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Answered Questions

Ok, so let's see:

1. Songs I wish had had videos: Madonna's Mer Girl and Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand's No More Tears. I love those two songs and I cannot imagine what the videos could have been like. 

2. Fresh sheets or fresh socks? OMG Fresh sheets. I'd rather go barefoot than sleep on dirty sheets. 

3. The last time I did something for the first time? I had a fucking COVID-19 test last Monday. Not a 'first' I wanted to go through. At all.

4. Song I would do in Karaoke with friends? I don't sing, but I'd like to do Like a Virgin, by Madonna and if allowed one more (which is highly debatable because I'd probably try to recreate what Madge did in that first MTV awards and after speak-singing Like A Virgin, there's no room for more camp) I'd do Sweet Nothings, buy Calvin Harris. I love that song, even if I cannot sing to save my life.

5. I sometimes remember days by what I was wearing that day, like Billie. I mostly don't remember all I did that day, but I can remember the day -and probably  year- by what I was wearing. My clothes are a mood.

6. I don't write songs like Billie but I can tell you how I write my blog: gut feeling and DuckDuckGo. I don't have a structure, because I forgot everything I learned in English 101, but I do write as if we were having a convo. You know, you ARE Constant Reader, after all. Also,  if I find something that calls my attention, I'll stop and will not let go until I know more about it. I'm super curious and we know what that did to the cat, no?

7. I don't play video games. Can't. They make me dizzy because I'm can't see very well from a distance without my glasses (I take them off to play video games) and I think that interferes with my depth perception.  I end up nauseous and the zombies eat me. End of story. 

8. My favorite takeout is Chipotle. I fucking love Chipotle. I don't like burritos, but I like Chipotle's bowls. My favorite is Sofritos with brown rice and black beans, guac and cheese. I should hold the sour cream but at this point IDGAF and I ask for it. I also like lettuce and pico de gallo in the mix.

9. "Joy": When I think about joy, I think about the feeling of freedom I have when I am alone in an open space, close to nature. I'm not afraid of being alone. It's better to feel gloriously alone all by yourself than miserably lonely in a crowd, no? 

10. I am not a vegan, but I live with one so I can understand why a person would go vegan. I wish I could go vegan cold turkey (and I eat very little meat, only sometimes over the weekend if I go out with T-Rex and he demands meat) but I try to stay away from dairy and meat as much as I can.

11. A friend's friend who sings with the Lyric Opera of Chicago told me once that one should never say that one cannot sing. He teaches singing and he says that ANYBODY could learn how to sing within their range. But I am too self conscious and I refuse to sing. BTW, I was in an all boy's choir when I was in Catholic school though. It's something I have tried very hard to forget, I don't know why. I can go out looking like a sight, but after middle school, I have forever refused to sing in public. 

12. I think I stay grounded by reminding myself of what point I currently am in my life and why is it that I am where I am. We should all remember where we come from and how is it that we have gotten to the place we are at a certain moment in our lives. I don't take anything (or anybody) for granted. 

13. You may think by now that I'm Bougie because I watch too many fashion shows and music videos and that colors my perception of what 'fashion' is. I love thrifting and looking at what people are wearing in the street. I also think that there's just 'clothes'. Clothes are gendered because we make them gendered. I also refuse to conform, because that is akin to death to me. So yeah. I like making statements that sometimes cannot be missed and I imagine that makes my 'style'. I have realized though, that I always wear a new version of the same clothes but people keep missing that. 

14. I dyed my hair for the first time when I was about eighteen. Very punk-rock orange. Think David Bowie orange. It was a mistake but I liked the effect. Lately it's been light blue, gray, and light blonde. It's a struggle.

15. People have thought I'm from California, Florida, Texas. everywhere, literally. Learning languages and living with people from all over the world for years and years does that to your accent. 

16. I have hopes for the future that even though do not involve domesticity per se, do have a component of stability. I also want to eventually travel. Probably Europe and South America. Maybe Japan or Thailand. My ex married a Thai guy and I wanna go visit. 

17. A moment that I felt changed me? So many. But probably when I moved out of my house to live alone when I was seventeen has been the most influential. Uprooting myself and trying to be self-reliant was quite the experience.

18. Some plans for the future? I think we all should meet. And I mean the Blogger gang. I've talked to some of you about this and I hope we can do some kind of Blogger road trip and get together and cackle and drink gin in honor of Anne Marie sometime in the future.

19. I would have died with a Billie Eillish-Amy Winehouse duet. Really.

20. I have always danced to my own drum. I've always been slightly off. not quite run of the mill. I started thrifting when I was seventeen and have never really stopped. I don't believe in trends or fashion as consumerism. I do believe in fashion as an expression of the self. My clothes do not make me but I think I do have what you'd call a 'style' without being trendy. I would be trendy if I were Jeff Bezos, though.

21. If I could give everybody something, I think it would be appreciation for the world we live in. We mistreat this planet to the point of abuse. We take this world by granted and we should not.

And that's all. Whoa. I should have done only ten, but I got in an Upton mood. Next week, back to naked men.


  1. I feel like I know you better now. Thanks for that, Six. One of my single-most regrettable things in life is that I have always been a conformist. I wish I could've broken out of the box a little bit more. But, as you say, things we experience color the rest of our lives, and having an abusive father colored mine too, too much. Now, if I put some real effort into it, I can let go the tiniest bit.
    I used to sing...choir in HS, and, of course, when on stage as a dancer it was required at times. But to get up and do a solo? Never. XOXO

    1. Aww thanks for reading, Big.
      I think conforming more or less depends on temperament and location. I know some people who have conformed for awhile because of where they were and who they were with. Probably the same with you. Sorry about your dad. Ugh.
      And I cannot imagine me doing a solo singing. I stay away from Karaoke.


  2. I'm game for Philly!

    1. OMG Jimmy!
      Make it happen! I was going to talk with Anne Marie and Maddie about it. Then Anne Marie left us and it's all been a blur...


  3. A Billie Eillish-Amy Winehouse duet? OMG wouldn't that have been AMAZING?

    1. Can you IMAGINE?
      I think it could have been epic. Such different styles but the substance!


  4. What do you think of Billie Ellish's sudden change?

    Great quiz. I may adapt it for a tuesday quiz. Your answers are great, btw. And yes, we know you a little better now. :) Thanks for being here - on the planet. We need more like you. Kizzes.

    1. I think she did the Vogue spread to shut up people. For the longest time she covered herself in that tomboy style to shut them up, too. I cannot imagine what it could be like for a fifteen year old girl to have the world fixated on my body. For what I've seen in her three latest videos, she's somehow in between now. Not quite Ariana Grande or Cardi B, but a little bit more like an 18 year old girl. I think she feels more confident now. And she's very pretty.
      And thanks for reading, Upton! Steal away!


  5. It’s always eye opening when you do these quizzes. I think you find it cathartic, too.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

    1. hahaha
      So I still surprise you? Shocking!
      And yes. It's cathartic. Being self aware always comes handy.


  6. Hi, I would love to be part of your Blog List. Your site is already on mine. A big hug here from Brazil.

    My website link is http://cestodegatos.blogspot.com

    Thank you in advance and congratulations on your work!

    1. Oi! Obrigado!
      And I should put you in my list. Your blog is very cool!
      Gatinhos safados.


    2. You have a "list?" I've never seen one on your page. LOL. XOXO

    3. Hahaha
      It's the Blogroll and my theme has a drop down menu for it. Older themes have it right on the side. The problem is that after we 'changed' to the 'new and improved' Blogger, I have not been able to update it. Sorry, CestodeGatos!


  7. Re: the accent. I was born in Florida, learned to talk in Mississippi, had parents and grandparents with a very strong PA Dutch accent, and some guy at work tells me I sound like a New Foundlander.

    1. Hahaha I feel you!
      Some people cannot really pinpoint where is it that I'm from. I let them try to figure it out.
      It's fun!


  8. A series of very interesting questions. Unfortunately I don't have time to answer, but answering these intelligent questions allows us to get to know our blogfamily better

    1. Oh, Xersex
      Maybe one day we'll be to talk! LOL
      Not like my Italian is comprehensible, mind you.


    2. obviously I know English, so we'll speak in English. We're already talking here on your blog, sometimes!

    3. Of course!
      But I'd love to practice my Italian. When I was in Tumblr, I followed several Italian bloggers and it was super fun. When the pandemic is less radical, you should come to America. It would be the perfect occasion for all of us to get together!


  9. A blogger meet and greet! Yes, I am completely up for that! I would love to meet everyone in person!! I love karaoke, but can't sing. But I do love it (is it stereotyping to say maybe it's cause I'm Filipino and that's why I love karaoke). My go to song is always Rhinestone Cowboy--love that song and yet I don't own a copy and don't have it in my iTunes catalogue. You definitely write like we are conversing and it's why I'm a constant reader.

    1. Can you Imagine how much fun it could be to get all together?
      Oh, and Karaoke is fun. I never really sing (mostly I speak into the mic) but it can be fun among friends.
      I know Rhinestone Cowboy!!! Fun!
      And thanks for being a Constant Reader, JM!



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