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I just went to a salon to get the first haircut that was not done at home after more than a year. She did a good job, to be honest. Not exactly what I wanted (I wanted a shag, she gave me some sort of mullet), but at least it was done by a professional. It was refreshing. I've been making do with some scissors and a clipper for way too long and I was literally fixated on a modified mohawk. My girls are amazing but hairdressers they are not. I don't have facial hair, so for me, a haircut is essential if I want to give my features some shape. The haircut does make the man in this case.

I'm lucky because I'm able to keep my hair under control easily. It's not too straight to stick out if it's badly cut and it's not curly enough to just look like a 'fro if it gets too long. I usually keep it cut mid-length (when I don't go short-short because I bleached it) and I use a pomade and some maneuvering to give it shape and call it a day. I try to keep the process short and sweet because I don't like to spend too much time on it in the morning. The haircut I got also did away with most of the bleached hair, so now I have dark hair again. It was kind of weird, after having had hair in so many colors for several years, to go back to black (thanks, Amy!).

Few men think too much about their hair: they go to the barber/salon, they sit, they have it cut and repeat  the process four or five weeks after that. Especially men with curly hair. I have friends who just buzz it all off. But I love men with natural curly hair. And as the men in the video show, curly (and even tightly curly) hair can look fantastic. It's funny, how beauty standards make us think that there's only 'one' kind of hair worth keeping long. Have you ever thought that your haircut is 'too ethnic'? No? Well, then you're lucky. Did you know there's such thing as hair grooming discrimination? Well, now you do. It may sound crazy, but it exists. 

I think I'm going to let my hair grow out for a little while. I may even keep it dark. Managing it during the pandemic gave me something to do, and changing my hair color and cutting it at home was fun and gave people watching me in video conferences something to talk about (oh you should have seen their faces when it went from light blue to silver over a weekend!), but winter is coming and it may be good to have longer hair. It gives me a (possibly fake) sense of warmth but it's easy to manage when wearing hats.



  1. Straight, short, flat hair here. Absolutely no routine required. I wash it with a shampoo/conditioner in the shower everyday then shave and dress. By that time the hair is dry and I just run a brush through it. I’m done for the day.

    When I was a kid my father would give us a buzz cut for the summer. Helped keep us cool in the years before we got window air conditioning.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. No routine is good!
      The shorter the routine, the better. And buzz cuts were de rigueur, right? Easy, fast and they lasted.


  2. It seems that everyone who has curly hair wants straight hair and vice versa. It's a law of nature, I guess.

    1. We want what we don’t have. Though I live the no muss, no fuss nature of my straight hair.

    2. Debra, so true.
      But also, there's a double standard: curly hair is coveted, but not with the ethnicity it is attached to. If it's a blonde chick, it's cool. If it's a Black person, it's too...'ethnic'.


  3. How lucky you are to have hair to play with! I miss it so much. Not that I had a clue what to do with it when I had it... The photos provided? GORGEOUS. I could stare all day.

    I think hair is power. I think it automatically makes men more attractive, provided they've done something with it and its not gross and unwashed. In a way, it's a kind of privilege - because I think people give you an automatic pass of sorts if you have a good head of hair. Baldies like me are viewed suspiciously (we may, indeed, be super villains) and those with eagle nests are dismissed as clueless.

    I love hair. It's like a hat you wear all the time and get to do all sorts of fun stuff with. If you have hair? It's like you are your own Barbie.

    I would love to see your hair. Kizzes.

    1. Hahaha
      I'm lucky I haven't gone bald with all the shit I've done to my hair. I had a friend to warned me I was gonna be bald by thirty. It has survived. Genes, I guess.
      Hair is indeed power. I think it may be atavistic and tied to the possibility of passing on good genes, along with being a sign of youthfulness and females picked on that. Prehistoric, but it still rules.
      I think baldies are sexy, even hair is indeed like a hat we can change from time to time. And if I go to Minneapolis, we need to sit for a kiki.


  4. I do think the haircuts some opt for are... odd, I see them at work, and some really should put a little more effort into thinking about color before they take the plunge.

    1. Well, we all have opinions, Dave.
      For example, I do have an opinion about the People of WalMart who wear spandex. But it's not my body. And not my spandex. So there's that.


  5. I don't like huge hair: I could summarize in

    1. I love tons of hair.
      I also like men in braids. So sexy.


  6. I used to get it permed into a fro, back when it was "fashionable" to do so. It's been the same executive cut for years now. If I let it grow, the top will get waves and the back will get curls. Longer hair in Winter helps keep the cold air off the back of the neck. I never got up the gumption to dye my hair. It would lighten in the Summer, though. I understand Shags are coming back in to style.... You sir, are "with it." XOXO

    1. Ohhhh yes.
      Perms were all the rage. They were also easy to maintain. I had a friend once and for YEARS I was convinced he had the most beautiful curly hair. Then one day he showed up with a flattop and I was flabbergasted.
      And maybe that's why I let my hair grow in winter. I didn't think about it being actually insulation!
      LOL I just like the idea of retro haircut, hence the shag.


    2. I joined a theatre company run by a Black man. When I showed up with my perm he asked how I liked my Fro. I loved it because it was so easy to deal with: wash, towel dry, shake the head, and done! But, after a while I did get concerned that too many chemicals would cause my hair to take a hike. XOXO

  7. I'm a sucker for a nice head of hair, though I also love a hot bald man.
    I have had long hair, below the shoulders, and short hair, about half-inch long, and now I am working very long on top with shorter sides and back.
    I like all the cuts you showed. Sexy mens.

    1. Ohhh I like shorter sides and back with longer top.
      It's kind of in trend and carefree but it allows for some movement and versatility. Good move.
      And those haircuts (and the ones in the video)? Yes.


  8. OMG what gorgeous guys. Before and after.

    What does a shag haircut look like???

    1. Aren't they? I was mesmerized.
      And a shag is kind of a mid-lenght haircut that is kind of layered all over. Think David Cassidy but shorter and wavier.


  9. My hair is looking better since lockdown as a colleague , a hairdresser , sneakily does it at work

    1. Yay!
      I was getting home haircuts and it was getting way too long.
      A hairdresser always comes to the rescue!


  10. Glad you got your hair did, Sixpence. Kyle is still rocking his mullet so maybe give it a shot. He gets nothing but compliments. I have had the same haircut basically for the last 20 years. High and kind of tight. I have let it get a little longer on top but the sides are always short. And I get it cut every 2 weeks. But I go to a barber and it only costs 10 bucks. If it was more, I would only go once a month. Take care.

    1. Haha I had to! It was out of control.
      And Kyle is indeed rocking his mullet. I love it.
      And having a trusty barber is essential. I think I should visit one. Really. Going to a salon is way pricier.


  11. I am having a hard time with your style. Of course i support you, but maybe i should just die and get out of the way.
    I resent having to learn this new word "terf".
    It feels like i can't talk with you.
    You don't seem to care about us, because you are all about queer and trans.

    You have a heavy urban prejudice. You act like you are so enlightened and superior.

    You all are not the first gay or trans or whatever you want to call us who have ever lived.

    We have been here for a long time. I think you are using us for your own reasons.

    I don't like a bunch of wannabes trying to tell me how it is.

    Also, you basically suck when it comes to thinking outside of your box.

    You asked for it.

    1. These are all good points. Mangled, but good points.
      I think you should start your own blog, Richard.
      You've been on Blogger since 2015. Time to get with it. Go ahead. We support you.


  12. Also, did i forget to tell you we have had 3 deaths in our community this past week? And look, here comes this Lo Imprescindible jerk, trying to tell me how to be an old gay man? He can go fuck off and take his philosophy and fuck that too.

    He thinks he's pretty tough.

    1. But Rich, darling.
      I AM pretty. LOL
      Sorry about the deaths. We've also had three Trans people killed in Chicago lately. It's never ending.


  13. You scared the hell out of me with mullet!!!!! I'm like Nooooooooooooo! But if it looks anything like the picture you supplied ...the one after the video....that is hot!

    I used to change color...but over time even the better color products does hair damage my stylist said. I'm a natural blond...but my hair is now gone to a medium light brown with some blond left. I generally have the blond highlighted....but even in the pandemic I gave up the highlights. Now its just med brown...and if I let my five I clock shadow come in....everyone seems to love it. Especially side pieces.

    1. Hahahaha
      I just wanted a shag! My hair has a soft curl so it may look purdy.
      I change colors regularly but I also cut my hair very short regularly (it was literally platinum for months, so you can imagine the damage).
      And lighter hair and darker five o'clock shadow? Va-Va-Boom!


  14. Fyi...I just sent you an email lambchop.

    1. Just emailed you back, babes.
      You're awesome.



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