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I said back in March that I'd keep wearing my mask when indoors and with many people, even after I got my first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. I've kept my promise. Now it seems we've got some variants running rampant among the COVIDiots (oh, if Anne Marie were here she'd let them HAVE IT!). And me deciding to keep wearing the mask actually came handy last week.

For the Fourth of July, I went with one of my gurlz to a Fourth of July barbecue. We've been going to one of her friend's house for the Fourth for like, years and years. It's now written in stone somewhere that we always have to make it there to eat some veggie burgers and be amazed at how quick other people's kids grow up. Having missed last year's celebration I decided to go this year. After all, we're both fully vaccinated and so were the people at the party, right?

Well, the wyphe was going to have a minor surgery procedure performed and she had to take the quick COVID test as a requirement on Monday. You can imagine our surprise and dismay when the test came back positive. Not only because her surgery would have to be postponed but because we were at a party where there were many older people, some with obvious health conditions that could have been exposed to COVID. And if she had it, there was a high probability that I would have it too. We were frantic.

So I immediately scheduled a full COVID test (she had the quick one and was ordered to get a full test, the one where they basically swipe your brains with a q-tip) and off I went to the nearest Walgreens. I completed the test (that q-tip is merciless!) and I sat down to wait for the results. They say it'd be ready in one day or two, but I never trust their timelines. I started checking for results on their app (you have to sign up for some Walgreens something or other, of course) almost immediately. Nothing came up, of course. Nerve wrecking.

We were thrown into a vortex of activity: things were going to have to be rescheduled and people would have to be contacted if any of us was positive. The surgery, a visit to a friend, going to the office, many things would have to be postponed and life would have to be re-arranged in case of a result that would make us quarantine and maybe wait for some symptoms (we were asymptomatic!). It all got complicated and stressful overnight. Our main worry was having attended that party. There were older people there, probably with underlying conditions. Probably vaccinated, but so were we and here we were. 

On Tuesday, we were on pins and needles all morning, but by noon we had the results: we were both negative. It had been one of those 5% cases when people get a false positive with a quick COVID test. Our sigh of relief was heard around the world. I felt so stressed for one day that I think I grew gray hair overnight. It escapes me completely that there are people still refusing to get vaccinated and that the MAGAts are cheering IMPOTUS2's assertions that the government has not been able to vaccinate all the people it needed to vaccinate to gain herd immunity.  How entitled and privileged can stupidly selfish people be? Oh, that was rhetorical. We all know MAGAts are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

The COVID-19 variants are out there and they spread thanks to the people who refuse to get vaccinated, while vile right wing commentators keep pushing misinformation about vaccines. It's the summit of entitlement and privilege to refuse a vaccine that the rest of the world covets and needs and can save lives. How American is that?



  1. Never underestimate the stupidity of people. That's the thing that has confounded me throughout this whole ordeal. How unaware and selfish people can be. It's a crime. A shame. 50% of Americans are privileged pcs. of shit - even if they're living on welfare in a trailer park. How un-self aware can one be and still go on existing?

    Sorry for your drama and glad it all turned out okay. The anxiety must have been all-consuming. Waiting on STI tests are no different! I am on the fence. I've dropped wearing my mask recently. I don't want to call attention to myself nor do I want anyone to think I'm not vaccinated. But I still have a lot of fear. Maybe I should bet a mask that says something like... Vax'd but Fearful?

    1. Oh, being unaware and selfish is the 'conservative' trademark in the United States, so yeah. And privilege and entitlement do play a huge part on it.
      I was soooo wrecked by anxiety I could barely eat. I wear the mask mostly when I'm indoors with tons of people. I don't care what people think but Vax'd but Fearful on a mask would be awesome.


  2. I don't wear my mask outside, unless in a crowd, but still wear indoors, everywhere. I was wearing it in a store just yesterday, when a maskless woman reminded me that don't have to wear it. I asked if she was vaccinated and she said it was none of my business and I said, "And that's why I wear a mask., because if you were vaccinated, you'd say it."
    {channeling AM] MAGAts can FOAD!!!!!

    1. Same.
      And your anecdote is exactly why I keep wearing it.
      MAGAts can indeed FOAD (hey Anne Marie!).


  3. I believe that with all the variations that await us, we will use the entire Greek alphabet.

    1. Ha!
      I think so, too. And all because people refuse to get vaccinated. Can you imagine?


  4. Fully vaccinated here, and I don't wear a mask unless required. Keep in mind, masks to virtually nothing to keep you from catching Covid, their main purpose is create a barrier to protect others from your coughs and sneezes, should you be infected. They keep you from becoming a super-spreader.

    1. And I think that's the only thing that kept me from freaking out completely. I did not feel guilty of possibly giving COVID to all the older people in that BBQ if I had it.
      I still think a layer of protection is better than no layer at all.


  5. We're fully vaccinated. We lost the masks indoors with other vaxed folks, then slowly dared the grocery store. Then news of the variant came along with vaxed people testing positive. Eek! The masks went back on. I do not feel sorry for any of the magats who contract it and die. It just pisses me off that they are killing other people and don't care. But that's the RePUGlicans for you. If congress doesn't wake up, the results of '22 will see this country become a Banana Republic; meaning there will be a few Dems in office but never enough to make a difference. XOXO

    1. Same. I wear the mask to run errands, for example.
      And I don't feel sorry for the MAGAts either. Not at all. But they're the cause of the spread of the variants in the United States and that sucks. The Repugs do not care about people. They care about power. They will rule over a sick populace as long as they are ruling.


  6. Glad it all turned out okay!

    1. Thanks!
      Me too. I was really worried about the long-covid side effects.


  7. It baffles me as to why these turds don’t get the free vaccine. Oh wait, that’s the beginning of socialized medicine. Yet most of the red states are at the top of government subsidies. And don’t forget your SOCIAL Security. It’s right there in the fricking name!

    But you’re right, it’s all about selfishness and owning the libs. One would hope that if they have a death wish, they would get along with it already, and die already.

    Also, Bob is right: we don’t know who’s vaccinated and who isn’t, until we can get a reader that will read the magnets that Bill Gates paid to be included in all the shots. 🙄

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, yeah. that's the Repgus for you. Dying to own the Libs.
      Hahaha I forgot about Bill Gates.


  8. How scary to have to wait for results. I got vaccinated. I encouraged all my family members to get vaccinated and they have all listened.
    It's just responsible and protective to get vaccinated. How can they believe this isn't real, when it's occurring all over the world? I don't understand some people's mentality.

    1. It was kind of nerve wrecking.
      Most of the people I deal with have been vaccinated. And you know that most of the 'conservatives' and the conspiracy theorists do not live in the real world and do not trust science. They do believe in a talking snake, though.



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