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Have you noticed that suddenly all the noise about Critical Race Theory has died off? No people walking around brandishing signs that say that they don't want their children being taught CRT? No talking heads on Faux News fainting at the sound of the word Race? No indignant parents swearing they'll sue the schools?  Funny, right? Wrong. It was simply a Dog Whistle that conservatives (Repugs, MAGAts) used to distract people from more pressing issues.

Missouri, Idaho and even the Senate chimed in calling CRT everything from divisive to damaging. And here @JohnGreenberg gives us a rundown of what CRT is and what is not: it's not a doctrine. It's a collection of ideas that share a theme: racism is part of a broad, subtle pattern in America. Duh. And it's not 'new', as the hordes of stupid racist people may want you think. It's been around since the eighties. But they have decided to rile against it now, because white people. 

Put it simple, inequality in America is no accident: it's embedded in all facets of life. And that's what racists do not want others to know. Because it undermines their sense of superiority. Also, what the advocates of prohibiting CRT in the classroom cannot point to a specific fact: they use an unclear and amorphous definition of it as a wedge to insert themselves in a conversation that exposes them as white supremacists.

Also, Critical Race Theory is mainly explored in Higher Education. Its tenants and principles would go over the heads of middle and high schoolers (let alone younger learners). CRT is taught at the college level in some disciplines, as part of intersectional studies or subjects as poli-sci or American history. It is not taught at the K-12 level. It never has. It's a lie.

So right now the noise conservatives were making has almost disappeared. Well, that's because we do not have elections going on at this point. Wait for November. We'll see CRT outrage pop up once again and hear screams of 'think of the children' all over the internet. Like clockwork.


P.S. suggested reading: this guide for the 1619 project. I found it quite useful. Succinct and to the point. You're welcome.


  1. Anonymous7/12/2022

    The racists expose themselves by shouting the loudest. Save the children from the facts. And with most schools out for the summer activity will start up again in September as we approach the election, like you said.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

    1. That is true.
      It's a very vocal, very histrionic group. They don't want the children THEY are brainwashing to learn history because then everything they have told them comes off as a lie.
      And of course it'll start again in full force before the November election...


  2. all those who have tried to identify precise and unambiguous discriminants for the races, have encountered a large number of inconsistencies. The only clever idea that I have sewntito in all my life is to make athletes compete not according to nations but for individuals. It would be a loss to the patriotic sense, but at the same time, it would cut off any references to races, related to states.

    1. And that would be incredibly fair, I think.
      People cannot really pin talent or skill or superiority to any race, because it does not exist. Racists invent their own categories and divisions in a very arbitrary manner.


  3. It's a tragedy, but given that this is a capitalist nation, hardly surprising. Keep people ignorant, poor and willing to work for slave labor. Don't educate. Don't empower. That's what conservativism is all about... it's like the Catholic Church, but with less gaudy costumes. The truth terrifies capitalists because... it holds them responsible. This country was built on slave labor... it was the only way the southern economy was going to work on the size of scale they had set for themselves. It's utter BS and that's why any talk of reparation's also rings alarms in conservative corners. The greedy white bastards don't want to be held accountable. They don't want to have to make it right. Well, F 'em. Eat the rich. Thanks for the spotlight on this. It's still very much a hot button issue, it's just there are so many hot button issues these days? It got crowded out as there is just not enough airtime. Kizzes.

    1. Absolutely.
      That IS what conservatism and capitalism are about: keep the poor ignorant and poor and the rich, richer. Heh. It is like the catholic church in the Dark Ages, indeed.
      The notion that this country was indeed founded on slave labor is one that only the racists resist. Their bootstraps and all that. It is incredibly difficult for white people to accept their privilege. And you are right, there's so many hot buttons out there we forget to focus on one. But that's what we're here for, right?


  4. The right used it as a fear point to rile up their base of twits. Anyone with a brain knows what's up.

    1. Well, we all know that conservatives are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Loud? Yes. Violent? Yes. Smart? Nope.
      And the Repugs take advantage of that...


  5. Oh, it will pop up again next time a bogeyman is needed by white supremacists.

    1. Absolutely.
      And I fear nobody is going to contest it. Because the bigoted are relentless with their bullshit and it becomes a game of who can shout louder.


  6. It's a deceit certain white people use to 'whitewash' our past.

    1. They've been doing it ever since the Civil War.
      White fragility has been kept alive by white supremacists for years because they pine for the good old days when the colored, the queers and the little women knew their place.


  7. Anonymous7/12/2022

    Big says,
    "United Shades of America" with W. Kamau Bell opened the new season talking about CRT with Repuglicans in Arizona. It was funny-saddening-angering to listen to the idiot conservatives try to explain and defend their outrage. The background music when they talked should've been "If I Only Had a Brain."
    Regardless of what they whine about through the election, the Dems need to keep it focused on the shredding of our rights. XOXO

    1. Oh, Big.
      It's always manufactured outrage with the Repugs. Always. That's why they only have Culture Wars. No platform, no policy. Just outrage. And the Dems have it cut for them: Repugs want personal freedoms abolished. Dems want to keep them. How hard is that?


  8. Oh, the boogeyman is still very much alive. Outrage Twitter was posting all about this story yesterday: https://kyma.com/news/2022/07/08/oklahoma-governor-calls-for-public-schools-audit-for-potential-mishandling-of-public-funds-and-teaching-crt-2/

    1. Boom. There it is.
      And he's a Repug, Lurkie. They thrive in culture wars because they have no platform. It's Oklahoma and he can have Native American blood, but he's at the end of the day a Repug. Nothing good can be expected from them.


  9. But I do think of the children.

    They shouldn't be seen or heard.

    1. Same.
      The idea that keeping something from kids will make them NOT learn about it is preposterous in an age where every twelve year old has a thousand dollar computer in their hand at all times.
      Also, they're grooming haters, bigots and racists, so knowledge for them is anathema.



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