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I sometimes go off about the impossible standards that Instagram imposes on us with the bunches of perfectly chiseled, perfectly styled and photoshopped men it barfs every day into our timelines. But (and this is a big but) I can't get enough of imaginary men who are perfect. Because then they make perfect sense. Yeah, I overthink everything. But you already knew that, no?

One of the artists on IG that seems to draw some of the most incredibly beautiful fantasy men I have seen may be Salem Beiruti. Or @artistsalem, as he goes there. His men to me have all the sensuality of a classical painting and the quirkiness of modern media. I love how the muscles seem to ripple under the taut skin and how the poses and situations seem whimsical but very, very grounded. It's a great combo.


His drawings have a very 'classical painting' and 'classic masters' quality to them that just makes them dreamy. His men come across as fully realized as characters, but they retain a certain ethereal quality. Even the ones that seem to embody the hero mystique retain a dreamlike sense in their physicality. Love that journey for them.

Dave, are you sure you're not buying @artistsalem's artwork? This looks like your green wall! 


The thing is, when portraying fantasy men, I find that an artist can paint them as close to ' classically perfect' as possible. It's his vision, after all. And we know those men do not exist outside of the realm of creation of the artist. My beef is with the idea that we need to fit a certain model imposed by other -real- men who literally dedicate every breathing second to keep up an unattainable image.

Oh, and it's not like Salem is not Daddy, though. Oh, yeah. Go ahead, give him a follow. His reels are fun. Go ahead, I know you wanna...

You can find his art on Insta and on his (beautiful) website.  I imagine he'd take commissions. I'd love to have some of his drawings. The thing is, with me, a mixture of fantasy and homoerotic always wins. What can I say? I like to watch men together. Without clothes. In romantic/heroic situations. Yeah. I'm that gay. Didn't you know?


I love to draw, I love colours.
I love everything has to do with illustrations since I was a little child.
Growing up in Lebanon, I had this dream becoming a professional illustrator, so I started my journey to make this dream come true. 
I studied, graduated and worked as a graphic designer and illustrator in a publishing house.
I pursued that dream by illustrating books belonged to different writers. 
With time I became a senior art director in advertising, it was a good experience, but I always felt that it was not precisely the dream I had, until I took the biggest decision in my life. I left the middle east, moved to Madrid in Spain,  and finally fulfilled my dream to become a conceptual artist and illustrator.
The journey isn't over, it changed, it reflects directly in my art, it is about passion. 

And we can all see that passion he's talking about. We can almost touch it. I guess that's what makes his art so special...



  1. another guy who absolutely deserves to be followed on IG, for which I thank you. Being a deep lover of male beauty, I really love perfect and beautiful bodies. Because I love male beauty and sex appeal, as my only religion. So I really love external beauty. But there are different beauties and some men are still very handsome, even if they are everyday men and not high fashion models. Then, of course, I don't like hairy men like monkeys, or bears that are too big, or also only bodybuilders (as Kris Evans has become, in recent years, after quitting the career of the porn actor). Beiruti draws men I love very much!

    1. Oh, it's my pleasure, Xersex.
      Male beauty and sex appeal sound like the right kind of religion, no?


    2. for me sure it is!

  2. Anonymous5/20/2022

    Big says,
    His work is quite classical in its execution. Some very beautiful works you've brought us. Almost everything we see --- that is shown to us --- pushes the image of some imaginary goal, which 99% of us will never achieve. And only 1% of us actually resemble that ideal. Rather ironic, no? XOXO

    1. I know, right?
      It reminded me of some paintings I've seen in museums, it's so beautiful. And I think that's my beef with the imaginary goal we are fed: it's really not sustainable: not even those who seem to achieve it can keep it for long...


  3. Anonymous5/20/2022

    Another wonderful find. Some of his work almost looks sculpture like. I love the detail. You’re right, this is the place for the “perfect” and “imperfect” man. The over photoshopped stuff can be a real turnoff.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

    1. Oh, the amount of detail in his work is incredible.
      And I cannot imagine myself following IG accounts where the men appearing are as real as Salem's. Nope.


  4. Sometimes the fantasy men are more real than the real photoshopped ones!

    1. Absolutely!
      I really don't stalk any of the IG accounts that cater to the visually delusional, tbh.


  5. Hey, I know this artist's work! I'm going to be using one of his portraits in an upcoming post -- a fab depiction of Achilles & Patroclus! His work is beautiful.

    1. Yay!
      The coincidence! And yes, his work is really beautiful.


  6. Such nice flow and I love his integration of textures. Very soft and appealing. Brings to mind the work of illustrator Bob Ziering. Have a lovely weekend, dear. Thanks for sharing these artists with us... shine a light! Kizzes.

    1. I think that the combo of beauty, sensuality and that soft focus on power is what makes his art so appealing.
      And I'm googling Ziering as I type!


  7. That is some pretty cool art. I really, REALLY love hot looking guy draw in cartoon or fantasy too. I love the movie The House of Moorecock. But when it comes to the artist cutie, I want to do more then follow his reels!!!!!!

    I guess we shouldn't ever read gay comics together huh?

    1. Oh, totally same!
      Illustrations and drawings can be as erotic as photography. And I remember The House of Morecock! (Joe Phillips is on Instagram, btw) so hot.
      And we should not. We both know what the outcome could be! LMAOOO



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