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Motel Montana


Sometimes Instagram comes handy. I do despise social media (as you may know by now), but it allows for many creators to promote and publish their work. After Tumblr went kaput, many people migrated there, only to find they're as fucked up and prudish. But still, there's a ton of talented people on Insta and I keep my eye on many an artist there. One that has stood out recently is Gunnar Montana. Gunnar is a Philly-based artist (Maddie! We should pay him a visit!!) and I cannot wait until this pandemic is over to see if I can go see (and maybe buy?) some of his work. That RBG portrait is a winner, baby.

I have had some interactions with him. We 'know' each other from Instagram, but of course we are not 'friends'. You know how these interactions with artists online go: you 'like' one of their posts and they react. It's super sweet. He's a fantastic artist (at least I think so: he seemed to freehand that mural!) and he manages to integrate painting (and graffitti- style painting) and installations and performance art to his output. What's not to like? I love creative types.

And then I really, really liked it when he created the SuperGay Barbie installation. It was so epic that Instinct  and other magazines did pieces on it. It screwed the notions of gender and gender roles and you know how much I love people who tell those stuck in the binary to fuck off. Stuck up people have no sense of humor at all. And they all probably suck in bed, so there's that. Sticks in the mud, as Maddie calls them. 

I wish I could go see the latest mural he's created. I think it's epic. He posted about the process on his Insta and I was mesmerized, I tell you. Mes-me-rized. He makes it seem so... effortless? That's art, I guess.  It's a mural for a plant and reptile shop in Philly, ILLExotics.  Gunnar has a vivarium, which he has showed sometimes, and I imagine that's why he knows them.  He is also so fucking creative (and fun!) I could follow his videos and adventures for hours. So if you have Instagram (or even if you don't) you should go check his work. And leave comments! And maybe buy one of his pieces, so I can live vicariously through you.

Oh, he's done some visual art and dance, too. Here:

I can't wait to see what's next for Gunnar. I love how his creativity really encompasses several media: he paints, the creates, he performs, he does installations. Also, the fact that he's fun, an absolute darling and very handsome does not hurt. *sigh*



P.S. told you he’s a darling! 


  1. do you call Gunnar Montana a creative?
    it's a big understatement! he's also very beautiful!
    and now he has one more follower on IG!

    1. Yay!
      I'm glad you're following him!
      So talented.


  2. Oh wow. I will follow...

    1. Yes!
      His Insta if full of surprises. Such a light.


  3. From what you’ve shown, he is quite talented! And hot! And what’s with Instagram now requiring an account to view a post? It used to be that you could view a couple of posts from someone, then you’d have to log in. Now it’s on the first attempt! Fuckers!

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. He is!
      And Instagram is greedy. It lets me do only one or two searches but then it clamps down. You can go to the main page and then right click on one pic or video. It does not let you view the post in the main page unless you're signed up.
      They belong to facehook. You know how manipulative they are...


  4. He seems fully integrated... he does art, he is art. He's fun to look at, not my type, but then put a jock strap on anyone and I'll look. How nice for him. If he's this good now, wait until he develops a few wrinkles and experiences a bit more of life. I hope he doesn't end up living in a social media bubble. Blech. That life? I wouldn't wish it on anyone... jock strap or not. Kizzes.

    1. That's right! He IS art. I love that.
      I am expecting great things from him. When he free-handed that mural I was sold. And you are right, he's pretty but he's going to be really handsome. Experience adds that.
      And I think he's using social media to get his art out. Very smart.


  5. He's really talented...choreographer, too? Holy..... Love the peep show aesthetic of the piece. He's doing well, though. That video had to have cost some $$$. It shouldn't be much longer before he breaks out mainstream. His RBG already puts him there, but the masses need to know who did it. Now more people know. Thank you! XOXO

    1. Yeah, he choreographed the video, too.
      The peep show idea was fantastic. Not to mention the genderfuck thread and that it looked EXPENSIVE. Very talented. And the RBG portrait is one of my favs. He also did Barbra, BTW.
      And I'm glad more people are now following him!


    2. Wait. What? He did Barbra? Oh, I need that to add to my collection. (Yes, I actually have a collection of stuff.)

    3. Haha yes, he did! It's the same format and style of RBG: https://bit.ly/3gyOdaJ
      You'll have to scroll down the page. I don't have facehook, but I was able to see it.


    4. Oh a thousand smooches!! I've got some original Warner Bros. publicity slides among other items, like the heels she wore in "A Star is Born," in my Babs collection. My only worry is that whoever ends up going through my shit when I pirouette off the planet won't know what this stuff is worth and toss it all on the trash. The horrors!! XOXO

  6. Of course, he has to be from Pennsylvania!

    1. I'm going to have to do a road trip to PA.
      Haven't been there in AGES.


  7. Hot artist! Me like.

  8. OMG!!!!!! I have always though he was cute! I caught one of his show a couple years ago in the Northern Liberties section and it was jaw dropping. It was back in 2017 and called Kink Haus, or something similar. I loved the mood it brought. Afterwards many went to The Pope where everyone was drinking. I would love to have met him longer then saying "I loved his work". But he seemed like a fun guy. I would love to see more of his Barbie works. I will have to search him out on the gram.

    I also know he has a emblematic problem of trash picking for art too! LMAO! When this pandemic ends I have to see if he has any gallery show planned.

    1. You are kidding!
      How's that for being on the same wavelength? So lucky! I'd love to go to one of his shows. And you do have to add him on Insta. Totally worth it!
      If you go to his show we'll need pics!


  9. Boy, he's got it all! I don't blame you for having a crush!

    1. Oh, absolutely.
      Talented AND handsome? I was sold.


  10. And PS. Stephi Lyneice's hat may be bigger than mine!


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