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Oh, Pepino

I love it when I get to see how people live in other countries. It's like a breath of fresh air. In America, we marry one or two tendencies and that's about it. Not to mention that Instagram and Pinterest and the such have ruined individuality to a worrying extent. Whatever does not fit the 'trend' of the moment (barfGrandmillenialbarf) is not 'it'. And don't get me started with the obsession with square footage that permeates every inch of real estate and its meaning for Americans.

Pepino lives in an attic in Madrid and he recognizes that his style is eclectic and that he loves the light the. house gets. Who wouldn't, right? It's his first apartment and it literally screams Pepino! I think that when our places reflect us, there's really no need for introductions. When somebody steps into our parlor, they can literally tell who we are: we live who we are. Our plants, our books, our mementos make the best statement about how we live and what we live for than anything. 

That's why I think there's no 'right' or 'wrong' way to organize our homes. Can they be aesthetically pleasant? Yes. Do they need to follow some specific canon in order to be beautiful? No. Whatever works for us, works. I, for example, would not have dedicated all that space in the mezzanine to clothes (and the Goddess knows I love me some clothes!). But that's just me. Also, it kind of makes sense he did that because of space. I also use spaces not designated for clothes to put mine because well, the space was there...

BTW, I find his commitment to learning to play the piano in case there was another lockdown laudable. I could never...



  1. Anonymous7/19/2022

    Big says,
    OK, what is it with today's youth that they have to speak like the house is on fire? Slow down!
    Love this place. It's so bright and inviting. The loft is wonderful. The only thing I will say about the space for clothes: It is not only washing that fades fabric. Get the clothing into a room --- or something --- without a window. Today's architects makes me nuts with designing window in closets. (I know that is not the case here.) XOXO

    1. Haha
      It could be his Madrid accent, too. It's rapid fire. And you may be right about the clothes. It happens to furniture too, right?
      And it may be because the place doesn't seem to have much closet space...


  2. I like his decor and his wardrobe! But calling his place "an attic" is a disservice -- surely it is a loft!

    1. Same!
      He's got the cutest objects d'art I've seen. And they all seem to mean something for him. And he describes it as his attic. Maybe because it was carved out from a huge house? But yeah. It's a loft.


  3. Very cute! Oh, and the apartment was nice as well. Not a lot of clutter. I do hope he has A/C with this heat they're having.

    1. Heh
      I see what you did there. And yes, it's very uncluttered. I have no idea how heating and cooling work in Spain, TBH.

  4. And he plays Chopin too!

    1. So that's why it sounded familiar!
      I was totally impressed by his decision to learn to play the piano.


  5. Anonymous7/19/2022

    This is a cute apartment. The artwork is interesting, to say the least. There are a lot of clean lines and everything seems to have its place.

    Oh, and Pepino is very dreamy, though I agree with Big, he does speak a mile (kilometer?) a minute. But that could be nerves. I recently gave a presentation and I KNOW I spoke way too fast.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. It's super cute!
      And he's actually made some of the artwork and yes, it's very well organized. And it's the accent. Madrileños seem to speak ten words a second. And yes, he's cute. You and Dave would do very well in Spain.


  6. I'd kill for that apartment, and Pepino is a hot little nugget.

    1. Oh, yes!
      It's in Madrid! And it's sooo pretty!


  7. If that is an "attic" then my house is the Taj Mahal. Maybe in Madrid attic means something else. And those who say he speaks too fast. Spanish is a "fast" sounding language. I wish I could speak it the way he does but my tongue just won't move like that, try though I may in all sorts of situations. My husband was Hispanic of Chilean heritage. You should have heard him speak the combination of Spanish and Portuguese that he grew up speaking if you want "fast" speaking. Oh, and the "attic" is beautiful. Sure puts my messy house to shame.

    1. LOL
      Yes, he describes it like that because it was probably part of a huge house, it happens in Spain a lot. And yes, in Europe the concept of space is a little different. And you are right, Spanish is syllable driven while English is stress driven. Spanish always sounds rapid fire to Anglo speakers.


  8. Very presentational. And obviously very proud of his sense of taste and style. Good for him. I like the space. Too much clutter for my taste, but he's finding himself through acquiring items. His type... very foreign to me. And by that, I mean his choice of focus in life. Aesthetics rule his life and define it. He finds himself by collecting things created by others and those things help him define himself. I have a strong opinion about such folks... I simply don't believe that image is everything. It brings to mind that quiz I did about The Museum of You... he lives in such a museum. I guess to some extent we all do... mine is just much more poorly lit. :)

    1. Yes, he's very presentational, very visual.
      And I don't think his possessions define him as much as he collects them as a way of projection. After all he's an actor (and dipped his toe in design) so yes, you could say that aesthetics are essential to him.
      And you know we all live in The Museum of Us. We just don't give tours of it to Vogue...


  9. beautiful house, full of colors. But then ... how cute is Peppino. I fell in love!

    1. I loved his space.
      And he is indeed adorable! He's an actor and he's on Insta, Xersex!



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