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"The immediate impact of the ruling as drafted in February would be to end a half-century guarantee of federal constitutional protection of abortion rights and allow each state to decide whether to restrict or ban abortion. It’s unclear if there have been subsequent changes to the draft.

No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending. The unprecedented revelation is bound to intensify the debate over what was already the most controversial case on the docket this term.

The draft opinion offers an extraordinary window into the justices’ deliberations in one of the most consequential cases before the court in the last five decades. Some court-watchers predicted that the conservative majority would slice away at abortion rights without flatly overturning a 49-year-old precedent. The draft shows that the court is looking to reject Roe’s logic and legal protections."

Alito and fellow conservative Justice Clarence Thomas have said they'd like to overturn the marriage equality ruling, and Alito's opinion critiques that ruling and the Lawrence v. Texas ruling that invalidated sodomy laws.

The opinion comes in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which involves a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The court heard the case in December.


But then, you knew that was coming....

It hasn't been a month that I wrote about this. The idea of stripping people of their rights has been in the minds of conservatives in this country for many years. Their "not deeply rooted in history" is their new mantra. But people were just waiting, thinking the comparisons to The Handmaid's Tale was 'too much'...

The idea that Clarence Thomas (he of the traitorous wife), Neil Gorsuch (he of the oddly silent passive aggressiveness), Brett Kavanaugh (he of the alcoholism, rape allegations and gaming debts) and Amy Coney Barrett (she of the Opus Dei) would do nothing but the job they were chosen to do has always been bullshit. Americans are just too entitled and too confident in the superiority to accept that freedom dies in the dark. 

I do not have a uterus. I do not want children. But I am what people call 'woke'. And this decision will affect me and others at many levels if Roe VS Wade is overturned by a SCOTUS stacked with conservative judged bought and paid for by a corrupt ex-president to please the religious right. I have been standing on this tiny soapbox for awhile now, sounding the alarm and preaching to a choir that seems a little bit too comfortable with the decisions that will affect more than just the people who would need abortion in this country.

It's quite a comfortable position, letting something pass us by because it does not affect us directly. But eventually, it will. And it will affect others who will come after us. All of these liberties and rights we have now are not codified, are not written in stone. Lawrence VS. Texas and Obergefell VS. Hodges will also be called "not deeply rooted in history" and could also be vanished as easily as the conservative judges are planning on striking down Roe VS. Wade. What are people waiting for? For Loving VS. Virginia to be in danger? Maybe then it'll be too late. Maybe the purity tests for the candidates they vote for will have reached a fever pitch that will doom us all. By then we will all be fucked, living in the home of the bigot and the land of the weak.


P.S. Now is the time for the Dems to codify Roe VS. Wade. STAT.


  1. Just a reminder that Alito was also down in Florida recently, speaking at a White Supremacist rally. This is what happens when you don't vote. More terrifying than anything is the fact that a lot of Cracker Jack Crazy Christians believe God is behind this. They don't seem to understand, America is armed to the teeth, that this will go down badly for them.

    1. It's incredible, the level of fuckery that politics have reached in America. That Opus Dei woman has something similar recently. And you know the bigots have been working for YEARS to get here. Now they're trying to spin it and make it all about the 'leak' because they know they done fucking it up.
      Hopefully this will wake up some people and will make them vote.


  2. If theocrats obtain power, they will use it, without embarrassment or restraint. The goal is to use government power to bring society into conformity with Biblical taboo in the areas or abortion, homosexuality, and whatever else their current obsessions happen to be. They won't respect precedent or personal freedom. The only solution is to take the power away from them.

    I don't think it's possible for the Democrats to "codify Roe v Wade", in the sense of passing a federal law protecting abortion rights, right now. That would require abolishing the filibuster, which Manchin and Sinema will continue to obstruct. A 52-48 majority could overcome that problem, but that won't be attainable until the election. If they get it, they also need to consider enlarging the Supreme Court before it turns the whole legal clock back to 1950 (BC).

    1. Oh, it is clear the reilgulous have been trying to make this country a theocracy for years! When they lost segregation, they went for 'morality'. Keeping the queers, the colored and the little women under control has been their goal for years.
      But a federal law protecting reproductive rights is possible, then? So that should be their campaign slogan, duh. Every dem running for office should remind their constituents what the repugs have done.


  3. I don't know why anyone should be surprised by this. As soon as the right wing gained a majority on the Supreme Court, every human and civil rights advance in the last 60 years became endangered.

    1. oh, Hillary warned the country about it.
      It was one of the first things she said. The second the repugs regained power with Cheeto, it was downhill from there.
      Americans are very entitled. They never think the rights they have earned will ever be taken away from them.


  4. Anonymous5/03/2022

    This is horrific. Hopefully this will drive a ton of young voters and women to the polls. The GQP was hoping this wouldn’t happen before the election. Let this be their last gasp.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. So pissed off.
      If this does not make people go to the polls, nothing will. This is also why the repugs have been curtailing voting rights. They KNOW this is gonna mobilize a base and they were getting prepared.
      Hope their grab for power backfires fantastically.


  5. If this doesn't get moderates and liberals to the polls to CAST A GODDAMNED VOTE, thin I don't know what will.

    1. I will always vote Democratic. But i can understand why some don't...because they feel as though the important issues and everyday basics...are getting addressed so why bother? But even a lousy D is still a better choice. That is so sad to say that. We need better choices and dems that will railroad these issues like voting rights, minimum wage, healthcare.....

    2. Oh, you know the Susan Sarandons out there will come up with some kind of fuckery and new purity tests. I'm ready to slap a bitch at this point.
      And I also feel some people will not be bothered because they think this issue does not touch them. And they're wrong. It affects everybody's liberties.
      Maddie is right, but also, for some people even campaigning on those issues will not be enough.


  6. Fools.......the lots of them!!!! From the top down. We saw this coming and it wasn't stopped. Especially after if was a campaign promise to turn Roe into law. We need to have true Democratic choices. It confuses me how all this happens when we have two parts of the government??? We need to pick up more seats....and i have the feeling that won't happen. If im a woman today....Im highly pissed off.

    1. Oh, but they are spinning it by focusing on the 'leak'.
      They will not let the nitwits realize that this was a repug move. And Hillary warned about this. Many times.
      The problem is that the repugs do not let the dems do shit. Some laws just get stuck because they pass the House but stay there.
      Oh, I'm not a woman. And I'm pissed off.


  7. Anonymous5/03/2022

    Big says:
    We all saw it coming, but it doesn't make it any less aggravating. The SCOTUS, the ones who blatantly lied during confirmation hearings, now have the pathway the Repugs have sought for decades. The court system is so packed with extreme right-wing judges the freedoms will fall like dominoes.
    The women's march has had the same effect that the kid's march for gun reform: None.

    1. Pat, I'm thinking my move to Harrisburg was not a good choice....I should have went to Europe, lol!

    2. Oh, but of course the Opus Dei woman and the Drunk Frat Boy lied.
      It's their bread and butter. And you are right, the repugs under cheeto stacked the lower courts with MAGAts and bigots.
      And it's ironic to think that when they tried something similar in Mexico, they threatened with burning shit to the ground. And they stopped.


    3. Anonymous5/04/2022

      Oh, Gorsuch lied during his confirmation hearing, too. All 3 did. Will they be taken to task for it, brought before the Senate Judiciary, threated with removal for lying to Congress? Nope. Dems are too fucking nice! They have 6 months left - and I fear they're going to waste them. XOXO

    4. Absolutely.
      The Opus Dei bitch and the Drunk Gambler lied through their teeth. So did that other Ken Doll. Ugh. They're desperate now trying to tag the 'leaker' as the worst people on the world. All that after they sat on their hands or collaborated while Cheeto tried to subvert and election. Fuck them.


  8. We are going back. The only place where there is no turning back is Italy, because we are already behind and we can do anything but move forward. Mind that the first laws that recognized same-sex unions dates to 2016.

    1. Sadly, you are right.
      It's incredible that this is happening in America..

  9. I am gobsmacked. Never expected this in a million. They're coming for us next. It's time for a revolution. Eat the rich.

    1. Hillary warned us.
      I have been saying this for awhile and their next target is gay rights if people do not vote Blue. Mark my words.


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