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I was reminded by my president Hillary Clinton that January 19 was National Run For Office Day. And I think that very few people know that THAT is actually a day? There's even a website that lets you test the waters. Who knew??

The very helpful National Run for Office Day website even has a handy quiz that lets you decide if you are ready for the job. And why, you'd ask, I'm talking about this today here instead of posting some deliciously naked men? Well, glad you asked. It's because we NEED to do something because in four years we may have another Cheeto running for office. And in four years we may get a competent Nazi, instead of a washed up Mafia Boss wannabe. So yes. And given that the Repugs are circling wagons around him and not willing to ban him from holding office again, it’s possible it COULD be Cheeto again. Barf.

And why would you run for office, you'd ask? Well because fuck Nazis. That's why. Also, we basically just avoided a coup d'état because Agolf Hitler was a clumsy motherfucker more worried about Fox News than about governing. But that may not be the case next time:

"To put it mildly, the GOP clearly did not act in a disciplined, unified way to help Trump steal an election — even though that appears to be what many of their voters wanted to happen. In particular, key Republicans with positions of authority to affect the results largely didn’t use their formal powers to help Trump. If more of those officials had made different choices at particular junctures, the post-election period could have at the very least gotten a whole lot messier, and the political crisis more intense.

This is not a call for complacency. Trump’s power grab failed given the particular circumstances and facts on the ground this time — how the election turned out, and which individuals (and parties) happened to hold key positions. For a future election, a closer one with a different set of circumstances and factors, this same outcome is not set in stone. The system only works if enough people in power agree to let it work, and a crucial question for the future of American democracy is whether enough Republicans will continue to agree."

So there you have it. I know some of you have been saying that you're worried about Cheeto not being walked straight to a jail cell or worried about 2024 (Uncle Joe may be a one-term president, he's no spring chicken) and I have felt a sense of urgency in many. But could you imagine how awesome would it be to have Anne Marie or Maddie running for office? Dave or Upton giving some MAGAts a piece of their mind? Big or Infidel letting the idiots HAVE IT? Jimmy taking over Wilton Manors for four years? Bob staring down some ignorant cunt? Yes, please. 

I remember when I asked Huntley to run for the Board in the local college and he realized he couldn't because he was a mile away from the county limits. Damn. I wanted him to be in politics. And now I want YOU to be in politics. I am donning my training wheels and I'm running for a minor position in my Union this semester. I need to learn to control my temper and not take off my earrings and slap a bitch when I get mad, you know. And anybody can run for any kind of office. Bob made it clear in his post and Dave mentioned how rigged everything is in favor of the Repugs due to gerrymandering. The Rethugs are doing it with much, much less intelligent and capable people. So what are YOU waiting for?

So think about it. Yes, I'm talking to you, Constant Reader. Run for dog catcher if that's your pleasure. But run for something. Change is in our hands. It's up to us to implement it. That or we're going to be fucked come 2024.



  1. I believe that the experience of the past 4 years made many of you foresight!

    1. Absolutely.
      For many it was a nightmare that has had very tangible and sometimes deadly consequences.


  2. in four years we may have another Cheeto running for office. And in four years we may get a competent Nazi

    It's gonna be Hawley, unless he screws up by showing some hint of sanity or decency in the meantime. By 2024 Agolf Twitler will be 78 and in the slammer for all that financial crap he spent his life doing, if he's still alive.

    Infidel letting the idiots HAVE IT

    I might make a fairly decent God Emperor (as if anybody would vote for me), but I'd be no good at catching dogs. Guess I'll have to start at the top.

    I am donning my training wheels and I'm running for a minor position in my Union this semester

    Congratulations! And keep us posted.

    1. Yes, I think it's going to be Hawley. He's been trying SO hard it's pathetic. And I don't think he'll back down. He'll only get worse. We've been warned. And you can start from the top if you want. Hey, nobody talked about the right way to do it.
      And yes, I'm going to be doing something like fetching coffee, but I do not mind starting at the bottom. Been there before... LOL


  3. Another reason reason I use Facebook. Bitch fights with local politicians! But, I have my sights set on starting a national LGBT protest at Franklin Graham's front porch in Black Mountain, North Carolina. It could be Global!

    As far as 45,....remember why they did away with Czar Nicholas II. And, he had merch just like 45.

    I do boil over the politics here in Wilton Manors. It's all about the money and not about the people. Power corrupts!

    1. Hahaha silver lining! Facehook IS useful!
      I just can imagine you asking those idiots what's good. And a protest against Graham sounds delicious. I may join.
      I cannot wait until there is no more Cheeto and no more mention of that name unless is to talk about all the damage it has caused this country. History will not be kind to him or the Rethugs.
      And of course power corrupts. Just look at the country right now.


  4. We need people to rum, we need people to speak up, we need people with spines, we need people to vote. And then we can make sure that what happened these last four years never happens again.

    1. You should run for something and make Tuxedo your communications officer.
      Also, Carlos could write a book! Power couple à la Chasten and Pete.


  5. Good for you. Unions were once the backbone of the Democratic party until Republicans set about trying to destroy them.

    1. Oh, I've been in some committees and I've seen firsthand how useful the Union is. I have also seen how much Rethugs wanna get rid of them, so that means they are good. It's nothing influential but I'll get to see the inner works. Baby steps.


  6. I'd vote for you, Sixpence!

    1. Awww
      Thanks Debra! You know that at least I'll look good...


  7. "We think you should run for City or County Council member! " - that's what my test said. but I know nothing about politics, EXCEPT TO CRUSH ALL MAGAts!

    1. And crushing MAGAts is a superpower! Think Wonder Woman and the Nazis.
      Looking at the Repugs in office right now, you know those idiots are there by miracle. I think you should do it!


  8. Oh, that is all so correct. That is why I preach that the LOCAL elections are just as (if not more) important as the federal. Thanks for the vote of confidence. My House Rep actually asked me to run for office (State Senate) and I begged off because of my M.D. But, let me tell you, I was sorely tempted to give it a try. The way those repugnant assholes in the House and Senate are paving the way for another Drumpster. State repug parties are already working on ways to make it happen. So, if you can, run, folks! RUN! XOXO

    1. Yes, Big!
      Local elections are super important. I keep repeating it. Local elections give way to state and then more important positions. And of course they asked you to do it. They know potential when they see it....
      The Rethugs are planning on taking over 2024 again. They got a taste of impunity with Cheeto and they loved it.
      I'm going to tell everybody to either run for office or be very aware of who they vote in local elections from now on...


  9. That is certain a intresting post and I agree. But me in politics? I too have a temper. and I also get up in the morning to brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue. Id be like a Lisa Lampanelli crossed with Dorothy Parker!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be way to insultive. I think Id better serve helping others get there, but when I took the quiz I got State Legislator. It read... While federal government is slow to act on this, at a local level you could pass laws that will have a more immediate impact on your community. You’d have a say on funding, taxes, public goods and services.

    Course, when I was with the ex, he taught me all I know about the ins and outs of elections,dirty races, keeping my enemies closer, and all I know and making me woke in politics. He was being groomed for a State Rep and hopefully they thought maybe one day governor. I would have been happy with First Gentleman. I think back now, and all the hob nobbling in the political circles was rather exciting, but I think mostly because no one ever seemed to mind a gay couple was amongst them. Even when we went to the governors holiday balls. So I feel we did a service exposing them and showing we gays are just like you all, see! And then, at the time , the head GOP head chair in Bucks was a lady, much like Karen Walker. She just LOVED her gay boys , but we felt on parade with her, but she was a hoot. She too is now Democrat. And let's not forget my sorrid past Six!!!! What would that do it it hit the papers?!?!?!? And all the nudes!

    1. HAHAHA Same, girl. I would need to be stoned or on Valium to put up with stupid Repugs/ wingnuts/ MAGAts. I don't have the patience for that kind of fuckery.
      But I think you are super charismatic and you have a way with people, some qualities that a good politician needs to have.
      Local-level government is very powerful. Look at all the stupid Repugs that are right now carrying guns in the Capitol and spouting conspiracy theories in the Senate. They started small. So should the smart Dems.

      And I bet that experience with the ex was illuminating. It is a fascinating world, the world of politics. And of course you did a service to the community by normalizing a gay couple in those circles. Never underestimate the power of representation. Now we have Pete and Chasten in Washington.
      And you know the Repugs have much more shady pasts. And they don't care. Now, about the nudes... in West Hollywood that would GET you votes!


  10. You’re right, all politics is local. I’m happy being an election judge, but the long days are a little tough on these old bones. Besides, it keeps the repugs out here a little more honest.

    We need some young blood to carry the torch. We need POC to get into the action and a more diverse and educated electorate.

    Good luck with the union, babe. You’re pretty awesome!

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Yes, we absolutely need more POC and more millennials running for things. But experience is good! I think you keep your finger in the pulse of things because you really know how elections work.
      And I'm literally just sitting with the people of the Union and looking pretty. I need to know how things work before I take any steps... I'll fetch them coffee, though. LOL


  11. I have too many skeletons. Hee hee. It's okay. I earned them. But you... you go and run, hon. Get out there. And YES... you know that Hawley and Cruddy Ted think they are both prime candidates for the slot... that's what this whole BS show is about. Personally, they both need to be taken down by a white hot scandal. Also... that Ken Doll from that backassward state... we already have scandal stuff on him, but he seems a bit like teflon... sigh. Yes. Everybody needs to remain on guard... we have seen the enemy. He lived in the white house for four years and his concubine ripped all the roses out of the garden! We cannot have that. EVER. Kizzes.

    1. Hahaha
      We've all earned our skeletons, Upton!
      And yes, I'm going to try and learn how things work. I'm very curious about how to implement change from within.
      And Ted and Hawley are blinded by ambition. Hopefully, that'll be their downfall. I can't wait for the next Repug scandal. I hope it's Falwell worthy.
      I keep telling people the IMPOUTS2 show was just the beginning. The next Nazi will stay in power.
      We need to stay vigilant.



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