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Fellow blogger @Ulysse had a very interesting post about anal. Well, the blog is called hornyboys, so it's not out of character for him to have posts dedicated to the kind of sex he enjoys. What stood out for me, was that his post (I'm assuming the blogger is a boy, because of course I am) is called 'In praise of the Asshole'. And very few people write about that from a more... academic point of view? So I had to go and read it because of course I had to.

The thing is, not all gay men think about anal sex. For what I know, not all gay men like anal. Even though you'd think it's the sexual practice that mostly comes to mind when some people talk about homosexuality, it does not define the orientation per se. Homosexuality has to do with more than just the sexual behaviour, it deals with the emotional and romantic attraction, but you know that some people would never stop at that. Some people are reductive by nature. I know, I know, straight people also like anal, but given that this is a queer blog, I'm going to talk about what I know: anal sex between men. And Ulysse chose two very telling quotes to drive his point, well, home:

"Everyone knows that we can take pleasure in 'there' but everyone denies it. Nothing justifies anal pleasure. Unproductive, without social utility, it is considered a shameful vice. Which enhances its sulphurous appeal."

"Universal, naughty, playful, the asshole does not take itself seriously. The phallus has served for too long as a symbolic scepter in human society. It is worn out. The asshole is presented as an alternative symbolic guarantee of equality, of non-aggression and humor. A prism through which to look at things differently. A wind of hope for the world. "

His quotes come from an article written about Isabelle Simon, who wrote the book Traité du Trou du Cul, in which she talks about how according to her research, anal has become the next frontier. And she may be right. Anal has become a topic of conversation among the gaytterati. I've had the discussion with some friends (we do Thirty Thursdays on Google Meet) and it can get heated. Everybody's got an opinion about anal. Knowing that some gay men do not really practice anal sex (some prefer oral, or frottage, or mutual masturbation, or no sex at all, because not all gay men are exactly the same) I have always maintained that many are willing to indulge their partner's desires if prompted. Being Good, Game and Giving and all, you know. For some, doing anal has become more than just an act. Full disclaimer: I think anal sex is the bomb. With the right partner, there's nothing like a good fuck. Getting pressed like the news by a man who knows what he's doing is fantastic. And I'm not alone thinking that, thank you very much.

But there's detractors, as Mme Simon points out:

The taboo is twofold: it is linked to excrement, a taboo imposed from the learning of toilet in early childhood, and homosexuality, punishable by social exclusion in almost all human societies. In the head, the function of excretion is never dissociated from the anus, even when it is taken as a sexual organ. The asshole brings dirt back into the marital bed, where the sacralization of the maternal function more or less succeeded in making genital gymnastics a sacred duty. Everyone knows that we can have fun 'there' but everyone denies it. 

As the author points out, nothing justifies anal pleasure. It's not for procreation and it's linked by many to bodily functions. Anal sex is pleasure for pleasure's sake. And that's what makes the bigots so mad: men have anal just because they can. And because it feels amazing when done right and that's not what religion wants. Religion always looks to restrain pleasure and it is totally opposed to any kind of enjoyment that cannot be regulated. Oh, the magic of the prostate! And you know the Religulous abhor anything that's not restrainable or coded. We know that most of the prohibitions, admonitions and shame surrounding anal sex comes from religion, especially the Abrahamic ones, being Christianism and Islamism the most virulent. Add to that the fact that anal is considered by many as role play, I think that many men see anal sex as the ultimate power trip. Thinking of sex as power, it makes some people incapable of enjoying it. They see anal as an extension of the binary and refuse to think about something that for them is degrading because their notion of masculinity is tied to the idea they have about what people do in bed. Those are the people who discover one day, to their utter surprise, that Lesbians exist.

But Mme Simon tells us people cannot escape the asshole:

"It turns out to be a central subject around which all human things revolve: from the highest to the lowest, from the most base to the most sacred. The asshole is a dialectic. It constitutes this common core of humanity, this intimate knot that cannot be untied between shame and pride."

And I'm just gonna leave this here, just like Ulysee did. Because when it comes to the confluence of shame and pride, anything can happen. Especially when dealing with sex.


P.S. Now I want a copy of that Jeff Koons sculpture. I already have his balloon dog, so yeah. 



  1. Ah.... GGG, the Dan Savage commandment. His only commandment, really. But, of course, once you try doesn't mean you must like. There are some straight dudes who love taking it up the ass because they've found the pleasure of the prostate; there are some straight dudes who have tried it and didn't like it. We're all different in our sexual tastes. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I couldn't agree more with your final paragraph. XOXO

    1. Yes! GGG should be part of every discussion about relationships, because it's about indulging the other's desires. It's part of the Giving and also the Game which leads to be Good in bed. And in the relationship. Trying does not mean one has to like it, right? I've tried things I have no liked.
      And anything can happen when it comes to sex. Anything.


  2. There is pleasure to be had there. Who among us haven’t thought about or tried a vibrator to get that singular pleasure. And when you can do it with a special someone as foreplay, all the better. I think one must be GGG to have a successful relationship. An open mind to new experiences is a wonderful sex organ.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, many men have not, bae.
      It has to do with many things, but mostly with what people associate it with. Not everybody has an open mind, and some people do not miss it, really.


  3. If anal happens fine, it not fine. It has never been one of my requirements for a hot time. But with certain people I know, anal is hot as hell. But anything done right and hot can and will get me off. I do have a very few friends who can't stand anything to do with the ass.

    1. Correct.
      It's not a requirement, but some people make it fantastic. It's the way one approaches, I guess, what makes the experience remarkable. It's not everybody's cup of tea, but when done right, it's awesome.


  4. Sex is sex and it's different with all of us, gay, straight, lesbian, bi, trans, whatever. If the two, or more, people involved are enjoying themselves I say go for it.

    1. I know, right?
      It's the live and let live. I have tried to never slut shame or kink shame anybody. I won't knock it until I've tried. Or have tried to try it. Some things I think I cannot indulge, but that's just me.


  5. I had a big fight once with My Rare One about Jeff Koons' art work which we saw in a retrospective at the National Gallery of Canada. I'm a fan and she's not. Neither one of us could change the other's mind but that's okay!

    1. Oh, I think he's a blast.
      Orthodox? Nope. Controversial? Yep. Creative? Undeniably. Some of his works where at the Art Institute here for awhile and I went three times to look at them. That's when I got the doggie.


  6. Not something that has ticked my agenda …..

    1. And that's perfectly fine, I think.
      When it comes to sex, there's nothing written...


  7. Interesting point of view.

    1. Yes.
      I agree it is a dialectic. And the discussions it opens really let us see more about ourselves.


  8. Oh, my word... YOU went THERE! *Gasp.

    Huh. I didn't know that anal sex could be dissected into a 'big deal.' I thought the whole point of the sexual revolution was that all orifices, kinks, etc came into play and were accepted. And yes, Dan Savage (Zzzzzz). So, we keep evolving. I like the point you make about religious institutions denying pleasure. That's why they enjoy punishing women so much - objects of pleasure and then the damn hussies have the nerve to actually enjoy it themselves! All religion is hypocritical. I think that's their true foundation; let's create something impossible to achieve (virginity and procreation - women must be vehicles of both in order to be considered 'religious') and then let's punish ourselves non-stop with gory tales and the denial of pleasure. It's a stupid way to occupy one's time. Thanks for this. Food for thought. Kizzes.

    1. Hahaha
      Love it when you *gasp!*
      And sex, of course is always a topic that people like to dissect. It's human nature. As for religion being anti-sex and anti-pleasure? Always. That's why they're so homophobic and misogynistic. And you're welcome!
      Always here to help. LOL


  9. to tell you the truth, I don't like anal and only if I like the guy a lot, if I his hole is clean and very "open", I can fuck. But I prefer oral sex from kisses to cum (to swallow and to mine be swallowed).

    The giant plug is a Christmas Tree of Paul McCarthy. He wanted to make a provocation or he didn't think about it. But, in the second case, no one pointed out anything to him?

    1. And that's perfectly fine.
      That actually makes you Good and Game. Not your thing, but for the right guy, you'll try it. That's cool.
      And I think Paul McCarthy went with something that could look both as a xmas tree and a buttplug because he wanted to make a point. And Jeff Koons has always been a provocateur.



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