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First Impressions

Boomer Banks is actually one of the few porn stars I have actually met. It was during Market Days here in Chi. We were going up and down the street, trying to find where it was that Pete Buttegieg booth was located when I ran into his hose. It was difficult to miss, you know. My first impression? He was half naked, perched on top of a lifeguard chair with a green hose in his hands and looked larger than life. His job was keeping the boys cool. Which was quite difficult, because his bathing suit could barely contain all the Boomer there is to contain and that was making the boys hot. 

I looked up and I said hi. He said hi back, as if he'd known me all his life. He is a very handsome man IRL. Video does not make him justice. Fantastic smile. Bright eyes. Nice skin. Steady stare. Even his sleeve seems more vibrant. He was super nice. I joked about the print in his speedos. A hundred little bananas. He was in the joke, of course. I told him I loved his work. He said thank you. And then I had to move on. He has MANY fans and those bitches were gonna cut me if I didn't get my butt out of their way. They all wanted a piece of Boomer. I don't blame them. Nope. I don't. But yes, I thought he was super charming, not conceited or full of self-importance. I could be wrong, mind you. But people usually don't fake being nice to people they know they won't ever see again.

I would have to say that Boomer is a charmer. But he needs to be, right? All Porn Stars need to be charmers. It's essential to their job. I really enjoyed that very short exchange with him. I bet he's a blast at parties. There would be so much to talk about with him. Boomer is also a fashion designer, natch. That's why he said he moved to NY. He's designed gowns for some Drag artists and he has his own line. He's proudly Latinx, the song of immigrants. He calls himself Mexicano Cabrón (gotta love it). He was also homeless at one time in his life. He's queer and proud of it. I like my gay Porn stars multifaceted and interesting. 

I like Boomer. Not only because he CAN fuck, but because he's got an opinion. He's spoken about racial injustice, about  raising awareness towards HIV transmission and about being a man of color in the Porn industry. He's beautiful and he's got a point of view. He's smart and aware. And then there's THAT boomer, natch. 


P.S. Have some time? Watch this video of Boomer and Bob the Drag Queen talking about Slag Wars. Oh you don't know what that is? Let them tell you. You're welcome.


  1. Boomer has a very impressive , ummm, resume, that’s the word I was looking for. He’s got all the goods you’ve looking for, good looks, good conversations, a good sense of humor, and more equipment 🍆than you can handle. What’s not to love?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Ha!
      Yep, the boy has got it all in abundance. I think he's very interesting. He should be fun at parties.


  2. I always think he looks angry. He should smile more.

    1. Oh, his smile is fantastic.
      And between you and I, I think this is how YOU look....


  3. What a sweetie! And I love that he has that natural body. So handsome. So good-looking. To find out he's not just coasting on all of that makes me like him all that much more. Thanks for sharing. Gonna file these pics away, as I am sure I will find some use for them in the future. Woot woot. Have a lovely Friday. Can't believe another week is gone. Looking forward to happy hour! Come on, 5:00 pm. :)

    1. I know!
      Natural bodies in porn are hard to come by. Everybody seems to think that roiding it up is the way to go. Nope.

      He's very.. inspiring. That's why I linked that page in the post... LOL


  4. Weeeelllll, now.... He's, uh, impressive. Really. Rather leaves me speechless. Except, of course, to comment on the "sleeve." Don't like it. Why cover up that gorgeous skin? It's a "look" I hope goes out of fashion sooner rather than later. I guess I'm just an old fuddy. XOXO

    1. I know. He is.
      And he knows how to use it.
      As for the sleeve, I quite like it? I find men with sleeves have stories to tell. His skin IS gorge.
      And you could never be old, Big. Never.


  5. In my next life, I'm coming back with golden brown skin. And, if I'm lucky.....people will say "Oh, it's too big, take it out." (lol)

  6. It's commendable he has spoken about racial injustice, about raising awareness towards HIV transmission and such. More should speak out while they can before the studios start going under.

    But I can't get pass all those tats. Too many.

    1. and to tell you the truth I don't like his face so much!

    2. Yes!
      More should speak out about those topics more often. Especially in the adult industry.
      And I don't mind the tattoos.
      And he is very handsome in person, IMHO. Very Latinx.


  7. OK, Boomer.
    I can see why he would leave an impression on most people.
    Have a great weekend, Sixpence.

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, Mr. Shife. He lingers in the mind....


    2. I have stumbled on one or two of his videos a time or two. Definitely impressive. And I'm glad he is truly gay.

      I always wonder if the stars are truly LGBTQ or heterosexual. It makes me somewhat angry that the hetero would come and play on our side of the fence.

    3. Yes, he's gay.
      And yes, it's good to find actual gay men doing gay porn. The whole gay-for-pay thing is just icky.



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