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CPAC and The Hungarian Right

If you're like me, listening to the MAGAts makes you want to hurl. But bear with me. One way to fight the enemy is by knowing it. And the MAGAts are actually quite simple: they're idiots. But they're dangerous idiots. They truly and completely believe that Don of Orange is the future of the Repug party and that the way he 'managed' the country was fantastic. They think he's the greatest president ever, for real. They 'look at the numbers' while cherry picking information in order to make  Pussy Posse sound good. 

Keppler interviews a young MAGAt, who says Shitler is 'funny' (when he called Marco Rubio "Little Marco"). Their adoration for The Fanta Fascist knows no boundaries. That fifteen year old says The Great White Dope thinks just like him. The irony is just too thick to even try and wade through it. 

Notice how they imitate King Twits' bombastic, over encompassing rhetoric ("they don't let you say Mother and Father") while using the Orange Moron's penchant to talk anything and everything that is not white, cisgender and xtianist 'the left'. Listening to the man in the Biden Likes Minors t-shirt complain that the Trans flag is 'colorful' and therefore dangerous to kids because they'll associate with something (people?) is like listening to The Tufted Taliban speak.

The Lone Deranger is present everywhere, especially when they blame the war in Ukraine... on Uncle Joe. Yep. It's Biden's fault that Vlad declared war to Ukraine (and those people speaking are obviously... foreigners!! The headache...!). And don't get me started with their adoration with Hungary and its strongman. It totally escapes them that they see The Golden Calf of Doom in a... dictator. They see the situation in Hungary as a way to show what a 'conservative' could do for a country. Like doom it? Both The Orange Bozo and Fucker Clarkson (there's that name again!) have endorsed bigoted, reactionary Orban as an 'ideal' candidate to end democracy in Hungary

THEN Keppler goes to Budapest and oh, boy.... It's like a twisted copy of the MAGA world. Sometimes I do despair a tiny little bit. But then I go to @WHATBIDENHASDONE and a glimmer of hope pops up. We all have our moments.



  1. I have always felt that the loudest most idiotic voices get heard, and that doesn't mean there are many of them, it just means they make a good show. Think about it: if CNN put on Dem voters who talked climate change and infrastructure, it'd be interesting but flat. But put on aa MAGAt talking about windmills causing cancer and Dems eating babies and you've got yourself some ratings.
    I'll say it again: When DEMOCRATS vote, DEMOCRATS win.

    1. You are right!
      There may not be much more of them, but damn! are they loud and obnoxious and bigoted. And I blame Americans and their stupid penchant for going after fluff over substance.
      And I agree: VOTE!
      Or we'll be suffering the consequences.


    2. Anonymous6/11/2022

      Ah, but the flip side is, when Democrats pursue desirable policies, Democrats vote. So no more market deregulation.

  2. I believe Klepper works for The Daily Show and has a number of MAGA videos on YouTube. I've seen where he does have problems dealing with MAGAs because they are so profoundly stupid. Remember, there have always been people like this, we just need to keep them out of power.

    1. And therein lies the problem…keeping them out of power. Though they have lower populations, the red states have an outsized voice. As Bob indicated above, we have to keep the blue wave coming.

    2. Yes, he does.
      His segments are a staple of the program. He literally goes in the mouth of the beast. And yes, I agree. They have always been part of American society, but they've been enabled by Cheeto and the Repugs to show their shitty colors now.
      Voting. That's the only way to keep the stupid from taking over.


    3. Anonymous6/11/2022

      The problem with that, of course, is you need half of both houses in Congress, and 38 state legislatures, to end the electoral college, and nothing can be done about the Senate.

  3. I love Jordan. Irony is lost on the red dunces. Facts will never get through to them, their alternate delusional universe is strong.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, the MAGAts are in a cult.
      There's no reasoning and no argument that can get to them. That's why they're so dangerous.


  4. To tell the truth, Orban in Hungary won the elections, but he is in the European Union and in NATO, and he is helping Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing Ukraine. So for your MAGAt I don't think he's on the right side (politically) enough for their tastes.

    1. I don't think he 'won'.
      He's a totalitarian strongman. There was not a chance he would not 'win'. And he is helping Uraininas because they're white.
      He's still a fascist. Light, but fascist.


    2. Unfortunately it's true. And he is also against LGBT people.

    3. Anonymous6/11/2022

      "White" has never been how it works in places like Hungary, though he is a fascist.

      It's more that, frankly, it looks horrible to refuse refugees during a war. Or an is more self-aware than our right wing.

  5. The funny thing about those people is they don't realize just how stupid they sound. Like the 15-year old who said "Yeah." when asked if it was great that a 15-year-old intelligence would be President. The total idiot taking about colors on a flag influencing kids but didn't know what the colors were or what they stood for. The woman who thinks the Libs want her arrested for saying "mother" or "father." Tuckems is a whole other story.....
    You know, last night there was a whole story on what the Repugs are about: Keeping people stupid and dipping into their pockets.
    But you are 100% correct in that it's dangerous. Very dangerous. If the Dems don't get their shit together for the 22 midterms.....


    1. Oh, and pray, pray, PRAY that lePen loses the election this weekend in France. Because she's all about Putin and Russia and pulling out of NATO and the EU.

    2. Oh, they are oblivious of their stupidity.
      Clueless about the American political system, too. They go off on conspiracy theories, memes and soundbites. The perfect combo of stupidity and loud behavior. And the Repugs have always gone for the money. A fool and his money are easily separated, no?
      The Dems need to do something.
      And don't get me started with Le Pen. That cunt. The French (and the stability of democracy) are in danger.


    3. Anonymous6/11/2022

      I dunno, fossils running the country have been a problem since Reagan. And there are boomer Dems who can't accept that the oldest millennials are now in their 40s.

  6. The video won't play in Canada but I'm just as happy not to see more of those "dangerous idiots," which is unfortunately exactly what they are.

    1. Oh noooooo...
      I think you can get The Daily Show on CTV? It's worth a watch, even if it's the zoo next door.
      And they ARE dangerous idiots. That's why they thrive.


  7. I can't wait for this easy-bake oven style fascism to go the way of pet rocks and Ray Stevens albums.

    I applaud The Daily Show for doing the job our mainstream media refuses to do.

    I watched a news segment tonight and it was introduced telling me that inflation is causing small farmers to go out of business. It then proceeded to do a story about how the greed of industrial farming is actually crowding out the little guy. They even said... you know, the way Costco and Walmart are destroying small businesses right and left. They then wrapped it up saying it was inflation that was driving farmers out of business because food prices are no so high. I was like... WHAAAAAA????? It didn't make any sense. Except - it did drive the point home that inflation, which is Biden's fault, is at fault for, well... everything.

    Anyhoo. Someday we will, hopefully, get to laugh at all this.


    1. Ha!
      It is a n easy-bake oven style of fascism. They really have no idea of what it is they're talking about. They'd cry in the fetal position if they were to live one day under a totalitarian fascist.
      Mainstream media is ruled by money. All they care about is ratings. And they don't make sense most of the time. All the want is a boogeyman to rile up the masses.
      And I so hope we'll get to laugh about this, Upton.
      Fingers crossed.


  8. I can't listen to people like this. It's so depressing, but the reality is that it truly exists. It's not some skit on Saturday Night Live or a an episode on some sit-com.

    1. Same.
      It's like nails on an blackboard. But they DO exist. AND they vote.
      So, we all have to be aware of that.
      Voting is what? Fundamental. Just like reading.



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