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So what's your era?

I realized that I'm in my stay-away-from-me era. After COVID’s peak and now with the whole Monkeypox thing going on, I still feel uncomfortable sharing my personal space with people, but I really have no idea how men still hook up for a quicky with a rando. Really. And I'm all for fucking whomever you want whenever you want. No slut shaming in this blog. But I still think about it. I mean, come on, haven’t you thought about it? 

Really, these last two years have been absolutely draining in the sense that I do not want to be around people. And I work WITH people, mind you. The higher ups want everything to 'get back to normal' and I want to tell them to kindly fuck off. But I can't. I grin and bear it. And support the people at work who still wear a mask. Because of course I do. You NEVER now why people are wearing a mask, so judgment is always out of the way. 

Still, I was thinking yesterday about guys in the apps, you know. Guys who hooked up through COVID and are hooking up through Monkeypox. How do they do it? I'm really only comfortable around people I know (my friends and acquaintances have all been vaccinated and boosted, thankyouverymuch) and I cannot imagine having someone I don't know licking my nipples. It's just a no.

So yeah, I'm in my stay-away-from-me era. And I'm not sorry. How’s your week going? 



  1. I am just coming off a four day weekend and facing a three day work week, so I won't complain.
    We are a bit more house-bound than we were pre-pandemic, often having a few friends over for drinks or meals, rather than big mobs and going out. I rather enjoy the small gatherings and don't know if we'll ever go back.

  2. I want sex and not even the plague keeps me from having random sex. Despite the COVID and the smallpox (on October 5 I have the vaccine, despite having twice the smallpox vaccine as a child), I am fine and have never been better.

  3. I'm in my "I want Michael's t-shirt with the raccoons and fireworks era."

  4. Anonymous9/06/2022

    Big says,
    I think I'm in my lost era. I'm anxious over all the fuckery going on, and not sure of where things are going. Thus I'm not sure where **I'm** going - or if I even want to go anywhere. Not missing things that we did pre-pandemic rather scares me. Does that make sense? XOXO

  5. Anonymous9/06/2022

    Yeah the “don’t touch me/stay away era” may be around for awhile. Don’t go out to eat, everything is pickup with a bottle of hand sanitizer in the car. This also leads to the “right hand era,” if you know what I mean 😜

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  6. I am in my "the universe does not recognize that I am at its center" era. And, it does not look good for the future either.

  7. Let's be honest, most men have 2 heads, and it never surprises me which one does the most thinking.

  8. So, I dipped my toe back into the whole Grindr pool and promptly opted out. The prairie is different - it's outdoors and lately I don't even touch anyone... I just look, unless I know them really, really well. The Grindr thing? Well, surprisingly, STI's are through the roof - which makes no sense, because we weren't supposed to be having sex, so I thought they would have disappeared. But, no... the opposite. And now with Monkey Pox added - and it is basically a sexually transmittable disease - I'm happy to sit the rest of 2022 out. I'll start grabbing dick again in 2023 when this is all sorted out. If I do return to the prairie - I haven't gone in two weeks and won't go this week, either - it will be to show off and have no contact fun. The idea of monkey pox in my anus? Not that appealing. Kizzes.

  9. Well....while I still have the Lad who he and I still get together and fuck....i did see the lumberjack once since I moved. But I had a very random threesome last time at the Woods....and it occurred because I was drunk and let my guard down. That's how a rando happens to me. And I was fretting about the monkey pox. Was the sex hot? Yes. Was it worth all the worry after? Hell no. I have to find stronger wheel power next time. Sometimes Slutwhora is out of control. I was worried more about that then the Covid. But I am booked for a monkey pox shot. It always seems the Woods is where I fall off the wagon. But naked men abound!!!!!!


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