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Just a reminder.
Happy MLK Day.



  1. It's rather appalling we even have to discuss this in the year 2022. Next thing you know, the gqp will remove Martin Luther King Day altogether. The dump . mcTurtle and most of the GQP are proof it doesn't take outside terrorists to destroy this country.

    1. I know, right?
      They killed him only 53 years ago. It's not a long time. But it's a long time when you consider that the Repugs will do without MLK day in a heartbeat. They would REALLY like to live in the 50's forever.
      The call is coming from inside the house.


  2. I don't think people understand that today's white Republican party would have already had him incarcerated if at all possible.

    1. Oh, Absolutely.
      You know how much they despise (and fear) a man of color with power.


  3. To a logical being the actions of the GQP are reprehensible. But they are far from logical. They’re fighting for their very existence. And a cornered animal will lash out and strike as much as possible.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. They are feral.
      They have put aside any pretense of civility and are going for full-on racism. The base applauds the move, though.


  4. Replies
    1. Absolutely.
      The desire for the Repugs to keep the country under the white man's rule has never abated. The sixties never happened in their minds. In their minds, separate drinking fountains was a great idea.


  5. Out of Topic: I read that Joe Biden has a drop in popularity in the US. Is it true?

    1. Oh yes.
      Americans are stupid and shallow. They get their news from tv shows and their political views are stuck in the fifties. They don't understand that guiding a country is not a Prom, where popularity is guided by bathroom gossip.


  6. There have been a lot of platitudes offered today by the GOP asshats, and from a couple of psuedo dems. Watch how they vote tomorrow. XOXO

    1. Oh, the amount of bullshit has been incredible.
      I like that most of them (especially Sinema) have been DRAGGED on social media. The racism in this country has not abated from fifty three years ago.


    2. Indeed it hasn't. One author-pundit explained it as such (I paraphrase): The Republicans have made it their sole job to turn it all around, where the Blacks are the racists and the whites the victims. He points to the new VA governor and to Rubio. Sad fucking state of affairs. XOXO

  7. I was stunned by all the hypocritical GOPers who shared their "thoughts" on MLK yesterday, taking a one day break from making it harder for People of Color to vote, before returning to their original, upright racist positions.

    1. Oh, but Repugs and hypocrisy go hand in hand, no?
      And they'll go in today and destroy voting rights in America. Racism is the driving force in this country.



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