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One of our fellow bloggers, John Michael, has lost his partner to COVID-19. So sorry to hear about his loss.

We may have never met his partner, but by his posts, we could tell how much they loved each other. We all know that sometimes a lifetime together is not enough, so we would like to let him know we are thinking of them both with love.

What happens to one person in this little blogging community happens to all of us.



  1. my comment on his blog:

    You have known love and you have lost it.
    I know you suffer, but think about how lucky you were with him and he with you! You might never have met, but instead you met and loved each other!

  2. it was difficult reading JM's post. I was asking karma for a better outcome. now how do we help him move on?

    1. OMG yes!
      He's so heartbroken. His post wrecked me.
      I think we need to let him vent/do his own process. Everybody reacts differently to loss. Whatever he decides to do, we should follow.


  3. Very sad and a personal tragedy. My heart goes out to him.

    1. Absolutely devastating.
      Poor, poor dear.


  4. So so sad. And such a feeling of helplessness. And in a time where we cannot physically be there for one another. All we can do is send love out in the universe.

    1. Oh, totally!
      I cannot imagine. The idea of him being alone...
      Sending love is indeed one of the few things we can do freely.


  5. This is a terrible shame.

    1. Terrible indeed.
      His partner suddenly got sicker and sicker..
      So sad.


  6. Awful. Just fucking awful. I didn't know about his blog, but I am heartbroken for him. I tried to think of some comment to leave on his post, but coming from a stranger??? Well, maybe I will anyway. As you say, when our someone in our community suffers a loss, it is a loss for us all. XOXO

    1. I hope this was not offensive... "I have just now heard about you and this blog through Sixpence. I cannot fathom your pain. I send as much love and light as is possible. For, as Six said, when someone in our blogger circles suffers a loss it is a loss for us all. May loving arms of friends and family wrap you tightly, hold you close, and lift you up."

    2. Oh, thank you, Big.
      That was super nice of you. But yes, when one person in our little circle is suffering...


  7. Thanks for posting this. Very sad.

  8. I am very sad for him .

    1. Oh, it's terrible.
      I was hoping his partner would recover...


  9. It got me very upset yesterday to read that. It was yet another in a line up for me since Christmas. And just because you go to hospital doesn't mean you'll make it...young or old. This virus is off the hook.Two friends really battling with it now. Much like JM talk of with his partner. It's nice to have a place we can all group hug isn't it?

    1. Same!
      I was totally hoping he'd recover and then, the news...
      Sorry about your friends! Hope they can recover soon.
      And yes, it's so good to have this little community. I'm glad I found you, guys.


  10. Thank you so much for this. This really touched my heart.

  11. We are all thinking about you.



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