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Ok, so here's the deal: I know there are naysayers, but tell me the truth: did you ever think you'd see this kind of outreach? This president wants the country to be back on track and he's trying everything (and I mean EVERYFUCKINGTHING) to achieve that goal. Here's what Manny had to say about what went on:

HEY GUYS THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!! I am so shook that I had the opportunity to speak with president biden and dr fauci! thank you to my team and to the white house for making this happen! I was shakingggg yall literally shaking but I think it turned out pretty good hahah 

Vaccines.gov to search for vaccine appointments (vacunas.gov for Spanish)

Text in your ZIP code to 438829 for the vaccination sites closest to you! Starting today you can be connected directly w a free ride from Uber/Lyft to and from one of those vaccination sites (text ZIP to 822862 for Spanish)

The idea of reaching out to a younger generation is something I'm sure would have never occurred to Cheeto (he didn't care about them and used them as an excuse), but here's Uncle Joe and Dr. Fauci reaching out to Manny's viewership, which is 4.86 million on YouTube (4 million on Instagram, 1.5 million on Twitter, 1.3 million on TikTok) to talk about the vaccine. It's done in a quite clear way and things are explained in a simple, yet direct manner. Even Manny leaves his intentions clear. He makes sure he has a disclaimer at the beginning of his video (he's not brainwashing anybody) but he also makes sure to mention that he's fully vaccinated. Smart.

This generation, and I'm talking about more than just Millennials.  I'm talking about the Generation Z kids, the ones who were born from Gen X and from Millennials. Those are the kids that nowadays (especially during the pandemic) have lived most of their lives online. They've have had access to the internet all their lives, whether at home or in their phones at all times. This is the generation that makes videos go viral every day. Reaching out to this audience, an audience that needs to get vaccinated so they don't kill their Repug grandparents if they catch COVID-19 at school, is a savvy move. Go directly to the people you need to reach. Not to mention that having a president of the United States talking to his younger constituents (who cannot vote, mind you) to try and make them aware that there is indeed a vaccine that could help them avoid catching a disease that could be very bad even for the young and leave terrible secondary effects ( Long COVID syndrome, honey) is something that I did not see during COVFEFE'S-19 reign of bigotry and hate. This is a president who is reaching out to everybody in the country. Not only the people who could potentially vote for him. 

I'm glad Dr. Fauci and Uncle Joe mention that this is not only about us, about being safe, but being responsible members of a community. That selflessness will escape the MAGAts, but will hopefully resonate with people who see themselves as members of something bigger than their circle. Country before party, am I right? It does not escape me, however, that the president of the United States is talking to a gay man in full makeup. Hope you noticed that, too. Manny certainly did.

My quote of the day: "I'll drop the POTUS if you drop the MUA". Dead. 


P.S.: Manny also suggests:

The CDC for any other questions: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-... 

Most up to date guidance for people who are fully vaccinated: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-...


  1. This was awesome. This president recognizes the importance of reaching out to all segments of society. He will go to any length to get his message out. Is this pandering? No, it’s good for the country.

    I have come to the realization that the difference between the two parties is this: Dems-what can I do for you; repugs-what can you do for me? It’s that simple.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. That's what I thought: getting the message out is his priority. This same outreach was used with several influencers with huge platforms. I was impressed.
      And it's not pandering. It's getting the message out.
      Dems are human beings. Repugs are, well, Repugs.


  2. This why we vote for Democrats, rather that fascist lovers of the Orange Anus.

    1. Absolutely.
      I cackled at *Orange Anus*


  3. I will say I think for Joe's age, either he has got an excellent team around him to bring him up on hot trending topics and people, or he is really with it. Either way it's great! But with the vaccine, at a certain point, we will be maxed out who will want it. If the selfless people don't want it, then they can go off into the sunset... if you catch my drift.

    1. I know, right?
      I think it may be a bit of both. It's a genius stroke to reach this public directly. And I agree. We'll max out the intelligent people. I read we're about fifty percent of people having had at least one shot.
      There'll be some outbreaks amongst the Deplorables. Especially when they go en masse to see Cheeto in his pity tours. No big loss.


  4. Replies
    1. Same.
      Totally same. It was totally unexpected and it may prove effective.


  5. Biden may be more generally forward-looking than he gets credit for. He supported gay marriage before Obama did, and even helped persuade Obama on the subject.

    But no, I can't imagine any major Republican leader doing this call with Manny -- and I imagine some of them will mock him for doing it.

    1. You are right. I remember he did talk to Obama about same sex marriage and even talked about it before Obama did.
      And no Repug would even think about doing this. And of course some Repugs will talk about the feminization of the White House. You just wait.


  6. THIS is why we love Uncle Joe. He's a regular guy. I think he genuinely cares. He didn't run for the adoration, he didn't run for the power, he ran because he cares. If we want that type of attitude to continue and flourish, we need to vote in droves---droves----in both local and federal elections. Personally, I would be pro-vaxpassport. It will never happen here in the US, but we can't control other countries and other countries are considering it.

    A final thought: Manny is adorable!

    1. Uncle Joe IS a regular guy.
      And he's been in government for years. He knows what he's doing.
      He ran because politics is his vocation. And you are right. People need to VOTE. Especially now that the Repugs have done all they can to restrict voting and make sure next time they can rig the elections. All of them, including President.
      And you know MAGAts don't travel. Smart Americans will get the passport if they need to travel.
      And Manny is a blast! And super cute.


  7. Replies
    1. I thought the same!
      Manny did a great job.


  8. Proud of Biden and Fauci. This is wonderful. A real time capsule moment. It makes me a little verklempt. And that they get it... they get this audience, or they have people on staff who do. How exciting. Okay... this changes how I view Biden. I had no idea he was this cool. I wish he'd behave in front of the repugs the way he did here... easy breezy and charming. Glad the message is getting out there, too. I do hope Biden achieves all his goals and then some. Very proud to have him representing US. How cool. Okay... I gotta find me a tissue. Kizzes.

    1. It was really good: clear and concise. Speaking to a public of people with questions.
      And they do get their audience. It looks tailored to the people it was addressed to and it's not condescending or preachy. They did very well.
      The repugs are pissed off because he is achieving many of his goals. And most of his goals are to help people.


  9. I love inclusivity after four years of racism and hate.

    1. Absolutely!
      Ugh. Thinking about Cheeto's reign of bigotry makes me stabby.


  10. you probably don't know, but Fauci is also very popular in Italy, having Italian roots. he has been interviewed several times in Italian television programs!

    1. For sure T. was not popular in Italy. But Biden is!


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