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I've posted about Dr. Carlton before and now Amp and Mr. Kristopher have had a convo with him to talk about Monkeypox. Yay! Because there's a lot of gay panic going around with Monkeypox now and it's good to have a medical doctor actually answering questions about Monkeypox. Yay science.

But some people are taking it like it's a 'gay' disease. Does it ring a bell?

As in the early days of the AIDS crisis, they argue, government messaging around the outbreak has been flawed, gay men have been blindsided and public health officials have failed to defeat a severe disease plaguing the LGBTQ community.

“It feels like déjà vu,” said gay rights activist Peter Tatchell, who was a leading member of the Gay Liberation Front in the United Kingdom. “The lessons from the AIDS crisis and Covid have clearly not been learned.”

Yeah. It's not a 'gay' anything. Anybody can and will get Monkeypox. That it has exploded in gay communities? Yeah, the fags were at it during the summer and could not keep it in their pants and many sex workers got (very, very painful and very, very stigmatizing bouts of Monkeypox). But people refuse to understand that Monkeypox is a public health emergency and treat it like that. Of course, there's not a moment that people will try and still get the 'gay' perspective. For example down here we have the tweets of a right wing 'journalist'. Uncle Joe has a 'Monkeypox Tzar' and the conservatives are jumping on the gay label. Again.

Noted idiot and serial plagiarist Benny Johnson tweeted Thursday, “Meet Demetre Daskalakis. Demetre was just appointed by Joe Biden to be the official White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator. Demetre proudly wears the official symbol of the Church of Satan: The Pentagram. Joe Biden appointed a Satanist to the White House.” Johnson’s use of “just” is doing a lot of work, as Daskalakis’ appointment occurred a month ago. Keep up, Benny. “I am certainly not a satanist,” Daskalakis tells The Advocate. And why do people think he is? “It’s because I wear high-fashion harnesses by Zana Bayne,” he cheekily replies.

The right wingers are attacking Demetre's sexuality, of course, not his credentials, because they have NOTHING. They are just jealous that Dr. Daskalakis looks fantastic with his shirt off and that he seems to be DOING HIS JOB:

At that time there were fewer than a dozen diagnosed MPVX cases in New York City. Still, it worried Banks. Himself HIV+, he recalled the AIDS crisis; and "as a sex worker, he said, he tries to be 'more informed and more of an advocate' when it comes to sexual health."
He recalls "freaking out" when he found a small pimple on his hand. "Mr. Anda does not have health insurance, so he called the man who used to be his doctor, Demetre Daskalakis, a former New York City health official with a long history of activism in the L.G.B.T.Q. community who now works for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," the Times continued. (On Aug. 2, President Biden appointed him to help lead the national monkeypox response.)

P.S. Dr. Daskalakis looks good with his shirt on. And he looks GOOD without his shirt on. DADDY!


  1. and even if it was a gay disease? apart from that this type of smallpox can be transmitted to women, but the possible existence of gay diseases does not bother me. I am gay and if there are gay diseases, it is possible that I will get them. It is a risk, like many risks as in sex as in life. In any case, on October 5th, I have an appointment for my smallpox vaccine.

    1. Correct.
      But conservatives and people in general immediately pin anything 'sexual' to gay people. Idiots. And kudos to you, for seeking the vaccine. I've done the same but went for the flu vaccine first.


    2. [I'll get the flu vaccine too.]
      Not being a woman, I cannot have uterine disorders. Being a gay practitioner and not just observant, I risk sexually transmitted diseases. It seems so obvious to me! You think (or rather, some think) that gays only think about sex. Why don't they ask straight men? maybe those whose wives don't give blowjobs or hurt them? these men are looking for good blowjobbers in us gays!

  2. Conservatives will use anything to attack. Monkeypox was blown so out proportion. As far as I can tell, there has only been one death from the disease, as opposed to the number of people shot to death daily in the country.

    1. Oh, conservatives will throw anything to the wall to see what sticks.
      And what sticks is always something concerning sex or sexual orientation or gender orientation. We should know that. And of course they'll never take into account the truth.


  3. I love how the GOP calmly attacks a person's sexuality orientation or gender identity as if that makes them a bad person. 2022 and we're still seeing this homophobic bull shiz.

    1. It's their go-to strategy.
      They've gone back to 1982. Have you noticed that they have not changed their attack lines since AIDS?


  4. Anonymous9/15/2022

    Big says,
    What bunch of blowhards. Divert, transference, divert, transference, divert, transference. Each time one of those blockheads opens their mouth ask what they're trying to hide. Then watch what they do. XOXO

    1. Any shiny object will do.
      They're the party of the noise, no substance. And if they can attack anybody because of their sexual orientation or gender, the better.


  5. Finally, I can post a comment here.
    Broward County (Wilton Manors/Ft lauderdale) was being called the epicenter for Monkey Pox in the US. Luckily, the gay community with Equality Park and Pride Center knew how to organize with the MP shots and pop up clinics. However, availability was an issue even with the 1/5th dose under the skin.

    1. Yay!
      And big gay communities were hit hard. That's true. But that's what Dr. Daskalakis and Dr. Carlton have been doing: educating communities that have been hit hard. And high demand usually means scarcity. But the trend is going down, so I'm sure the vaccine will become more available...


  6. I know im trying like hell to curb my sexual appetite....and it's a struggle. But I have been trying to ask questions of people before the deed opens.

    And the GQP attacking sexuality??? Omg....that is sooooooooo late 80's 90's. What a bunch of bores. They need to do things that really matter.

    1. Of course it's a struggle!
      And the questions now have go go beyond the usual talk about safe sex and COVID. And you know that for conservatives we're still in 1982...


  7. Well, good for the Biden administration. They got someone our community can relate to and whom we will listen to. And he relates to us. So screw all the naysayers. F 'em. I have one dose. Had to postpone getting the second one... and part of me wonders why I need worry, as I'm still Covid Careful around most people. Destroy the GOP, babies. They are all evil. Right, it is not. Kizzes.

    1. Absolutely.
      The man speaks the language of the community and is embedded in it. What better ambassador to raise awareness towards a disease that is so stigmatizing? And bravo! Glad you got one dose, at least.
      And yes, the only solution is to destroy the GOP and cripple their hatred.


  8. Anonymous9/15/2022

    The GQP can take that extra large dildo they talked about in the video and gag on it and stick it where the sun don’t shine, not necessarily in that order.

    As pointed out in the video, monkey pox is not a gay disease as it can be transmitted by coming in contact with the sores or fluid of another person and if those sores are in the mouth, kissing is also a form of transmission.

    Please protect yourselves by any means necessary. Both Dr. Carlton and Dr. Demetre are providing an invaluable service and should be lauded for that.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Totally.
      Monkeypox can be transmitted in many ways and many people can get it. But leave it to the Repugs to try and make it 'gay'. These doctors are doing a great job. Gotta love it.



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