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Oh, Sixpence

I was commenting on Upton's post about a chapter of a novel he typed for us and I realized have talked about the name of this blog and where it came from, about my avatar and my love for Trent Reznor and about when I started blogging, but we have not talked about my handle. Yeah, in the world of ones and zeros we always choose to be whomever we wanna be. We could be Norman Mailer or a Space Invader. And I decided I was gonna be Sixpence Nonethewiser.

My handle actually comes from this group I'm posting about here. The group is called Sixpence None The Richer, a vaguely xtian-y band who had a big hit with Kiss Me, one of those quintessential nineties songs that talked about love in slightly bland, undefined, yet attractive terms.  If that song sounds familiar it's because it was also in the soundtrack for one of those makeover teen movies back in '98 or thereabouts. I had heard the song on the radio and every time I heard it, it would stay in my head for hours, even days. And that would happen because I'm a low key romantic and one of those men who really, really enjoys being kissed. So obviously, it resonated. 

I was living with someone at the time the song came out, and he always referred to it as that 'piece of crap, four-chord-monstrosity'. I, not being a music kid like him, had no idea what that was. Apparently, he was talking about the chord progression in the song being super basic?  A chord progression that in his eyes, rendered the song absolutely useless. Don't ask me, my knowledge of music is very, very limited. And apparently, I have crappy taste for pop music. Ha!

So, at the time I started on Blogger that song had already had its moment and the group was just one more group with a one-hit-wonder. But the name stuck to me, just like the chorus in that song. And because I knew I was being a fool for creating a blog to be in contact with a boy who most certainly was playing with my feelings, the name seemed appropriate. 

Not that I was shortchanged, mind you. I learned from the experience. But deep down I knew I was doing something stupid and that was reflected in that name. The handles we choose to represent us online do have meaning. Those handles are like our avatars, an extension of the self we live in IRL, but also, a reminder of who we were when we created them. 

I like my handle. It makes me think about how much we need to keep growing.



  1. "Those handles are like our avatars, an extension of the self we live in IRL, but also, a reminder of who we were when we created them." There's a lot of truth to that statement!
    it is always interesting to know something about the life not only of bloggers but of blogs. I have explained the story of my blog here, in my last post.

    1. Yes!
      And I did read that story about how your blog came to be. It's a cool story. You see, we tell much more than what we actually post every time we go online. It's there, between the lines...


  2. I like the reason you chose the blog title, and love the reason you chose the "handle." Our online personas are like avatars. Never thought of it that way. As far as the song - well, I've always liked it, too. Hey, all art is subjective. Others may "pooh-pooh" it, but we like what we like. So fuck 'em. 😁 XOXO

    1. Totally true, no?
      After all, that's the first thing people see about us. There's very little nuance online unless we have been following the person for awhile...
      And that song is so cute! LOL
      And you know opinions are like belly buttons... hahaha


  3. So that “piece of crap” song defined you on Blogger. I liked that song. It may have been a one hit wonder but I think it touched a lot of people. Desiring the closeness that a kiss brings is a basic human need.

    Keep the posts coming babe. We enjoy them.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Haha
      Yes, it did! It's been my 'name' ever since.
      And I still like that song. I think I actually have it somewhere.
      And I'm glad yo enjoy them, bae.


  4. Now I have that crap song playing in a loop in my head!!!!
    I like the handle, though, you know, I shorten it to just Six,

    1. Hahahaha
      It's an earworm! I was humming it all day long.
      And Six works just fine, Bob.
      Just fine.


  5. I always wondered about your name, so thanks for explaining it! I always assumed it probably came from Dickens because he often named his characters with imaginative character-descriptive monikers. (I've never heard of that band or that song, so that connection never occurred to me, of course.)

    1. My pleasure!
      Oh, google told me they got the name from some xtian-y referent. Of course.
      And the band was kind of propelled to fame by that one song and they slowly faded away after that. It was their one big song. They were very niche, being xtian 'rock'.


  6. What a wonderful backstory. Music snobs are the worst. You know what? Most songs are all the same basic chords. Unless you're Steely Dan or some Jazz aficionado. So, bah humbug to your former bf. You have great taste, kid. I do remember this song, very much so. It takes me back to yet another (I have so many) bittersweet time. But I treasure it all the same. And I think it's marvelous that you are so dedicated to growing... bravo!

    1. Ha!
      Thnx, Upton. I really don't know much about music (that's why I love reading what you post about it) but I am a consumer of it. I did not know anything about 'chords'. Still don't.
      And isn't it funny how songs can transport us so easily to wherever it is that they take us?
      Growing is hard! I call it adulting.


  7. It must be a generations thing as you grow from your experiences and I have always live for the moment and repeat! As far as your handle, I think the 'i' should be changed to 'e'.
    This also leads me to say that I have a hell of a time getting into your blog and passed the adult content part. You should get rid of it (please).
    Being a music major in college, I can deal with any form of music, except Dixieland. A form of cacophony I find most irritating.

    1. You know what? It may be.
      I find that the lessons I've learned come mostly from what I've lived. Maybe it's very personal? And I'm LOLing right now about that change in vowels!

      The blog actually needs that adult content part because I post a lot of dick! Hahaha
      I always have to scroll up when I come here to view one of my posts.

      And I used to hang around with a ton of music and theater kids (duh) and most of the time we did click with our taste on music. And I have never listened to Dixieland. Is it like Rockabilly? Now I need to know.


  8. Replies
    1. Yay!
      Oh it was RELENTLESS when it was in the Top 100. It was everywhere.


  9. I think it's why I like your blog and I was attracted to you. I read many blogs....but the ones I like the most are the one who share themselves and snippets of their life. Much like in real life I like those who share. If it's a flat bland surface or one note, Im less inclined to be attracted or hold my interests.

    1. Mistress Maddie
      You are right, but to do this, one needs a long time. I assure you that making a blog like yours and this one can take time and effort. And not everyone has a lot of time or energy. And often one has neither the one nor the other.

    2. OMG Maddie, SAME!
      I am one of those TMI bloggers who cannot stop oversharing. LOL
      But yes, it does make the experience much richer. I've noticed that with yours, too. From the photos, to the anecdotes with the queens, to the stories you tell. I guess it's the way we are IRL, too.

      And @Xersex: all the blogs we follow fulfill some kind of need: there's blogs that give us fun, light stuff. There's blogs that do thought pieces and there's blogs who give us snapshots of that person's lives and tastes. There's something for everybody.


  10. Nice song, I remember it well. Nice Handle. Good blog.

    1. Aww thnx, Dave!
      It's high praise coming from you...



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