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 Ok, so say what you might, but there's no comparing Tumblr to Blogger (only Infidel makes me go there!). I should know, I've been on both with different degrees of 'success' and I decided to stay on Blogger. Why, would you ask? Well, for the bloggers, that is. In the time I've been back to Blogger, I've met a community of people who are funny, smart, sexy and absolutely fantastic.

I have no idea where and when I started following blogs when I came back here. I think I hit some of my 'old' blogs looking to see who was still active. That led me down the rabbit hole and I ended up following a ton of 'new' people (new to me, of course, because some of them had been blogging for YEARS!). On Blogger I don't follow many 'dick blogs' because well, I can get porn anywhere. What I'm on Blogger for is for the people who blog.

There's all kinds of bloggers but my favorites are the ones that make me think. Or laugh. Some do get me in the mood for some afternoon delight, of course. But they also have something interesting to say. The thing with the bloggers I follow is that they all have their very own point of view, so the conversations we have are incredibly enriching and I learn from each and every one of them every day. My blogger friends have also been an incredible lifesaver during the pandemic. What with not going out and all that Jazz. For those of us with a combination personality (Introverts that play as extroverts and extroverts enjoying some introversion) blogging is kind of the perfect media: intimate yet public. Like a good grope.

I have made blogging part of my daily routine. One, to clean the cobwebs in my head and two, to see what my bloggers are up to. It's nice to give a stroll in the world of ones and zeroes and find so many interesting and fun things to read and gawk at! It's like having ten or twelve conversations with people I like. I love it.
One added benefit is when one fellow blogger has a special talent and they share it with you. Me, being a non-artistic, non-creative person, can mostly contribute by posting. But some bloggers have fantastic skills and I was just treated to the product of on of those talents. Anne Marie, who is incredibly funny and super sharp and has an opinion (that girl will let you HAVE IT) is also super talented with wool and needles and she made me a fabulous knitted hat and a scarf and I love them. I actually went out today just to wear them. I was lucky that it snowed in the middle of March, too! I left my cave and went out because I just had to wear them. You may not see the details in the photo because I suck as a photographer but I look amazing with that hat and the scarf. Girl is talented.

She made them in my favorite colors: black and white and the hat fits *just right*. I love them. And I appreciate her gift so fucking much. There's nothing like gifts that someone MADE especially for you. I'm lucky like that. 

Thanks, girl. You're awesome! 



  1. Neat, neat, neat, I have met some wonderful people through blogging.

    1. Isn't that true?
      The blogging community here is super cool!


  2. Oh my goodness, that’s fabulous! She is quite talented! And that make a gat tat fits that big head of yours is quite a fear! 😜

    1. She is!
      I love what she did. I could never have the patience.
      Hahaha I actually emailed her telling her that the hat fitted perfectly well!


  3. I think I told you how my blog was born, which is to be seen rather than read, also because I don't have time to write, as you and others do. However, I prefer to write comments on blogs like yours than to write on mine.

    1. Yes, you did!
      And some blogs are more visual than others. Not everybody wants to editorialize babbling about the world like I do. And I love it when you comment. You always have something to add to the conversation.


    2. Yes, I prefer to write here and where I find interesting topics!

  4. That's a lovely hat and scarf set! And you're so right, Anne Marie is one talented knitter! Blogging buddies are the best!

    1. Aren't they? And they look fab.
      I'm always in awe of people who can create things.
      Blogging buddies are amazing!


  5. You are a lucky person. AM is special as she is never negative in her comments. They are always bright , witty, and happy.

    I love blogs that teach but don't make me think too hard. People who write to be clever with words is a turn off. I follow a few dick blogs but I rotate by the year. Twitter is my porn go to...

    1. Yes, I am.
      And I'm surrounded by awesome people here.
      There's a blog for every taste and that's the good thing about blogging, no?
      I also have my fav dick blogs, but yes, the porn is now on twitter. Yum.


  6. Gorgeous Anne Marie Original™!!!
    I, too, have been blessed with a piece she created.
    I like the Blogger folk because we are all s different, and yet seem to have so much in common. Makes for a cool world.

    1. Hahaha that's right!
      And isn't she talented? And the wool is soooo soft!
      Bloggers are super cool, IMHO. And I've found people online that seem much in sync with my thinking than many people I see IRL....


  7. That's so sweet of Anne Marie. And, yes... talented AND you know exactly where you stand with her, which is refreshing. Your post is sweet, too. You and I... we always seem to be on the same wavelength :) Though you're much more plugged in than I am. I learn so much reading your blog... things I am not aware of. You seem to have your finger on the pulse of what is happening - especially on YouTube. You've definitely been one of my faves and my fave new find. And I agree about our little community. It has made a huge difference in how I have handled the pandemic. Like kept me sane and safe! Keep writing. Kizzes.

    1. I thought it was delightful. She's awesome.
      And that's what I'm talking about when I say that I seem to be in the same wavelength with so many other bloggers! It's uncanny.
      And you know that I'm always online reading shit and whatnot. LOL
      You're also one of my 'new' faves. I love your takes on music! The Upton Endowment for the Arts, I call it.


    2. just call it "the upton endowment"; it's probably fabulous (wink wink)!

  8. Of course Anne Marie will let you have it, she's a Philly girl. And blogging is fun. Sometimes I surprise myself with what I have to say, and the comments are always appreciated. Every opinion counts.

    1. Hahaha Philly girls rule.
      Blogging IS fun. Sometimes I have no idea what I'm going to say until I sit down to write a post, though. And the comments are always... interesting!


  9. awwwwww, you flatter me too much, six!
    bob & debra each have one of my artworks.
    uptonking will be the next recipient of my artistry.
    and maddie has seen me wear my own creations in person.

    I have made so many friends blogging; GOOD FRIENDS, not trash. bob's 3rd sentence sums it up nicely.

    1. Oh, Anne Marie!
      I love my new hat and scarf! I really appreciate you took the time to make them. They're so pretty!
      Blogger friends are awesome.


  10. Beautiful knitted set! I don't blame you for wanting to go out for a walk.
    Your favorite colors are Black and White.... Interesting. Mine, too. I think mine was borne of the years working on the stage.
    "Like a good grope." LOL. Absolutely love this post, Six. I've often thought about dropping out from the blogging. But then I think about all the people (fellow bloggers) I would miss. I swear, each and every post I find more and more in common with you and other FWB. And I learn something new - which ain't easy, ya know; old dogs, etc. 😉 XOXO

    1. Hehe I just needed to wear them. They're so pretty!
      And I have lately found I gravitate towards black and white. It's funny because I thought my favorite colors were more vibrant. And you cannot stop blogging! We love your posts! I need your reminders about checking myself out.


  11. I love the community too! And something I never expected from blogging. I can't believe I'm even still doing it. And I certainly never though I'd be actually meeting some of them, or emailing them...if I have their email address!!!!!!!

    And not only is Anne Marie talented with the wool and needles, but she can keep up with me sinking gins on a four hour lunch.!!!! No small feat. I enjoy our lunches, she's good people. She gave me a lovely scarf she made several years ago with beautiful colors, and I also commissioned her for a scarf for my mother who adored it and its a good length since she's short.

    When Im away, your blog is one I generally get withdrawals for.💋💖💋

    1. And that's the awesome part of blogging: finding our tribe. Sometimes I also wonder why I'm still blogging. And I've tried many formats! But I seem to circle back to long format. As for Blogger friends, I'm thinking I should do at least one or two road trips once the pandemic is over.
      Hahaha I just can imagine you two drinking and KiKing. Fun, fun.
      And you know I miss terribly your entries. Your takes are legendary!


  12. Nicely knitted! 🖤🤍🖤🤍

    I'm still very much active on Tumblr. I visit every single day. Had a crazy community over there, actually. It was hella active until, maybe, last year. Still have around 400k followers, though. 🤷‍♂️ It's a fun platform IMO, always has been. Of course, depends who you're connected with. 😏

    Still, Blogger is my first love, if I'd have to reveal it and put it that way. I started on there and, stayed on that blogging platform. It's easy and nice. 🙂 Got 2.5+ million page views on there, and quite a few comments every day. I also visit other blogs. There's a lot of them with some great content. 👌🏻 Somethin' for everyone!

    Then again, I'm also on Twitter, Pinterest and other online platforms. 😛 Those are more of social networks, though. And when were' talking about those, I was also on Facebook. When they removed my page for no reason whatsoever (I didn't break any of their rules), I just let it be and left them altogether. ✌🏻

    1. Oh, the hat and the scarf are super cool! Love them.
      And I left Tumblr when they closed one of my blogs. I still have another one I used to co-curate with someone there. But I haven't logged on in more than a year. It's just not the same. I liked the gritty, powerful Tumblr of five years ago. Now it's just a sanitized Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. When I was there I really liked curating porn and talking about life.

      And you could amass a HUGE following there. I stopped counting when I passed the 800K followers. And that was in the first four years. You could say muy Tumblr was Tumblr Famous. There were tons of Russian bots there too. And lurkers waiting for their daily dose of porn. For some people I know it got so big that it was a source of income. I got offers from companies to advertise, my following was so humongous. I never did it. I liked my 'editorial freedom'.

      I came back to Blogger and I have not regretted it for one second. There may be a smaller following, but it's faithful and meaningful. The comments are so much more.. meaty? And you know I don't do social media for the masses. I despise Facehook and I use Twitter as a news and porn reader. You're better off without Facehook. Ugh.


  13. When you mentioned bloggers that were funny, smart, sexy and absolutely fantastic, I knew you were talking about me. Right, Sixpence? Right? Anne marie in philly is the best and your gift looks pretty awesome. Glad you got to use them but I am sorry you had a snow storm in mid-March.

    1. Hahaha
      But of COURSE it was about you, Mr. Shife! Of course it was.
      Anne Marie is super cool. Love my hat and scarf. And weather here in Chi is always a surprise. Always.



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