator."
      Ha! loved it!!!!

  5. Sooo beautiful...each and everyone. And yes acceptance is everything!!

    1. The task of every life is to discover who we are according to our true nature and to live accordingly!

    2. Yes, they are!
      And yes, it is.

      @ Xersex: you ARE inspired today! I love that quote.

    3. The main task in everyone's life is to give birth to himself. (E. Fromm)

  6. What underwear? LOL. As with any group, the minority is rarely discussed - or much cared about. They must find ways to be seen. This was great! Through my years on and off the stage, it became apparent that people are just people. Doesn't matter what they look like, how they dress - it is about comportment, personality. XOXO

    1. Hahaha
      I take you like to go commando?
      And visibility and representation are sorely needed when it comes to the Trans experience. Because representation matters. The more people are aware of the T in LGBTQ, the better.


  7. Its also great the medicine and our doctors are so knowledgable to. It still blows my mind that one can change their whole body to match mind and spirit. With many I know ...you' d never even be able to tell. My one friend who is F to M showed me his penis once. He said he'd wish he was able to have a bigger dick. My reply....YEP you are so definelty a man....

    1. Oh, science has advanced so much concerning trans issues...
      I think that many people can balance much better their gender identity with their physical appearance much better nowadays.
      I also have Trans and non-binary friends and many of them have achieved incredible feats concerning they way they present themselves to the world. And yes, even Trans men talk about dick size. LOL.


  8. Sexy comes in all shapes and sizes. That said... sidebar: I have a nephew who is transitioning. (Forgive me if I get the terminology wrong). I have always loved him. There was something about him from the day he was born (I was there!)... I didn't know where it would lead. First he was a-sexual, then a practicing lesbian and is now embracing his true self. My dad had a ruby ring he gave me. It was supposed to go to my older brother, but he never came to see my dad before he passed, so it was given to me. I don't have anyone to give it to, but I know my dad would want it to go to the finest young man in our family. That won't be any of my CIS nephews. It will go to this young man... because he is one of the finest souls I have ever met... and I know that is what my dad would want. Thanks for sharing this... it brought all of what I just shared to light.

    1. OMG so proud of your nephew! I'm sure it has not been an easy road, to get where he is now.
      And so proud of you. Your nephew will probably appreciate that ring much more than anybody else.


  9. Thanks! All too often all we hear about is the girls.

    1. Totally true.
      Also, because Trans women are killed at a much higher rate and are subjected to violence much more often. Misogyny, you know...?



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