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In Mexico, death rites date from pre-Hispanic rituals represented in murals, painted pottery, monuments, and artifacts, which shows how the Day of the Dead has its origins in the rituals practiced by the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Its precedents date to more than 3000 years ago when the Olmecs and subsequent Toltecs, Mixtecs, Zapotecs, Maya, and Aztecs honored death.
Those who passed are alive in our memories. A continuous echo that at certain occasions becomes louder. As the only answer to many of our questions, death is an integral part of life, and the living and the dead meet in this day to emphasize the importance of death in the cycle of life.

It's Dia De los Muertos today. What better day than a truly Mexican holiday to celebrate Mexican drag?
@LaMasDraga is on YouTube, BTW. The only thing you need to do is to hit that CC button.

Feliz Día de los Muertos!



  1. Feliz Día de los Muertos! Thanks for the show!

  2. Anonymous11/01/2022

    Another great day to celebrate. Can you get me the digits (is that still a saying?) of the first guy? IDC if he’s just a drawing.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  3. Anonymous11/01/2022

    Big says,
    It's an all-important part of living. And that makes it worth a day of its own to honor. Happy Day of the Dead. XOXO

  4. Another great tradition monotheistic religions tried to destroy.

  5. Love the illustrations. And that song is fun, too, as is the video. Hope all is well, my dear. It's a wonderful opportunity for us to reflect and honor those we have lost along the way... Kizzes.

  6. agaijn a precious graphic artist you let me know! Thanks!


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