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On Friday, Dave was writing about following the CDC guidance and Losing the Masks in some contexts:

"Yesterday's announcement by the CDC came as a surprise to many, not to me.  I realized a long time ago there are basically 2 types of people in America: the winners and the losers.  Winners understand the challenges and adapt in order to survive.  Losers, on the other hand, cleave hard to the old ways.  Winners understand Covid and understand what needs to be done.  Losers rely on a card catalog filled with excuses and lies to prop up their denial." 

I, for one, will keep wearing my face mask. No matter what the CDC says. Even through the summer, I think. Even after that, probably. I may not wear it outdoors, but whenever I'm in company of people or when people I don't know are around me, I will wear it. And I'm fully vaccinated. I feel perfectly fine. Still, what if I'm asymptomatic? I will wear the mask when I leave the house because I am not sure everybody has been vaccinated. I do not want to get or give one of those variants. Not even a mild case of COVID-19 is a good case of COVID-19. 

I have heard all kind of theories of why the COVIDidiots do not wear a mask, but the one that I kind of think is the most accurate is the one about emasculation. It's been said that fear of emasculation is one of the main causes why so many COVIDidiots do not wear a mask, and I kind of agree:

Capraro and Barcelo also found that "more men than women tend to report negative emotions when wearing a face covering. Moreover, negative emotions when wearing a face covering mediates gender differences in the intentions to wear a face covering." They added that "making the wear[ing] of a face covering mandatory changes the self-reported intentions to wear a face covering, but not the self-reported emotions felt when wearing it."

The snowflake MAGAts were following the lead their Orange Jesus was giving them (because you will never find a more blatant example of fragile and toxic masculinity than IMPOTUS2), but I, for one, have no fear or emasculation. Better safe, right? Besides, IDGAF about what people may say about me. Never have, most probably never will. Motherfuckers ain't paying my rent, so I pay the assholes no mind. I will keep wearing my face mask for as long as I deem necessary. So what if I get stares? Also, there's this:

Researchers are piecing together that surviving COVID-19 may be associated with erectile dysfunction (ED). The research points to three factors that can lead to the potential onset of ED in men who have had the virus.

I cackled so hard when I read about this study I had to stop drinking my orange juice. So the COVIDiots, who are afraid of being perceived as 'less manly' for wearing a mask (or getting the vaccine) can suffer really dire consequences directly linked to their manhood if they get COVID-19 (and men are more prone to get it, natch). Remember that ED is very common. More than 30 million men suffer it in the US alone and that's a lot of money some of them will be spending in the Blue Angel

The funniest part is that the COVIDiots have tried to push the idea that it's the vaccine that causes impotence. Projection. Always on brand for the followers of COVFEFE-19. Maybe Dave is right. It's all very Darwinian, and the idiots are taking themselves down and it's a joy to watch. The only problem is that they will take some innocent people down with them. That's why I will keep wearing a mask. Sportsmen and even Bill Maher have gotten COVID-19 after being vaccinated for being exposed to some COVIDiot with a variant, and they have self-quarantined. But I don't expect a MAGAt to have that kind of awareness. I don't think there's an 'honor system' in the US anymore. Anti-vaxxers and men with fragile sense of their masculinity are out in full force nowadays, and I don't trust stupid people in large numbers. 



  1. Remember, the masks were not to protect you, rather they were to keep you from infecting others were you to be contagious. Too many people believe the mask keeps you from catching Covid. It Doesn't. The antibodies the vaccine builds in your bloodstream prevent you from being infectious. I truly am tired of being neutralized by a mask.

    1. The MAGAts will never do anything for OTHERS. It's all about them. They won't wear a mask because THEY feel emasculated (and to own the Libs, of course). And even though wearing a mask among the unvaxxed masses will not totally protect you, it's much better than nothing.
      Oh, and some people have come down with a strain of COVID even after receiving the first dose. It's not an armor, it's just a vaccine.


  2. I can't count the number of Covidiots without masks we saw in the grocery store over the weekend - even though they have signs posted that masks are required. Management doesn't say anything, evidently too afraid of being shot or some shit.
    We have decided we will continue to wear ours with the given guidelines because....who knows whether others are virus free. If followers of the Orange Jesus remain maskless and, I hope, totally bonerless, I can only laugh at them for their stupidity. XOXO

    1. Oh, they took the CDC guidelines as an answer to their perception of 'oppression'. Idiots. And I'm going to do the same. There'll be no herd immunity because of the COVIDiots, so mask is on.
      Cheeto is going to have rallies again soon, so expect new variants of the virus to keep spreading...


  3. I totally agree with you. I’m getting shot #2 today. But with the CDC’s honor system and prohibitions on requiring proof of vaccination, you have no idea who’s safe to be around.

    I think I’m going to have to up my mask game, since this is going to be a LONG haul.

    Oh and did you see former child star Ricky Schroeder had a fit at Costco because he was still required to mask up? Canceled his membership and encouraged all Californians to do the same. California still requires masks, BTW, and Costco follows local guidelines.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh and hopefully the side effects make them unable to procreate. 😎

    2. Yay for the second shot!
      And you know the COVIDiots are buying the CDC cards, right? Paying for something that's free. That's how Cheeto gets their money, too. And I think there'll be masks for awhile. At least among people who are sane.

      I did see Ricky going off on that poor employee. I also saw he published a sorry-not-sorry video. Really. The stupid. It burns!

      And between impotence and COVID, let's hope the MAGAts think their herd all on their own.


  4. Isn't fear the basis of all hate? It explains a lot.

    1. But of course.
      Ignorance, prejudice and and fear. the perfect MAGA cocktail for fuckery.


  5. ricky who?
    microdick insecure white males can FOAD.
    I will also wear a mask, EXCEPT around people I know are fully vaxxed.
    and I don't want to be within 50 miles of people who are not vaxxed.

    1. Ricky Hasbeen. He clearly still has that Silver Spoon of White Privilege stuck up his ass.

    2. Hahaha
      You let them have it, Anne Marie! The stupid is strong with that one.
      And same about the masks. I'll keep mine on.


  6. I think anti vaxxers are a wonderful way to thin the 'herd'.

    1. Ha!
      Yes, indeed. The only thing is that they will kill innocent people on their way to the cemetery. Stupid is as stupid does.


  7. As Valentina said.."I'd like to keep the mask on."

    I'm with you. I'm still continuing to wear mine. The only time I don't wear it is running at the lake. But outdoors I am still wearing it. Even after my second jab, Ill continue too. Over the weekend was a first huge outing for me, and I was very shocked to see 85% of the people I encountered still had mask on...even outdoors. The general consensus is most places will be voluntary keep mask guidelines till sometime in the summer.

    1. Absolutely.
      If I'm going to a place with tons of people, the mask is on. I saw most people wearing their masks at Trader Joe's over the weekend. I also went to the mall to buy a gift and the mask mandate was alive and kicking in the mall premises. Good for them! Why risk their employees?


    2. I love me Traders Joes and was just in...but it did shock me to see they got rid of their mandatory mask guideline right quick on Friday. At least here anyway. Now the Whole Foods still kept there's. I think it will be revealing what places keep a semblance of some sort of guidelines. Target was another that rid of the mask guideline quick........

    3. I know!
      Here, though, the employees at TJ's kept the masks and so did most of the customers. Hopefully it'll stay like that....


  8. We get Prick #2 this week and we will keep wearing masks, unless outdoors with people properly distanced.
    This is not over, but it's nearing an end.

    1. Yay!
      And people should still be cautious. There's no herd immunity because of the idiots, so why risk getting sick?
      Hopefully, it'll be much better by the end of the year. Still, it's not over.


  9. Maybe there's an upside to this after all. The spread of chronic dongwilt among Trumpanzees should discourage them from reproducing, and also stimulate the economy by increasing the market for ever-larger guns and pickup trucks.

    Another benefit of continued mask-wearing is that you're less likely to be mistaken for one of them.

    Seriously, honor systems only work with people who have honor. Not with people whose self-image is wrapped up in being the biggest possible asshole to everyone around them.

    1. Hahaha
      Dongwilt? Priceless. And you know the Ammosexuals will go straight to the gun shop/ truck dealer to make up for the lack of hard-ons.

      And you know now you will be able to tell who was feeling 'oppressed' by the masks. It's just so easy to keep it on...

      And there's no honor system in America. Cheeto killed it. History of the US will be divided in life before COVFEFE-19 and life after COVFEFE-19.


  10. I always wear my mask, when I'm in a crowded place. Within a month or so, I too should be vaccinated, at least the first dose. As for my erection (and my libido), I don't really know what could bring it down! I have a titanium cock! I think when they cremate me, the last thing to fade will be my libido.

    1. Titanium cock? Why I don't think we have been formally introduced. Im Mistress Borghese of the PA Borghese's...that Cock and Gin country. I do LOVE a titanium cock Xersex!!!!!

      And curses if my Italy trip was cancelled again.......damn virus.

    2. *pat* *pat* Come sit by me, Xersex. A man with titanium libido is always welcome.
      And super glad you're going to get the vaccine. People in America do not know how fucking lucky we are to have the vaccine and a capable man in the White House.


    3. too much libido! it's too heavy a burden! If I could live without libido, or with minimal libido, my rate would be quieter (but more boring, no doubt!). The only brake on my libido is my laziness. otherwise I would live to have sex and that's it!

    4. Haha
      Yes, it would definitely be much more boring. And I think the solution would be finding someone whose libido is as high as yours. Or at least someone that can keep up!


    5. so true! I'll try to find someone, or more than one!

    6. Hahaha
      That's the spirit!!!


  11. Trust no one, sugar bear. Keep your mask in place when shopping in public stores. We still have 60% of the population to worry about and that does not include rug rats and teen queens. No... for me, now... the older they are, the more appealing they are... because they're far more likely to have gotten the vaccine :) P.S. LOVE THE TITLE OF THIS POST. Clever, Beaver, Clever. Kizzes.

    1. I know, right?
      Less than half the country has been vaccinated. I find it the epitome of privilege to have a vaccine that can save lives and say 'NO!' stomping their feet. While thousands die in the rest of the world.
      Hahaha you get me, Upton. You really do.



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