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Oh, Mr. Woodward..

"Veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward has collected his recorded interviews with former President Donald Trump – eight hours' worth – into an audiobook release, "The Trump Tapes." He talks with CBS News' John Dickerson about Trump's view of the presidency as a trophy and his unsettling communications with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un; and about the question Woodward most regrets not asking."

Why now? I am constantly reminded of the fuckery the media usually indulges in when it comes to Cheeto. Look at the revelations from Maggie Haberman, who sat on tons of information to write a book (I have not read it and don't plan to, natch, unless I find a free pdf online...). And now Bob Woodward (All the President's Men) has published the interviews he carried out with Cheetolini and the results are not surprising. At all.

Questions will surely be asked regarding Woodward's motivation for this audiobook. On one level, he is simply reiterating the case he made a year ago regarding Trump's fitness for office. He observes in his prologue that reading something someone said does not have the force of hearing it in that person's own voice. (That is a case NPR and other audio-based communicators have been making for many years.)

There is no question that hearing Trump has an impact that reading alone cannot match. Woodward in his epilogue speaks of "the real Trump...pounding in my ears in a way that the printed page does not capture."

It is also possible that Woodward is responding here to critics who have faulted his work and that of other Trump chroniclers. At least some reporters who have written books about Trump have been accused of withholding newsworthy nuggets, keeping them secret and fresh for their books. Woodward is showing in his own way how difficult it is to do journalism and historiography at the same time.

Duh. Of course I have fucking questions! Why is it that all these people jus sit on tons of -damaging- information about this thin-skinned, ignorant, petulant, stupid megalomaniac until the fucking end?? We hear *barf* Cheeto's voice lying, cheating and being the usual stupid moron he usually is. We hear about Saudi Arabia, we hear about North Korea, we hear about COVID and how Cheeto fucked it up so badly that he basically condemned thousands of people to death. Woodward is the least dangerous person with whom Don The Con shared national secrets.

How? How can that happen in the United States? How can this ignorant fool become president and then fuck up the country so badly? It can happen because many of our neighbors are just like Don The Con: ignorant to the point of being moronic, blinded by hatred of 'others' and possessed by an all-consuming ambition, power is the ultimate prize. The conservative mind is twisted and unrepentant. 

The thing is, Bob's revelations will do little to sway people. Many Americans are willing to sell their souls and country for a gallon of gas. What this is, though, is a reminder that history will not be kind to the orange moron. In case you're interested (and can put up with Cheeto's grating voice and intonation) Bob Woodward has posted the eight hours of tapes on Amazon and they're free with an Audible subscription. I'm kind of surprised that he is giving them out for free, but you never know...


The Trump Tapes is the intimate and astonishing audio archive of Bob Woodward’s 20 interviews with Donald Trump.

Featuring more than eight hours of Woodward/Trump conversations, The Trump Tapes is as historically important as the Frost/Nixon interviews. In this up-close, unvarnished self-portrait of Trump and his presidency, listeners will hear Trump as Woodward did: profane, incautious, divisive, and deceptive, but also engaging and entertaining, ever the host and the salesman, trying to sell his presidency to win Woodward over.

Relying on familiar devices—airing grievances, stoking divisions, repeating himself to a staggering degree, as if saying something often and loud enough will make something true—Trump uses his voice as a concussive instrument, pounding in the listener’s ear.

In new commentary created exclusively for The Trump Tapes, Woodward at times breaks frame from the interviews to provide essential context or clarification. But for the most part the interviews proceed uninterrupted, fulfilling Woodward’s goal of presenting Trump’s voice and words for the historical record, and offering listeners the chance to hear and judge and make their own assessments.

As relevant as ever to the task of understanding Donald Trump, The Trump Tapes reveal Trump in his own words—a man consumed by the past and clinging to his grievances, unable to understand his responsibilities as president or address the crises affecting the country


  1. I think the world is damaged. No one does anything for the sake of doing the right thing anymore. It's about profit. It's about status. It's about PR. It's about moving forward an agenda. It's about gain. It's about power. Look... any one with half a brain knows the orange ogre is insane and unfit for office. My issue is actually more with the 70% who could do something about it by voting... and sit on their hands. F THEM.

    1. Oh absolutely.
      There's no altruism, no compassion. Only greed. And everybody knows that Mustard Mussolini is batshit crazy, but they are all using his momentum to gain power. It's simple.
      And don't get me started with the ones that say that their vote does not count because of 'the system'... Ugh.


  2. I doubt I'll read any of these books, and never ever read any book written by anyone who worked for the traitor, because, like you, I feel like you sat on information we all could have used because you knew you were gonna write a book and the coins will more important to you than having a syphilitic rapist racist traitor con man in the White House.
    All y'all can fuck all the way off.

    1. Same.
      t's been on plain sight ever since Cheeto came down the escalator with his mail bride: he is a con man. But I find that people who could have said and done something to let others know how deeply corrupt Don the Con was and did not do it to profit, are as despicable as Cheeto's minions.
      They can indeed fuck all the way off.


  3. The most dangerous demagogue since Hitler. And equally batshit crazy.

    1. Absolutely.
      Twitler is as crazy as his followers are delusional. They feed on each other like a hellish snake eating its own tail.


    2. Remember, though, that many Americans elected him. They went to vote just to vote for him. this is the tragedy, imho.

  4. Anonymous10/24/2022

    Big says,
    Woodward is not a traitor because he didn't work in the administration. But I didn't buy his book --- didn't buy ANY of the books written by people who served the Orange One like sycophants and kept the country in the dark only so they could sell books. Nope. I call those people traitors.
    I understand Cheetolini had some words to say about this, too. Claimed the tapes belonged to him and was going to sue Woodward. I cannot wait for Orange Magat to fuck all the way off the earth. XOXO

    1. That is correct. He did not work with Cheeto.
      But he, as Maggie did, kept information that would have been useful before. Now, it's going to affect how Mango Mussolini is viewed by history: as a dangerous, ignorant, thin skinned demagogue who sold the country to save his orange ass.
      History is not going to be kind to Dump. But the country is damaged.


  5. Anonymous10/24/2022

    As you said, they all sit on the information for profit, dollars/power before country. Yes it’s admirable these conversations will be available with a free Audible subscription (don’t forget to cancel before your 30 days are up) but it’s too late to change many minds going into the midterms. Early voting has already begun (my submitted mail in ballot has been received by the county clerk) and we need that huge turnout to override any fuckery by legislators to overturn the will of the people.

    Get your likeminded neighbors off their duffs and get to the polls. They’re trying to make it harder in some areas, so make that plan and vote.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. It's incredibly greedy.
      I won't forgive Bob. The same way I will never forgive Maggie. May they both fuck right off. I do find admirable that Bob has put this out for free. He'll still write the book but people will be able to hear Cheeto *shudders* own voice being the crazy strongman wannabe who sold the country.
      I'm so glad you voted, bae. I hope everybody and their mother goes to vote in the midterms. I'm still worried because you're a poll worker and the news are that the crazies are circling the polls...


  6. No creo que vaya a leerlos, pero... Bueno, yo soy de España y aún sigo sin comprender cómo ha llegado ahí. Pero, veo también tanta tontería últimamente, que ya simplemente pienso lo peor.


    1. Yo, pues lo mismo.
      He leído algunos, pero todos dicen lo mismo: Mango Mussolini es un demagogo que ha incitado racismo y nazismo en las mismas cantidades por poder y dinero. Ha cometido crímenes y parece inmune a la justicia. Es el sistema norteamericano: inocente hasta que se prueba lo contrario...


  7. Trump became president because Democrats grew wishy washy, they ignored the nut jobs and their lies. Oh, and one of the biggest mistakes of all? They believed the polls.

    1. Cheeto became president because Americans in general are a bunch of entitled, spoiled children. And the Dems thought politics was a game played fairly. They did not count on the Repugs being despicable thugs.
      The polls are bullshit. People thought Hillary had it in the bag and did not vote. And they fucked the country up.


  8. My mind hurts from all of it. After all he did. all the evidence, all the testimony from his own camp, all the witness, various hearings from the Muller to the current and then taking files from the White House, which I still don't know how that is even possible without anyone knowing or seeing it (what did they think was in those boxes? China dishes?) that he is still out and free and allowed to even continue blows my mind and I have lost a great deal of trust and respect for most politicians. I swear everybody seems to be afraid of him or something. Except Liz. She is the only one with balls willing to not give in and take that big fat fucking bull by the horns. Blows my mind everyday he is walking free, and I swear...I will bet he walks. Something is serious wrong with this country.

    1. Oh, Maddie.
      Same. But it's the American way: Cheeto will sue and delay and contersue until one of the statutes of limitations runs off and then he'll keep doing the same. He is a Mafia Boss with Mafia Boss techniques.
      The whole country has witnessed his corruption and people have done nothing: some because they are comfortable in their positions and because privilege seems to protect them. Some because they are spoiled and if they don't get their saying, they won't vote. Both equally despicable. As despicable as the stupid racist morons who think Cheeto is 'innocent' and decide to believe deeply stupid conspiracy theories.
      I hope Don the Con does not walk. It will be the end of this country. Really.



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