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After the shooting this weekend, I feel like I'm gonna slap a bitch every time someone mentions 'Black on Black crime' or 'Lone Wolf' or when they say that the white nationalist shooter was an '18-year-old TEENAGER' when any other Black teen that has been killed by the police has been a Black MAN. Fuck people.

Because of what the Right, the Fox News hosts and the Repugs are babbling about, The Great Replacement Theory has now claimed ten victims by a terrorist in Buffalo.  I blame Fucker Carlson. 


Simply put, it says there’s a conspiracy afoot to diminish the influence of white people.
Believers say this goal is being achieved both through immigration of nonwhite people into societies that have largely been dominated by white people, as well as through simple demographics, with white people having lower birth rates than others.

Terrorism (like what we just saw in Buffalo), is a political strategy about white supremacy. Power is seen as a zero/sum game for them: when white people see others (in this case, BIPOC) gain any kind of power, they think that power is taken away from THEM. Life is literally a cake for them. Brace yourselves because this is the Rittenhouse effect. More and more angry white men, who think something was taken from them will commit atrocities and will get away with it.

And the next time a Black person tells you they don't feel safe. Believe them.



  1. That skit was hilarious, but also somewhat scary in that its humor is based on some truths.
    Did you ever see that Eddie Murphy SNL skit where he dressed as a white man? Same message.
    I'm so exhausted with all the mass shootings. We live in scary times. As an Asian, I always fear that someone will yell something out (China virus) or do something harmful to me.

    1. It was funny. It was also true, which is indeed scary.
      And I did see that skit! Eddie did tackle some racism back in the day.
      And you know that minorities in the US are almost always walking on eggshells due to racism. Sad but true.


  2. As if the country needs yet another theory to cause fear and death. The wingnuts seriously are ill.

    Would this be a good time for me to do my routine to Willow Pill's I Hate People?

    1. We all know this country lives and breathes conspiracy theories.
      From its inception, Americans have live in fear of something.
      And I love that Willow Pillow routine! Are you gonna show the goodies?


    2. My candy dish has no lid dear.

  3. The Great Replacement Theory seems to be coming under attack mostly because it vocalizes the hostility white conservatives have about the changing of America. They simply can't believe white people aren't making enough babies.

    1. It's been widely promoted by Fox News.
      They are saying the quiet part out loud.


  4. Funny, now all those GOPers who have touted the Great Replacement Theory are now saying they have never spoken of it and don't even know what it means.
    And I am LOOKING at you Elise Stefanik.
    These people are terrified that white people will become the minority, and then People of Color, who have been treated as less than, and worse, by white people, might treat us the way we treated them.

    1. Anonymous5/17/2022

      Big says,
      You got that right, Bob. That's exactly what frightens them.

    2. Well, leave it to the Repugs to try and gaslight the country over and over. Stefanik is a cunt.
      They have always lived in fear. What do you think voter suppression and outlawing abortion are about?
      They want to be back to the fifties.


  5. The "Great Replacement Theory" and overturning Roe v Wade go hand in hand. Boost that white birth rate by forcing women to carry babies, even those conceived by rape and incest. You can see what's coming next.

    1. Correct.
      It's all part of the conservative scheme of taking back power and rolling back human rights in America.
      Gay rights are next.


  6. Anonymous5/17/2022

    Do you think they’re afraid of becoming a minority because the have seen how America treats minorities? Yes I stole that from Twitter. This made up theory is all about declining birth rates among the white population. Debra hit it on the head: their solution is forced births.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Anonymous5/17/2022

      Big says,
      Won't they be surprised when they figure out that it's the low-income, held back, trod upon BIPOC who will be having the most babies. Why? Because white folk will still have access to abortions and contraceptives.

    2. Oh, totally.
      They treat people like shit and are afraid of being treated the same way. And they think forced births will solve their problem. It will backfire.


  7. Debra is correct about what is coming next. It is so important especially this year to be seen for Pride month. We need to show our numbers.

    Anna Navaro was all over Elise Stefanik last night on CNN. You could see the steam rising off her head.

    1. Oh, people are going to have to vote really hard to keep what's coming at bay.
      And Stefanik is a fucking cow.


  8. Anonymous5/17/2022

    Big says,
    Well, an interesting Rachel Maddow last night - detailing how far back Replacement Theory has been around. Back into the 40s, btw. It rears its ugly monstrous head whenever the BIPOC make any headway at all.
    Yep. The Rittenhouse Effect is in play, too. All these little white asswipes who can't get laid take their frustration out on BIPOC communities. I want to say to them, "You know, you little asshat, if you were a decent human being, maybe someone would be willing to fuck you."

    1. Oh, it's been around for ages.
      You know whenever any group is considered 'equal', racist white people jump a mile. And there'll always be a Rittenhouse: it's something promoted by the gun lobby and the Repugs.


  9. also in Italy the Italians are decreasing.

    1. I think birth have dropped in many countries.
      It's not only America or Italy.
      I think Millennials are having less babies.



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