Jugo de Papaya
@jugodepapaya makes me think of fantastic places full of magic and romance. Every time he publishes something, I just have to look at all the details in the drawings and in my head, I immediately see a full narrative. It's like his art triggers my creative juices and I can't help but start concocting fantastic tales related to each one of his drawings.
But Maximiliano Clipper, the Chilean artist is the person behind @jugodepapaya can describe his men better than I could ever do:
They all have their own personality, no one thinks like the other, none expresses like the other. Sure for some people they have a slightly disturbing and aggressive appearance, but they are good guys, it’s like watching the devil smile, it can look disturbing but if he’s happy it’s not his fault right? To really see them you need to put a side all stereotype and clichés and see them as men doing their stuff in their own world naturally. They can be dominant, kind, merciless, caring, loving, happy, etc … all shapes and sizes. They’re men. I find beauty in different expressions and postures of men, could be a smile, a look, arms, legs, it can create a new world of possibilities.
MaxClipper on PineappleMag
In this one, for example, I thought: William De Vries, the well known and feared pirate, had just arrived from a quick trip around the Mediterranean. He could not wait to see what Aritzar Etxebarria could do for him. He didn't know it, but William had had his eye on him for awhile... That's why he was now in his quarters. It was going to be a long night.
Jonathan Pons and Charlie Beauchêne knew they belonged together. The only question was, were they going to be able to wait to have sex until Jonathan's divorce? It seemed very unlikely, given that they could barely keep their hands off each other.
Martin Bellami had always had an affinity with gardening. This time, it was going to be different, though. The Verenich estate was something he was not ready for, even though he was an expert gardener. It was the Duke of Rothesay and his peonies what would change his life.
A Merman, Anton Ivanov thought, while he held Cyrus close to him. A Merman, of all creatures and I'm here defenseless...
And then Adalgiso Coen sent all the servants away. He needed to be alone with Alessio DiGenova as soon as possible because after today's tournament, their lives -and nights- would not be the same. Not at all..
Theodore really wanted to visit Yugoslavia and this was his first trip playing there. He was excited because everything was new and the possibilities seemed endless. What he was not ready for was the enthusiasm of his new team. It was going to be a long night, he suspected...
Andrew Vlahos was tired after that excursion to the Pyrenees. He could not wait to close his eyes and think about what his meeting with Leo Koblenz that night could mean. What was he going to say? Most important, what was going to be Leo's reaction after he knew the truth?
Leo Koblenz was very confident about his feelings for Andrew Vlahos. The question was: was Andrew ready to give everything up for their future? And, what was it that he wanted to talk to him about? Why the secrecy?
There was no question about it: Magnus Horsted had found his match this time. And he was planning on staying where he was for the duration of his stay. And maybe even longer.
Not a word had been uttered since they had closed the door, and now Boquin Hehtyan had decided that the future of their trip needed to be resolved in a quick, effective manner. The only problem was his feelings for Evangelos Petridis and the flight in which they needed to be in less than ten hours to meet Evangelo's fiancé. That was the main problem.
Caleb Archibald, Duke of Norfolk, had not realized how late it was or how much into Anatoli Balliol Barclay he was. Their affair was new, but the feelings were old. As old as the manor in which they were staying that night and that belonged to Anatoli's aunt. The same woman who had kept him semi-prisoner most of his life...
Yes, Aedo Kailea was in deep this time. Nobody could deny that. What with the deadlines he had and the pressure of the team on his shoulders. But then there was Dave Rennie. And he was almost naked at this point. There were not many options left for him now, were there?
Quade, Syd and Haumole had been friends since childhood. Then they had gone their own ways after their education took different routes. But this reunion had proven fruitful and complicated at the same time. How were they going to solve the problem Syd had posed? And did they want to?
Rory Abernathy and Athol Broden knew what was expected of them, but were they ready for the demands they would put on each other? The only thing they knew was that no matter what those demands were, this was just the first night of the rest of the season...
Oh, you thought I was kidding when I said his drawings made me think silly things? Think again.
And follow him @jugodepapaya, if you want to know more about those stories I was telling you about.
A giant becomes an object of desire, of something lustful that you can touch but it ́s not yours, you want to press but you can not. Almost like a small trophy.
Fascinating. Something very art deco about his work. Simply amazed by the skill of those so gifted. I can't imagine spending all the time creating such things. Thanks for sharing. Always love it when you open a new exhibit. Kizzes.
DeleteThe trace has the delicacy of Erté but updated. In his Insta he's published reels of himself drawing. It's fascinating.
And it's my pleasure! Haha
Interesting, but not the sort of art I'd want on my walls.
DeleteNot surprising. I, on the other hand, would love to be able to commission two or three. I think he works in small format, so they would probably have to be grouped. They would add much interest to a gallery wall, too!
Although not quite so fey, his work reminds me of Aubrey Beardsley's, if Beardsley could have been more explicit in his day and age. It's the detailed lines and fantasy qualities of the art.
DeleteI can see that. The fantasy is what does it for me. So incredibly detailed. They immediately tell a story.
Interesting stuff, but I feel like they're unfinished with no color to them.
ReplyDeleteI can see that.
DeleteBut I like the splashes of color that some have. I'd love to have one of these among my B&W photos, though.
ReplyDeleteVery complicated art. However, your commentary really brings it to life. I feel a collaboration is in order.
XOXO 👨🏼❤️💋👨🏽
DeleteI love his art! And it's all those books you keep sending to me that got me into that bodice ripper mode...
Big says,
ReplyDeleteNot a fan until I got down to the more simple line drawings. Those I liked. I do, however, agree with Huntley that you should ask to collaborate. XOXO
Ohh I can see that.
DeleteHis trace is clean and so precise! And I think it's you who should collaborate with him and commission illustrations for your stories!!
I can see it.
what an artist I'm follonwing now on IG!