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(Not the) END OF MEN

When Huntley sent me a tweet about the new documentary Fucker Carlson is gonna put out, I was already on youtube trying to find the original. Alas, right now it's almost impossible to find it. I think because everybody and their gay uncle started mocking it, it may be almost impossible to find it outside of the Faux News cesspool or Twitter. Because once online, forever online.

The whole thing is based on the idea that some men (especially those on the Right) have about what being a man means. During the last years, especially during the Cheeto Regime, that toxic, reactionary idea of what a man is (our should be) was prevalent in every glowing interview Cheeto would get on Faux News or when the Faux News misinformers would talk about him. And the sad part, is that the notion has stuck.

I know for sure that 'real' men do not drink five raw eggs every morning, or chop wood shirtless or do some kind of infrared move on their balls while standing in some kind of pulpit/pool? Neither do they bathe in freezing water, play with tires that are five feet in diameter or milk cows without a bucket. Those are stupid ideas born of conspiracy theories whispered in the dark corners of Facehook and the cesspool that is QAnon. And no, you cannot raise testosterone levels using infrared light as 'bromeopathic' therapy, Carlson. Sorry!

Of course, Twitter has mocked him mercilessly and I'm here for it.

It's hysterical and of course, it would give you a cuckle. The only problem? Many men think THIS is what being a man is. Many GAY men (in and out of the closet) think that being a man is reduced to a series of gestures, mannerisms and bombastic fuckery. Everything else is 'feminine' or 'nor manly' and therefore 'wrong'. Some men will nod along this 'documentary' Fucker is gonna put out because sadly, THAT is what being a man means to them. Poor motherfuckers. I pity the fools. 

Happy Monday!



  1. I see things like this and think the world has turned in on itself and is now upside down. You know, like that bizarro world in the Superman comics of old?

    Or maybe this is a test? It's so illogical yet from someone who is deemed logical? It's to test if you're a robot... and this is the thing that short circuits all your computer chips as you try to make sense of it?

    Well, we're all still waiting for the scandal that knocks Fucker off his pedestal, just like O'Reilly.

    Maybe this is a preview?

    If it is? I say we don't him.


    1. Oh, we don't want Fucker Carlson, that's for sure.
      And this is just their idea of an upside-down world where anything logical does not count. Only their version of events does.
      And hopefully, that scandal you talk about is not far away in the future. He needs to be off the air.


  2. Fuck Fucker Carlos and his racism and misogyny and homophobia and self loathing lunacy.

  3. it is not only Cheeto's fault, but there is a part of society that sees men like that. As behind Cheeto, there are those who voted for him. The problem is this: who is behind certain people and certain comments. Is it the thought of one person or of several people?

    1. And that's the scary part.
      It's the way some people think men should be that's twisted and reactionary. And I think it's some kind of hive thinking: people with a grievance and a reluctance to use their brains are easily convinced of stupid ideas.


    2. their brains are stupid and therefore they produce (or embrace) stupid ideas.
      dumb heads bring dumb thoughts

  4. This whole thing is hysterical. Though, I see in your last paragraph you've chosen to attack masculine gay men. I disagree with your idea that all gay men who don't act effeminate are phonies. 😎😎😎

    1. LMAOOO
      Oh, Dave, no.
      That is about the people who think, in their pathetic attempt to control the narrative, that THEY know what a masculine man is. Masculine men do not need a checklist.


  5. Hahahahahahahahahaha (*stops to take a breath*) hahahahahahahahahaha!

    1. LOL
      Same! The blatant homoerotic imagery is totally against the intended message.
      Conservatives. They do not have a developed sense of irony.


  6. The whole thing is hilarious. The sad part is that there are man who think that is the only way to be a "real man." Poor Little Tuckems. His daddy's money still isn't enough to make him qualify. XOXO

    1. I know right?
      It would be funnier if it weren't so serious. There ARE people who think THAT is being a real man, sadly. And Fucker is always trying to downplay his privileged, soft upbringing. Poor excuse for a man.


  7. There is so much gold in what you’ve collected. He makes it so easy to be trolled. But it gets him click$ so there’s money in it for him. And you notice that it’s not on the main Faux channel, so you have to pay to see the “documentary.” A fool and his money, right?

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, his cognitive dissonance is the stuff of comedy.
      But you are right: people are gonna buy (literally and figuratively) his drivel and give him more money. As if his daddy's money weren't enough.
      A fool and his money is right!


  8. Thank you for this laugh on a rainy dreary Monday! I really want to see the original for a louder laugh.

    1. Haha
      You're welcome! I cackled while I collected the tweets. The original is even funnier because it takes itself way too seriously. The voiceover alone will make you laugh. You can find it in many of those links I posted above.


  9. I think Tucker burned his balls.

    1. LOL
      Oh, I bet he's tried to increase his testosterone. Many times.
      This looks more like a confession than like a documentary.



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