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Love Me More

“I wrote this song for anyone who feels different, anyone who has to stop themselves every day from saying unkind things to themselves, in their head, all the time,” Smith said in a statement. “I felt like that for the longest time and slowly I’m learning how to just be nice to myself. I wanted to share that because I captured it in this song. Over the last two years, music has been my therapy more than ever. So I hope this song can be your friend.”

I liked @SamSmith from the jump. Even before the coming out and all that jazz. When I heard Latch, I was super intrigued. And then came LaLaLa and then they blew up with Stay with Me. I love Stay with Me. It was my jam for the longest time. I got that CD and I played it to death in my car. I've always said that if Adele and Boy George would have a music child, it would be Sam Smith.

I love how the topics in their songs are very introspective and and at the same time they manage to be in a way, universal. I totally see how their music connects with so many people. Especially people who feel 'different' at some level. You see, when society keeps hitting you over the head with expectations and rules that you are supposed to follow because of your gender or because of who you are and you find out you cannot (or will not) change to conform, it's hard to find your voice. 

Here I relate to the liking myself more. I've learned to do that after a long time, focusing on myself and my well-being instead of stupid men (thanks Amy!). The thing is, it may be easy for some people to avoid being singled out because they blend right in, but for others, those hateful messages sent by society at large (too Black, too Asian, too young, too old, too fat, too skinny, too fem, too gay, you name it) really get to seep into their consciousness. It's hard to love oneself when the world keeps screaming that one's not worthy or not 'good enough'.

So here's Sam's latest. And I really like it. And I like the video that accompanies the song too.The queerness of it all makes me happy. I’m very, very gay, so I enjoy queer shit. I'll leave the voice critique to Upton, who knows what he's talking about (he should do a series with queer artists!!) because the only thing about Sam's voice I know is that I like it. It may not be everybody's cup of tea (what singer's is?) but it is mine. So I will most probably buy this album when it drops, too. I'm more than happy to give my money to queer artists. 

And now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna go love me more. Yes, Big. It's that month of the year, after all...



  1. Smith is okay, though I will admit I'm not that found of high pitched tenors, though I'll take a full chested baritone any day of the week.

    1. I have a weakness for men with deep voices (hello, Orville!) but I love me some Sam Smith.


  2. I'm amazed by his wisdom!

    1. I know, right?
      They've come a long way. Of course, I'm sure there's been stumbles along the way. But totally agree with you.


  3. Great message that we can all use.

    1. I thought the same.
      Kind of rare in today's pop music constellation, no?


  4. Anonymous5/05/2022

    Big says:
    His vocal tone isn't my favorite but I like his lyrics. And sometimes that's all it takes. This is especially important, isn't it? I sort of had this conversation with a friend just this week. He's all "You do good stuff. You need to learn how to tell people it's good work." and I, of course, am all "It always feels too braggy to me." Somewhere there is a middle ground and I'm still trying to find that. XOXO

    1. His lyrics are very honest, I think.
      And it's hard to learn to recognize that we DO need to brag a little sometimes. I think it's the way they raise us, when they teach us that it's not correct to sing our own praises.
      And that middle ground is difficult to achieve.


  5. Anonymous5/05/2022

    I too am a Sam fan. I like their body of work. This song shoul resonate with a huge swath of the population.

    I’m son #5 of 6. The first four were all very involved in sports, me not so much. I’ve been on the heavy side for most of my life. With the help of WeightWatchers I’ve lost a good chunk of weight. Not that my body is sculpted and there’s still a bit of a potbelly, but at my age I’m ok with that. Do I wish I was trimmer? Sometimes yes, but I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about how I look. If people don’t like it, it’s not my problem.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I heard the song and liked immediately.
      It's been like that with several of the stuff they've put out. It's just so direct, so articulate, so heartfelt.
      And you are so right. If people don't like us, it's not our problem. It's theirs.


  6. Loving ourselves means learning to be our own best friends, rather than expecting emotional support and validation to come from others.

    1. So true.
      So hard to do sometimes. I think we are socialized to seek that acceptance. It's reinforced by years of navigating cliques and posses. But it does not mean we cannot get over it.


  7. Good for you, Sixpence. And your words nailed it: It's hard to love oneself when the world keeps screaming that one's not worthy or not 'good enough.' Even though I am straight white male, I have always felt like I wasn't good enough because I was abandoned by my biological father at birth and spent a long time chasing his acceptance. I finally figured out I didn't need it but it was a journey. I am going to have to check out this Sam Smith song and keep loving yourself because you are definitely good enough.

    1. Thnx Mr. Shife!
      It's that insidious voice that's always there. It's hard to block it out. And we all have something that makes us doubt ourselves. I'm glad you figured out you did not need somebody who was so obviously not worth your affection. Proud of you.


  8. I was there at the beginning, too. Back in my the days when my eyes were glued to the charts. Anything new caught my attention and I La La La and Latch were my introduction to this amazing man. Such a great voice.

    I love his apartment. And I'd love to sit in that chair and have a cup in the morning. :) Yeah... I got a crush. I just appreciate talent. I think he's in it for the long haul. And we are all the better for it. Kizzes.

    1. Sam popped out almost out of nowhere and left us all wanting more.
      So fresh. So talented. I think the voice is very unique, we don't find many singers that use their voice that way. Not to mention the lyrics.
      Love the video, too.



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