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I am speechless. I literally think I have nothing to say today. The 45th president of the United States is a terrorist. He incited a mob of his followers to take the Capitol in D.C. and they did. With little to no resistance from security. That Thin Blue Line did not work, am I right? It was a blatant demonstration of white supremacy. It was an act of terrorism backed up by six Repug senators and one hundred and twenty one (!!) members of the house who literally opposed the recognition of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United states and backed the president's lies and conspiracy theories. 

The contrast between the response to hundreds of MAGAts swarming the Capitol and the response to  the #BLM protests, for one, is telling. The Capitol was evacuated and the unwashed mass of deplorables invaded what many consider a sanctuary of Democracy without the Police or even security doing anything. There's more security at any airport in the United States. But it was the chronicle of a mess foretold. This is what the Cheeto presidency has been all along: a clusterfuck of grifting, grievance, privilege and undiluted fuckery fueled by stupidity. 

In the end, Joe Biden was recognized by congress as the 46th President of the United States, over the objections of Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz, especially. But the fact is, Twitler incited the mob to swarm the Capitol and then stood by, delaying any comment or warning to his followers. He actually told them 'we love you', when he decided to speak. Appalling.

And you know what's worse? Nothing will be done. No 25th amendment. No repercussions. Fringe fractions like QAnon and the Proud Boys now can gloat they can do as they please. Because for White people in the United States there is no accountability. Hair Furor will face no repercussions for this. The MAGAts taking selfies with the police inside the Capitol and putting their feet on top of desks in Nancy Pelosi's office will face no repercussions for this. The MAGAts hanging from a balcony in the camber where the electoral college votes were counted will face no repercussions for it. The Rethuglyclowns who backed the lies Hair Furor told will face no repercussions. Twitter and Facebook will lift the 24 hour suspension they gave Agolf Wtitler soon enough. Nothing will be done. Nothing.

See? I'm so pissed off that I managed to actually write something. After this, don't tell me to extend any olive branches to a person who voted to keep IMPOTUS in power. A person who believes (or pretends to believe) his lies and corruption are just the 'way he is' is a stupid motherfucker and I want nothing to do with them. Fuck Cheeto. Fuck the Rethuglyclowns. Fuck anybody who thinks this is 'normal'.

I know there'll be thought pieces about this miserable day that will be better written than this post and much more coherent, but this is how I'm feeling today. So there.

Eventually, I'll go back to posting dicks.



  1. Take all that footage of the terrorists breaking into a FEDERAL building, and use social media to get their names and put them all on trial. Add fucking Josh Hawley and fucking Ted Cruz to the bunch, Then throw _____ on the top and cart the whole pile of shit away.

    1. Haul it away? I say burn it!

    2. Absolutely.
      Did you notice the absolute lack of fear of repercussions they all seemed to possess? They were all live streaming their misdemeanor. They took selfies with the police. They were not afraid of authority. Right wing media praised their 'composure', of course contrasting this white mob with BLM.
      I am so happy Josh Hawley lost his book deal... Money. Power. That's all the Repugs care about.


  2. Glad I live in a bunker. I am just gonna clutch my pearls and refill my martini glass while I shake my head. All this drama. The orange ogre should be arrested for inciting a riot. So should Cokehead Jr. and Rootin' Tootin' Putin Giuliani. Hawley, Johnson and Cruz are accessories to the crime. The capitol police should all be fired - where was the fence keeping people 200 feet away? Dumb dumb dumb. Let's not kid ourselves... if this was a BLM or Antifa protest there would be piles of bodies around that building. This was redneck white privilege on display and those ignorant MF's need to be held accountable. I like how they immediately try to blame it on others with their False Flag conspiracies. F that. Arrest them all. Sorry... I got a little excited there. It's just that I like my democracy nice and neat... the way they do it in Georgia. All I gotta say is Kamala better kick some ReThuglican Azz during the next two years and Grandpa Joe needs to hitch up his pants, put in his teeth and get to work healing this nation. Kizzes.

    1. Of course Twitler should be impeached again. And thrown in prison. But he won't. Hee's a danger to the country. The finger pointing has started with the issue of security at the Capitol. Some people in charge of security are already gone. Good.
      Hawley is crying oppression because Simon and Schuster cancelled his very lucrative book contract.
      Oh, the day/night reaction to white trash overriding the police contrasted to the BLM military response was telling. We all know it was all Proud Boys, MAGAts and QAnon people there. That's Cheeto's demographic.
      Uncle Joe and Kamala better do some deep cleaning.


  3. Hitler and his rampaging brownshirts all over again.

    1. Absolutely.
      So shameful. Fascism. Undiluted.
      A dark day for democracy.


  4. It ain't over yet. It will probably get worse. Giuliani, jr. , and dictator wanna be should be arrested immediately.

    1. I believe you are correct, Jimmy. They're just getting started, that they were all released without consequences will embolden them for more.

    2. Oh, you know they're gonna be encouraged by this. It seems hordes of unwashed deplorables were protesting in several other Capitols in several states. Same lack of fear to repercussions. The police did nothing.
      Did you see Cheeto and his spawn celebrating the riot inside their bunker while Gloria played???


  5. Oh, Six... The "thin blue line" did not work because the thin blue line was deliberately not in place. The ones who were kindly opened gates and doors and took selfies with the Maggots. It is not over. He and his cronies (Hawley, Cruz, the rest of his admin) have incited the Maggot Covidiots to Civil War.
    The Gov mansion in WA also suffered a siege. Those attackers we also allowed to leave without consequences because, well, let's face it: They were white.
    I have told my wife I will have nothing to do with her parents again. Her phone call with them in the middle of it all the chaos sealed that fate. They're her parents, I get it...and that's my point exactly; they're HERS. I'm done with them. Texting back and forth with my SIL in OH, she tells me my brother watched it all and laughed. LAUGHED and cheered them on. I'm done with him, as well. And ya know what? I'm not even the slightest bit sad about that.
    We shall persevere. We have each other to lean on. XOXO

    1. My jaw dropped when I saw the police taking selfies with the looters. Seriously. And the lack of response to the riot? Cheeto apparently refused to send reinforcements. He knew what he was doing. He did it intentionally to show power.
      I read about the deplorables going to several places and threatening to do the same. Again, no repercussions. The racism of it all.
      And sorry about your relatives. But the best thing is not dealing with them. I don't. I refuse to give them the pleasure to get under my skin.
      We do have each other to lean on. Reading responses in so many blogs o people who are outraged about this situation gives me a little hope that we are not alone when it comes to the deplorables and Agolf Twitler.


  6. I sent this e-mail to my rep & senators this morning:

    (1) begin impeachment proceedings
    (2) invoke #25 amendment
    (3) arrest seditious representatives/senators and try them for treason
    (4) expel seditious representatives/senators
    (5) disbar seditious representatives/senators (if they are lawyers)

    1/6/21 is a DISGRACEFUL blot on our history books! what are YOU going to do about it?

    my own feelings this morning: DEATH TO ALL MAGAts!

    1. Your much kinder than I. If we could be mutants...with my anger today....DC would have been wiped completely off the map.

    2. Well done!
      That's where it should start. These people WORK FOR the citizens of this country! It's not like they have these positions of power for life.
      It was a day of shame for America. Humiliated in front of the world by a spoiled parasite. Shame!

      And I feel you, Maddie. Same.


  7. I today am embarrassed by it all and all of them . it should have never got to this point...and from the beginning all the senators and representatives knew he was not stable dare even say lunatic. Any one could have called the 25 amendment. Yet no one did. Shame on them all. It boiled down to them all being afraid of the fat evil troll.

    I can see inauguration day already.......

    1. Oh, the GOP aided and encouraged his behavior. When the Dems impeached him they sat on their hands because the crave power. They are not calling the 25th because Cheeto was their ticket to power.
      When people both-sides this issue I feel stabby. There's not 'extreme Left' in this country. But the Right is out of control. Really.
      Fat evil troll is all right.
      Can't wait until he's OUT.


  8. Heartbroken, absolutely heartbroken. I"m still shaking.

    1. Oh, you should have seen me screaming in incredulity at the tv screen. It was mind-blowing seeing the deplorables basically desecrate the Capitol.


  9. Everybody seems to have said everything so much better than I could. The actions were horrific, the words about are great.

  10. I think everyone in the world is speechless. What happened in Washington is a shock to humanity. These types of assaults have always and will always happen, but no one would ever have expected them to happen in the US. Unfortunately, those who spread anger, hatred, revolt cause two effects:
    1. everything you scatter will sooner or later come back to you. There is an Italian proverb that says: Whoever sows wind will reap storm. (Chi semina vento raccoglierà tempesta)
    2. who arouses these feelings, provokes phenomena that then get out of hand, provoking really unexpected reactions, never positive and constructive.

    Let's wait with hope and to January 20th.

    Same comment here

    1. Oh, let's hope that proverb proves right with IMPOTUS. Really. One of the things that most incense me is the apparent impunity of all the corruption, all the lying, all the racism, all the injustice this administration seems to enjoy. Nothing happens to them. Nothing. And the world was watching.
      America, always so smug, has been humiliated in front of the world. By a thin-skinned, spoiled, ignorant, man-child.
      Very well put, Xersex.


    2. do not think that in Italy there are no unpunished politicians. What never ceases to amaze me is the immense stupidity of your IMPOTUS which, now, also has 5 deaths on its conscience.

      As I wrote several times on blog of Rick , it seems that politics and history, against the US and the world, wanted to do a joke which has turned out to be a nightmare.

    3. Oh, Italy has had its share of corrupt politicians, that's for sure. And you are not alone wondering how such a stupid-ass man could have been elected president. It says more about Americans than about him.
      And a joke turning into a nightmare is a quite an apt description!


  11. What happed in DC was an attempted coup. There’s no other way to describe it. ALL those who entered the Capitol should prosecuted for insurrection and sent to Guantanamo upon conviction. Including the turd in chief. His passport should be confiscated so that he cannot flee from prosecution. Actions have consequences.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, it was an attempted coup.
      The only thing that saved this country was that Cheeto is not intelligent. In the hands of another better prepared, populist, this would have been it. The next Twitler will be better prepared and will have the military backing him up. And there will be no way out.
      All of them should be prosecuted. All of them.
      Unfortunately, nothing will be done. Ugh.



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