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Magnetic Field

Every time we talk about home, we each imagine something different. Because that notion of 'home' is different for each one of us. I think that Stephin Merritt's idea is pretty close to the idea I have of 'home'. I like to think I have a pretty eclectic sense of décor and I also think that the things I own should be either functional or beautiful. My kind of man.

We share some kind of need to organize our surroundings in a manner that makes sense to us. It came as no surprise that we have similar ways to organize our underwear, btw. And I learned he REALLY likes brown. I like this house. It's compact yet there seems to be room to move. The idea of owning a house is something with which I have played for awhile. Stephin says that because he was moving around all his childhood he needed to have his own house. I lived in rentals for years, even before college. I have uprooted myself several times. I can empathize. 

I loved how he brings up dusting (there you go, people!) and how he has a hallway dedicated to movie posters. I love the house is pink. I also love the books and the musical instruments and I think I could even get used to those two little dogs. Totally adorable. 



  1. O.M.G. I couldn’t believe the books and books and books. And the instruments! I can empathize with not dusting. Unfortunately I don’t have enough stuff to cover every flat surface, so you can see the dust. The home works for him. And I love that his fashion palette is based on his eyes and hair. Do we all fold our underwear that way? And I’ll stick with my beagles.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Yes, and he had some pretty cool books, too.
      He's in a band, so the instruments made sense to me. I liked the distribution of the house. Not too big, either, so I found it manageable.
      Apparently, he only wears shades of brown. Don't ask me why. And I failed to go into your underwear drawer bae. Do you?
      OMG don't tell me his dogs were not adorable! Your beagles are cute, but come on!


  2. I couldn't live in all that clutter.

    1. One man's clutter is another man's decor, dear.


    2. let me say: I am a lazy and messy person, so I assure you that I have to force myself to tidy up. For those who are lazy, it is a superhuman effort! I don't know where his disorder comes from, but if it comes from laziness, I can understand it.

  3. Replies
    1. I also laughed at that.
      I love how you get the details!


  4. Whenever you think me,..think of that video. It IS me! Complete down to the dust covered books and other crap. I would feel very at home there.

    As far as buying a house?...You don't appreciate the effort until you resell it and see the money you gained.

    1. Hahaha
      I have been to places like this. I KNOW people live like this.
      I loved the books and the knicknacks.
      I think Dave mentioned that a house is above all, an investment. I will have to start thinking about that sooner or later...


  5. Too much drab clutter for my taste. But the books! The records! Yes! All those instruments...I wonder if he can play any of them (someone needs to tell him to get that piano tuned!). XOXO P.S. You never spend a day just being around the house naked? Oh, my. Get with the program, Six.😁😁😁

    1. Oh, he may be able to play some. He's in The Magnetic Fields, a rock band. They play mainly acoustic sets because he has some kind of ear affection. Can you imagine?
      And I do not hang around the house naked! LOL Maybe when I have my own house, I'll try it.


  6. Again, it's giving me tsouris with all the stuff ... save the books. I'm crazy for bookshelves filled with books. But I can't with all the stuff.

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, there's a lot to catch the eye there. But I find it charming. Loved the books too. I'm like John Waters: if someone does not have books at his place, I won't fuck him.


  7. This is the best of this nature that you've shared. I like him. And he's interesting. Very appealing. OH. And I have made a decision... I want to come live with you. You care about things like decor... and have great taste... and if I lived with you I could pretend I did , too. Won't you please help the less fortunate? I could sleep on your stoop next to the milk bottles. And you wouldn't have to worry about me hanging about too much... as I'd spend most of my non-work, non-sleep hours at Steamworks, or... EEEK. Man's Country! Think about it. (I just really need an address to forward my mail to.) Kizzes.

    1. Same!
      I like him and his place. It's got character and he can tell me things about the things he's got. And you can come live with me any time! LMAOOOO
      Oh, I know you'd pay visits to Steamworks. The Mickey Mouse club, my manfriend calls it. And I think Man's Country is gone. Someone sent me an article about it before the Pandemic hit. Pity.



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