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Oh, Azealia Banks. She's very, very problematic, but when girl is right, she is RIGHT. Here she is, letting professional troll, grifter and hypocrite Candace Owens HAVE IT. And it's glorious. Get a load of Ms. Banks at her best when she responds to Candie's asinine observation about Juneteenth:

Candace Owens is the Black, clearance bin version of Ann Coutler. A grifter and a lier, she's not really well liked or intelligent, if we are going to be blunt. Sly? Most of the time. Crafty? Yes. An internet troll at her best.

And Azealia goes on, Black woman to Black woman and DRAGS her:

So when dear Candace tried to downplay Juneteenth, Azealia jumped right down her throat. And it was fantastic. Love to see a troll take a tumble. 


BTW, Here's what Black people were promised 155 years ago:

The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor.



  1. Some of these people should just learn to keep their pie holes shut. They are ill-informed and just totally ignorant. Oh but I guess that’s their brand. And Candace is just a useful fool. I’m sure she believes she is respected in the conservative community, but she’s kidding herself.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. And you know that's how they get their money and notoriety: by talking shit. Candace is indeed a useful fool. Still, she does not care. She's a whore. It's all about the money.


  2. Really true equality between white and colored people occurred with the abolition of racial laws in the 1950s and 1960s, right?

    1. Oh, Xersex.
      Theoretically. But institutionalized racism has never ended. The inequalities and injustices keep going on until this day.


  3. Oh, speak it, girl! Preach!!
    Ain't nothing worse than an ignoramus spouting bullshit. Oh, Candace probably does think it makes her liked and respected by all the right-wing, white, conservatives. That makes her a double fool - because they're using her while they laugh at her behind her back. She's kind of like "The Other Black Girl" isn't she?

    1. Oh, she knows they despise her and think she's no better than a clown. But she gets money and that's enough for her. She's been grifting using her race for a long time now. She's totally like The Other Black Girl. Shameful.


  4. "Candace Owens is the Black, clearance bin version of Ann Coulter."
    THAT is everything.

    1. Hahahaha
      Oh, I should have added 'Dollar Store'. But I like the Dollar Store!


  5. Replies
    1. Nothing like a Black woman to tell another Black woman how wrong she is. That last 'Tread lightly, Sis' has the weight of the world on it.


  6. But people still toil at minimum wage for the man, so in many ways... people are still enslaved. It's just a new kind. Poverty isn't about being poor. It's about being kept poor. It's about using a poor person's body and time in order to maintain wealth for a few. Restaurants are short staffed now that they are open - know why? When the restaurants closed... people found other jobs. Nobody wants to go back to working for less than minimum wage. So now restaurants are turning to 15 and 16 year olds to fill the void. Food Court Mall shops, too. So there will always be someone being exploited and enslaved... you can call it employment... I will call it what it is. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, Absolutely.
      We work to make the rich, well, richer. And that's never clearer than in low-wage jobs. people complain about not having staff, but they don't think about the more than half a million Americans who died of COVID: they were mostly Black and Brown people who kept things moving at the beginning of the pandemic.
      'Employment' is very, very relative.


  7. Never ever heard of her. She can leave the room and take the old bitch Judy with her. Can't stand either of them. When Les Moonves got into all that sexual harassments shit Judy was one of his #1 advocates of support calling the women liars. More like she was worried about her paycheck. Never could stand that cranky old bitch.

    But this Candice is no different then this one friends I USED to have. He was gay and hated the gays and even voted against us...shades of Aaron Schlock. I have never seen such hatred and anger. I often wondered what made him like that. The mind boggles me some days Six.

    1. Oh, there's always someone who will sleep with the enemy for money. Candace is one of those people. Kind like Aaron Schlock, totally. The self-hatred some people harbor is just incredible. Bet it eats them from inside at the end.
      And some days I feel the same, Maddie. Totally.



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