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Hector helps you give FACE!

I may have to start by saying that I've decided I needed a new grooming regime. I think it's time. After years of soap and water, I think it's time I juice it up. Yep. apart from shaving, I've made up my mind and I've started to 'take care' of my skin. Because why not? After all, I only have one face. Also, I already spend time shaving and using after shave, so why not add some steps to things I'm already doing and reap the benefits later?

I decided to start using a face wash in the shower to avoid getting my skin all tight and dry. I do prefer a bar soap over a body wash, so my face was getting a little too squeaky after washing it with just soap, so I decided to go with a face wash. The change is actually pretty noticeable: my face does not stay tight and I think it's cleared up (my face thinks it's sixteen and I still get a pimple here and there). I may add a scrub later, BTW. And this face wash is not expensive at all.

Now, instead of the after shave I was using, I'm now doing a toner. It's spray so it's easy and quick. And it calms my skin after I use the electric razor. I don't have a ton to shave (I have almost no beard to be truthful) but the electric shaver can sometimes give me a very close shave that leaves my skin a little sensitive. This toner does not sting. I like that.

I'm finishing all off with a moisturizer, something that I've never done before either. This one is light and it does not leave any residue nor it makes my face feel greasy. And it keeps my skin nice all day. And it's not expensive. So it's a yes. I may add SPF during the summer or get a moisturizer that contains some. I don't get burned easily but everybody and their uncle seems to think that having some protection against the sun is healthy. So I'll think about that.

So that's my grooming routine this year. I've decided to include these steps because I think it's time for me to start taking care of my skin. That's right. I do want to age as gracefully as I can, but that does not mean that my skin needs to look like it's been ridden hard and put up wet, right? Also, I do not have a Marlboro Man features and I don't think I can pull off the weathered cowboy look well.  

I may even add some chapstick in the winter, just in case. With some color, to fuck with gender norms, too.  And BTW, all this has not costed me too much extra time or money and I feel the skin in my face is looking (and feeling) better and it helps me avoid ingrown hairs (a nightmare). It has also lead to hysterical conversations at the checkout when I go to Trader Joe's, but that's another story.

And what about you? Are you a soap and water kind of person, like I was? Or do you have your own grooming secrets? Go ahead, I'm all ears. I don't judge. Why should I?


P.S. I have to confess that I had no idea the model in the video had makeup on. Really. The 'after' is still an extremely attractive man. And I think that that's really the aim of wearing any beauty product, TBH: enhancing who we are. I also think I like the brow thing. I may have to drop by Sephora for that one, though. If I start using that, I'll let you know. You know how much I like to share...


  1. I am a soap and water guy though like you I decided to take some care of the skin. I have just started suing Facial Fuel Energizing Face Wash and Facial Fuel Daily Energizing Moisture Treatment. The skin feels good after shaving, which is a win-win.

    1. Isn't that true?
      I did not really pay attention to skin care until recently and I've seen a difference. And Facial Fuel, huh? I may have to check that out. Shaving is my nemesis.


  2. Anonymous6/08/2022

    Soap and water here, too. I’ve used Ivory soap in the shower forever. Nothing after shaving, not even aftershave since I’m work from home.

    That model is STUNNING! ☺️

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. If I remember well, you also use shaving cream?
      Maybe Santa should bring you some skin care.
      I agree with the Ivory soap in the shower. It's my favorite.
      And that model is absolutely handsome, right?


  3. just soap and water, because I'm lucky enough to have beautiful skin

    1. Hahaha
      You go, Xersex! I have ok skin but it can get cantankerous and I still get the occasional pimple. And shaving can get complicated.


    2. I have never had pimples even in my teens! And I've never had cavities in my teeth till now. And I'm 50 years old. And this is because I'm simply wonderful & marvellous.

    3. Anonymous6/09/2022

      Don’t forget fabulous and humble, too.

    4. Lucky!
      I did have a close encounter of the third kind with pimples when I was seventeen. And having good teeth is a blessing!
      And why did I think you were in your thirties?


    5. I honestly feel healthier now than when I was 30. One of my ways is, in addition to having a high libido (which means high testosterone), I also love sleeping a lot. I sleep at least eight hours a night. This doesn't put any stress on my body and keeps it young.

    6. That's awesome.
      I may have a high libido too. I'd have sex on the daily, if I had an accomplice LOL. And I do sleep at least eight hours, too!
      I'm going to have to follow your advice...


  4. Anonymous6/08/2022

    Big says,
    Well, it sure helps to be born gorgeous like that dude. Plus, he's on camera? Of course he has make-up on...probably even before the treatment began (oops! did I give away trade secrets? 😘 Don't h@). I've been a (liquid) soap and water guy forever but not long ago my wife introduced me to a very lightweight foundation I use if I'm going out. And I love me going out to get a facial (not that kind! But, well....never mind. (oh hush! I must be in a mood this morning.) So, I guess I'm getting all "now." 😁XOXO

    1. Oh, that man is gorge.
      And I think people who are in front of a camera actually need makeup, right? Same as actors. And I've thought about a color moisturizer after trying this one. It also has SPF so it may be quite convenient.
      And I LOVE facials (both kinds, hehe) and it's always good to get you in a mood, Big...


  5. You might be surprised, but I'm a Noxzema guy, and I do moisturize in order to be rather stunning when I hit 90.

    1. Ok, so yeah. I am.
      Noxzema is fantastic I actually have many friends who SWEAR by it. And a moisturizer can work wonders. I think I'll keep this routine. Like you, I wanna be stunning when I hit 90.


  6. Oh....you know me. Soap water...followed my moisturizer a toner and a eye cream every other day. I also use a Borghese Tango Mud mask once a week. It's heavenly. I've used the same products for years now.

    1. Of course i hear cum is a good moisturizer too!!!!!!!

    2. Oh, everybody I've talked to has told me that a moisturizer is ESSENTIAL. I am loving the rose water toner, too. So refreshing! And an eye cream, huh? That could be a next step.
      I love facials (both kinds, honey!) bu I have no discipline when it comes to face masks. I have to get into that too.
      Hmmm.... cum...


  7. I use the ex's small batched organic soap with essential oils. Super kind and great for my skin. And I wear a coating of this organic moisturizer - lemon or lavender. I wash my face with hot water and just keep it low key - eat healthy - that's the best thing you can do for your skin. And hydrate. TONS of water. Kizzes. And good luck with the new regime. You're beautiful no matter what you do!

    1. Ohhh that sounds heavenly!
      The simple fact of having a short routine I think it helps with the 'me' time, no? And organic products are usually super good. But you are right, drinking water really, REALLY helps.
      And thanks, Upton! You're such a darling.



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