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Glory holes are often considered a relic of a different, more shadowy era of homosexual sex. They have a long history, but they declined in popularity as the culture shifted and gay life moved out into the open; in 2018, an Australian museum even added one to its collection for posterity. While online directories suggest that kink communities and other enthusiasts have kept hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of glory holes active around the world, their heyday has passed.

New York City advised residents to “be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls.”
But in a twist worthy of 2020, glory holes are finding new life in the pandemic, and they have received support from an unlikely corner: public health officials, who have mostly urged people to stay home. In several regions, health departments worried about high-risk hookups during the coronavirus have alluded to—or outright recommended—glory holes as a safer venue for casual sex.

Ah, nothing like a little bit of nostalgia, no? What, did you think that glory holes were just a fantasy intended to show off  JJ Wadd's attributes in 'Sex Depot'? Well, think again. But apparently for some gay men, a glory hole is just not enough. And waiting for a vaccine is not their thing. Yep. If you think that Michael Henry is making up that character who went to Puerto Vallarta, you would be wrong. I’ve heard about them. The gay men that just cannot wait for a global pandemic to end to attend their circuit parties, their sex parties, their big get-togethers. And because there are many restrictions in the United States, they are now exporting their Prince Prosperous parties to other countries.  The nerve! I consider anybody who puts their life and the lives of others in danger just because they are self-centered, selfish, stupid motherfuckers to be absolutely deplorable. If they knowingly expose others to a virus that can (and will) kill others, they are delinquents, too. 

And I'm not alone: apparently somebody feels exactly the way I do. Enter GAYSOVERCOVID, an Instagram account that basically outs the hundreds (!!) of gay men who have flouted COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines to ... have some dick? COVIDIOTS indeed.

Please notice that this is NOT a slut-shaming post. I would never shame a slut (whether ethical or not). People with healthy, active sex lives are just living their lives. This is an idiot-shaming post. Willful stupidity is just not acceptable. Sluts are fabulous. Hell, I would be the first one in line to get some.  I would be having so much dick if we were not in the middle of a pandemic, that I'd need a spreadsheet to keep track of it all. I swear.  This is strictly about the absolute idiocy that would lead a person to intentionally risk becoming a disease vector without any regards for other human beings just because they can.

And they GaysOverCovid have hit a nerve: there's a bounty (!!) for outing this fabulous person going on on Facehook:

The nihilist bastards at 'Gays Events and Travel' offer five hundred bucks (so miserable! they're raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars by making sure hundreds of stupid gay men get sick, but hey...) to 'out' the person behind GaysOverCovid. They use all the possible logical fallacies they can cram in a page to justify being a fucking COVID-19 petri dish and demand the people behind the IG account be outed. Those 'event planners' are people who have no soul, no morals and no shame and only think about money. 

The party organizers are criminals and deserve to see their scam business ruined. Fuck them. Also fuck the men who attend these parties. They are on par with Brownshirt Gay Repugs. They're stupid, selfish, amoral, egotistical, spoiled, entitled, privileged and self-centered malignant narcissists in my book. With people dying by the thousands EVERY DAY due to COVID-19, they still put themselves and others in danger for some quick fuck and a night of shirtless dancing. Deplorable. Hope they never find out who is behind the GaysOverCovid account and that their criminal business model is ruined and their identities exposed and shamed. They deserve that and more.

Yeah, I think I don't like them?



  1. I have often fantasied about being carefree and just have sex whenever, wherever. But there is such an old fashioned side of me. The one who believes in romance and cuddling. I always think about Sam Smith's "Stay With Me".
    But it's nice to fantasize right?

    1. Oh, you are not alone. Not at all.
      I have also have wanted to just say what the hell and fuck men left and right, without a second thought. I kind of did a stint like that when I was younger and discovered men really liked me. But I have not done that for years. I agree that romance and cuddling (and knowing the man's name!) really count. I guess we go for quality.
      Stay with Me could be my National Anthem.
      But yes, It's nice to fantasize.


  2. OK...I'm down with the Glory Hole resurrection. Yes. It sounds like a good idea to me. And Bravo! to the Health Dept's promoting them - just as NY state promoted jerking off to get through this shit. But huge parties off-shore just to get to suck a cock? Or get plowed? No. What they're going to get is sick - and make others sick. WTF is wrong with people that they no longer care about others? The "Me" generation has gone too far..... XOXO

    1. Haha oh, Big.
      Yeah, who knew the Health Department would be that much.. fun?
      But some gays had to go and fuck it up. It's the epitome of selfishness. But you have to know that all their self-worth is put in how they look and on the admiration they get from others. It's all about them. Validation is their drug. And they'll die for it.
      They don't really care about others. Empathy is not their forte.


  3. Haven't done the glory hole thing since the 70's in the back rooms of dirty book stores in the loop booths. No parties here, however I did read on a Facebook Group that two bath houses reopened. Stupid people!

    1. Ohhh the seventies.
      I think the seventies were the golden era of gay sex. Maybe that's why I like vintage porn. And I can't believe bath houses reopened and were not closed right away.
      Stupid people indeed!!!


  4. They didn't use to call me Glory for nothing!!!!! I use to love a good glory hole. I tried to set up a glory hole and covid testing site at the Casa but the county wouldn't have it. ...they shot me down.

    And I agree with these assholes being called out. No one likes sex more that me...except you horny bitches here...but even I have been able to control myself...no easy feat. Thank God for camming! Although while glamping i did have a socially distanced j/o from a distance with the hot glamping neighbor. These gay men are no different then the self entitled assholes fighting all the guidelines rules. It amazes me the amount of guys still having group parties and orgies and threesomes and could care less if they get it or spread it. I saw a story of a couple on Twitter shinning they got covid after a threesome. Save it sister. Imagine if one dies over the virus all because of wanting to get laid. Besides couples who bitch about not having sex piss me off anyway. I mean they already have each other...is that not enough? But this is a whole other hot topic for me. My ice queen side says let them get covid and perish. If people can not follow guidelines and have not an ounce of self restraint the covid can still rage on and take more. Don't look for me to shed tears and pity.

    1. Maybe a little OT, but Chaterbate has a lot of new "faces", plus a lot of threesomes. Someone one else maybe could speak about Onlyfans. That would be another cesspool.

    2. Hahahahaha
      Glory, huh?
      And you are right, these gay men are no better than the anti-maskers storming every mall they find. Stupid MoFos. But what we need to understand is that they are self-centered narcissistic assholes. They only care about themselves and crave the attention they receive in these sex parties and huge get-togethers. They are nothing without the admiration, empty shells with an expiration date.
      I'd also say let them go ahead and fuck themselves. The only problem I see is that they'll go ahead and take a dozen innocent people down with them.
      No pity.


      @Jimmy I keep telling myself I have to go to Chaterbate. And you know you'll always find the odd idiot fucking himself to death.

    3. Jimmy...new faces? Does that mean you saw me wanking it? Lol!!!!!

  5. Im back. I checked out the account ....and even left some choice words for two guys on there that were pictured. More disturbing they are NURSES!!!!!!! WTF!!!! I said to one "Remind me not to come to your hospital for medical service." And the third account of another I visited was completely deleted and started a new account. Im sure the medical establishments they work for would NOT be employing these "professionals" if they knew these guys were being extremely careless just for dick.

    1. Oh honey.
      Yep. Nurses. How dare they? It's incredibly dangerous. I'm so glad they've called out those 'influencers' too. But as I said, they're nothing without the admiration of others. Stupid cunts.


  6. People who want to take their chances with COVID should be shamed.

    1. Absolutely.
      I am all for the accounts outing them. If they fear being outed, they should not do stupid, dangerous shit in the middle of a pandemic.
      It's simple.


  7. I know many people in the LGBT community are tired, unstable etc but c'mon, we're not animals. 🤷‍♂️ Behave. And stay healthy. 😏

    Use your head. Yeah, the right one. 🙄

    1. Being under pressure does not mean we have to recklessly endanger society.
      The problem with these men is that they need the validation that comes with the appreciation of their physical attributes. They're nothing without somebody telling them they're fuckable.


  8. Wow. Am surprised. Thought we gays were smarter than this. Especially after surviving the AIDs Crisis. Silly Rabbits. Well, don't know what else to say. But people who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it. Yes, the organizers are selfish pricks. And I can't believe they think people are gonna hunt down someone doing a public service for 500 bucks. Bah ha ha ha. Cheap bastards. Now... about these glory holes? Well, yes, I know about them at the baths, and I have seen ads in the past for people who set them up in their homes... but... are they safe? 100% Hmmm. Please weigh in. I mean... I could get totally BEHIND that. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, but they do not KNOW AIDS. They did not lose friends by the dozens. They do not know of ACT UP. They have the privilege of PrEP and years of profilaxis. They don't know history.
      And the organizers are despicable. And cheap!
      And glory holes, am I right? Who knew?? LOL


  9. It's all about the money, you know... and the fools who desperately want to spend it.

    1. Yep.
      It has to do with entitlement and privilege. These gay men are not being kicked out of their apartments for lack of payment or are going to food banks for a meal. The disposable income makes them selfish and arrogant.


  10. Like Hot guys said, the little head is stronger than the big head. Who among us, though some are older than most, doesn’t want, no need, a little nookie? Or a lot?

    This virus isn’t going to go away any time soon. We’ve seen the videos where gangs of anti-maskers invade their local Target store and spread their droplets. Disgusting. We have to start caring for our neighbors again.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. But bae.
      Horny does not mean they should become literal petri dishes. Getting some is really good. But they think about sex as a means to exist: they're nothing without it. That's the difference between being a horndog and being an asshole.
      There's no empathy in these gay men or on the anti-maskers because they're self-centered and immature.


  11. About glory hole, I need to see. I'm very visual: so honestly, not seeing has always had very little appeal. For me it is an anti eroticism!

    1. I agree with you.
      I used to think that glory holes were for incredibly horny men, incredibly closeted.
      It's not about the dick for me. It's about the man attached to the dick.



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