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I was not in the mood to celebrate the fourth, but I still tried. I went to a friend's house, one of the few get-togethers I've been to this summer because of inertia: we've been going to her house for the last ten years or so for the fourth. It's been one of our Summer traditions, only interrupted by the pandemic. 

Our friend's dad is in charge of the grilling and he cooks Impossible Burgers for us. Her mom makes special desserts for us and fruit salad for me. Her kids are all big now and they sometimes sit with us and we joke about my inability to drink alcoholic beverages and her husband's love of shandy. It's usually a very homey kind of vibe, comfy and relaxed. I almost, almost forgot it's 2021 2022 and that one day you wake up and you realize that your independence, your freedom and your democracy can be taken away like *that*. 

We didn't stay long. This year the fourth was somehow subdued. Soon we were driving back home and commenting how kids are the merciless reminders that time does not stop. Not for us. Not for anybody.


P.S. Underneath the polite chitchat, I talked to her aunts about Roe V. Wade, about the separation of church and estate and we all speculated sotto voce about the mass shooting that took place during a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, one of the 'good' neighborhoods in Chicago. Yep, it's not only the South Side that sees shootings now. They caught the perpetrator. Alive. Yes, he was asked by the police to "do me a favor and get on your knees, lay down on your stomach..." oh, yes, he's a white man. And the GOP candidate to governor for Illinois (allegedly endorsed by Agolf Twitler) told everybody to 'move on'. I'm telling you, 2021 2022 is full of fuckery.


  1. We kept it very low-key. Stopped by the neighbor's for a cock-a-tail, and then back home for a simple meal. America doesn't feel real celebratory these days. I'm hoping We The People will change that.

    1. Same.
      I did not feel like celebrating, but they are so nice! We were back home right after we nibbled on some food. Oh, I hope things change...


  2. Anonymous7/05/2022

    Historically, when people would wish me a “Happy 4th!” I would respond with “Happy Independence Day,” because that’s the holiday. Not this year. With freedoms being revoked and more on the way, to be sure, independence is seriously questionable.

    I was speaking to some of my female coworkers on Saturday and they were rightfully pissed, as was I. We MUST increase the senate and house majorities in November and take swift action in January when the new congress is seated. And more gun control legislation, too.

    1. I know right?
      It's called 'Independence Day' for a reason! But that independence is indeed seriously questionable with people being stripped of personal freedoms. I'm glad you're having those conversations, bae. They are needed.


  3. Replies
    1. Oh, I was nodding along the truths, but those bitches always keep me in stitches! 'No knuckles Nick'?
      Also, truths spread along jokes are till truths...


  4. Anonymous7/05/2022

    Big says,
    We didn't go anywhere. No one came here. We usually host BBQ and pool for family (hers) and friends. Just couldn't conjure up the spirit because we don't feel very "free" these days. We've decided *our* Independence Day will be Nov 8th when we do our best to bring enough of a majority to the Senate to override anything the Repuglies try to cheat on. XOXO
    P.S. We spend the entire afternoon glued to the TV watching coverage --- and hoping you and yours were okay. When they got the "person of interest" we looked at one another and said, "How wonderful they were able to get another **white guy** into custody without incident." ****sigh****

    1. Our little get together was subdued, too.
      And we really stuck to 'our' table. I did not feel like talking to other people because I really did not feel too celebratory.
      November 8th will be decisive.
      And thanks, Big! You have no idea how many people texted me about the shooting...


  5. First, What is an Impossible Burger?
    I haven't been to a house party (or gathering) in over ten years.
    And,....today was the first time I had no issues getting into your site and commenting. What a joy!

    1. Haha
      And Impossible Burger is a plant-based burger that tastes very similar to 'real' burgers. They're delish.
      And you know Blogger. It's such a temperamental little bitch...!


  6. I worked. They fed me too much. There was panic at a parade in Mechanicsburg after someone set of fireworks and people thought it was a shooter. I also wrote about that shit stain of human being, Darren Bailey, telling people to pray and move on.

    1. And you see, that's the 'new normal'.
      And that's not right. People in the Highland Park shooting people did not run because they thought the shots were fireworks. *BARF* Darren Bailey. Like you say, it was the 'thoughts and prayers' platitude from the Repugs but it backfired. Good.


  7. I swear...we're all on the same page. We too had family and friends in...even a few Republican s....gasp....mind you very liberal repubs...and even they too are despondent over the way that party is acting. It was low key the whole way around. And I can usually get festive for the fourth.

    1. Always, babes. Always.
      It's that there's not much to 'celebrate' in the land of the free when freedoms are being taken away from people!


  8. I didn't celebrate this year. Not the flag I want to wave these days. But surrender is also not the flag I want to wave. Isn't it funny? Rather than celebrate? I think we all used it as a day to mourn. The US is messed up, hon. I don't know how we come back from it... but that pendulum swings both ways... don't hold your breath, but don't give up hope either. Kizzes. P.S. sorry about the shooting... that sort of casts a pall on the whole event, too.

    1. Oh, I haven't put that flag up in years! Its meaning has changed.
      And yes, the US is messed up, Upton. Very messed up. I understand the whole pendulum thing, but really, I feel we've been in the 'conservative' side way too long...



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