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OTP eleven

Watching movies has not been what it used to be. I know, right? Thank goodness for movie critics, spoilers and all, though, because that way I know which movies I may be interested in seeing. And this brings me to one of my couples. It’s Joseph Robinson and Nicholas Bell who both have Fish Jelly, one of my fav hangouts when I REALLY want to know what’s up with a movie. 

Joseph is literally any of us and Nicholas is every movie critic. Nick brings the know-how and the academic acumen. Joseph I has a more down to earth approach and shoots from the hip. It’s fun watching them discuss a movie. They also behave like many couples I know. It’s almost funny to watch them debate the pros and cons of almost any movie. Sometimes they agree. Sometimes they don’t. And I like that Joseph has a very clear idea of what he likes and doesn’t like, no matter what Nick says. An opinion, he does have. 

And for this post, I am not going to countdown my best ten movies of 2021 cause it’s just too much. What I’ll do is tell you about the movies I think you should watch to celebrate the end of 2021. Here we go:

Dance of the 41. 
Based on historical events, it tells the story of Ignacio De La Torre, who marries the daughter of Porfirio Díaz without knowing what that marriage will mean for himself and for many other men. Come for the history, stay for the incredible chemistry between the leads.

 And talking about chemistry, A bittersweet story with two of my favorite actors. My manfriend thought it was too sappy. I loved it.

Not exactly a movie, but ideal for those who do not have idea of the Trans experience. Being a man is sometimes not easy. 

The obituary of Tunde Johnson. 
Want some Groundhog Day lived by a man of color? Here’s your movie. Mind tripping and it asks good questions.

There’s Something About Mario.
When in the closet, sometimes things are not what they seem. Same when you’re gay. So good. So campy. 

Honorary Mention: 

Officially 2020 but who cares? Kate Winslet is fantastic here. There’s a scene here where I understood desire between two women. I’m sure I blushed, too. 

So there you go. Cause everybody’s a critic and I’m always here for ya.



  1. so interessant comments!

  2. The only one of your movies that we've seen is "Supernova." We enjoyed it too, although its subject-matter is a bit of a downer. "Ammonite" is on our "to see" list -- maybe we should watch it over Christmas. It's on Netflix, right?

  3. I always reserve opinion until the Oscar noms are out. Then I dish! LOL. But you've got a few good ones listed here. XOXO

  4. Dance of the 41 was so good! So very good.

  5. I loved both Supernova and Dance of the 41. Both wonderful films.

  6. Getting a pad and pencil. Looking forward to these. We watch such crap! Thanks for the insight... and the diversity! How fun. Hope you are enjoying the ramp up to the holiday. Wishing you big hugs and warm moments. Kizzes.

  7. Interesting. Not one of them has played in Harrisburg.

  8. I sadly have not seen one except Something About Mario, and I would mind being caught in the middle of the two hot leads! The Doylestown County theater had many of these too, but I just can't go out to a theater yet. Winter is my huge movie and reading time.


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