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One of the things I really feel about is people who get dragged into situations without wanting. There's so many horrible people hanging around I sometimes wonder about this world, seriously. That’s why when I watched this video I started thinking about a situation I learned about quite recently.. What I know about it is strictly impressionistic and it's from hearsay but I trust my sources.

You see, one of my friends, who is truly handsome, went to Spain many years ago with his boyfriend and as many people do, decided to stay. What my friend did not know is that his 'boyfriend' literally decided to pimp him out to make a living. His living, though, because my friend did not consent to that and never really accepted the situation. I have never talked to him about that, but I have it from good sources that it did happen. I think it was horrible. One, because it was his boyfriend. And two, because what the hell?

Thankfully, my friend broke up with that piece of shit man and is now married and hopefully much happier. But the story stayed with me. I could literally not believe it. How many people find themselves in a situation similar to José's or my friend's and do not find anybody who can help them? It gives me chills. We all think it's kind of a 'one of a kind' situation or that only happens 'in movies'. But it's more common than what we are willing to accept. Just look at what De Santis did to all those refugees that the right wing press keep presenting as 'illegals' who received an 'all expenses trip'. How many of those people could have been left stranded in a country they don’t know? Defenseless? My blood boils.  


P.S. if you or anybody you know is in this situation, here are 20 ways you can fight human trafficking


  1. DeSantis' stunt appealed to a wide swath of white Republicans, many others realize that should he ever get into the presidency, his administration will be endlessly filled with such stunts to appeal only to his base. Bad move by Ronnie D.

  2. This pretty much left me speachless. I know all too well the trauma that can happen to young men that have to resort to being a sex worker in order to survive and all the rationalization they sometimes have for what they do. The impact that it has on the entirity of their lives into their eventual and unavoidable old age...if they manage to overcome the very real desire to "just end it all" as happens to way too many young men even in today's open and permissive world. There is not enough space here for me to write what I really want to write. But, it is important for us all and society as a whole to finally begin to realize that this trauma happens to young men as well as young women. That we too often think that the male of our spieces is more able to survive and just deal with life. It is inspiring to hear this young man's story.

  3. DeSantis is a stunt, not a leader. As Pete Buttigieg, DeSantis was in Congress for many years and never once put forth legislation to combat immigration, but he'll hired drivers to go to Texas, snatch up some migrants, drive them to Florida, lie to them about what was happening and fly them to Martha's Vineyard and dump them there.

  4. Already many marriages after a few years are prisons. During the lockdown, there were husbands in Italy who ran away from home to be arrested and thrown in jail, in order NOT to return to their homes. You can imagine what thesa maggiage can become when you are the weaker part and your spouse turns into a monster.

  5. Anonymous10/05/2022

    Unfortunately most often we only hear about women in this situation, but the video said more than ONE THIRD of the trafficked are males. The vulnerable have no resources and recourse. And if they are male, the assumption is “this is what they wanted.”

    I’m truly saddened by what happened to your friend and to Jose. Fortunately in Jose’s case, his abuser was caught and punished. I’m sure this is far from the norm, though.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Anonymous10/11/2022

      A lot of the reason we only hear about women is the assumption everyone's straight.

      This is what happens when you throw your kids out. They end up shackled to some pimp.

  6. The world is full of predators and users who seek only their own gain.

  7. Very sad. I think our need for safety or intimacy or security will lead us into some truly unhealthy situations. Fear is a terrible motivator. And our need for validation of some sort only gives fear more power. Thanks for sharing this.

  8. Anonymous10/05/2022

    Big says,
    If one truly looked into the situation, the number would be much higher than 1/3. We believe it only happens to women and girls because of the entertainment industry; TV and film rarely do story arcs about men and boys. Just like domestic violence - people think women can't be perpetrators. Oh, how wrong they are.
    Jose's story hits home for me. My father beat me All. The. Time. 'Course there were no computers or internet then. I escaped into the military. XOXO

  9. And in America is it going to become just another part of our greedy consumerist ways???? Will we be sold to games like Hunger Games and hunted down for sport? While the reality TV viewers watch? Will people of all kinds be sold into sex trades and acts against their will....and viewers can pick their kink and tell the show what they want to see so viewers can get their rocks off? Sounds crazy....but are we far off? I wonder about the world too.


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