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Right. The January 6 committee has released their report and it is well, devastating for Cheetolini. It's basically an indictment of the ex-president (barf). They go as far as to say that he's literally the cause of the January 6 riot AND also a conspirator who had an hand on multiple plots to overthrow the US government in the most egregious and clumsy power grab this country has ever seen. I'm not going to lay it down here, but you can read Michael's summary. There are folks here on blogger who do politics much better than I ever could. I just kvetch about the fuckery. 

And as Beau says, that referral is not just symbolic. This is serious. Why do you think the Devil's Butler is squirreling around saying that the DOJ should not bring charges against Cheeto,  even after Mango Mussolini sent his minions to get his ass hanged on January sixth? All the while The Turtle has gone on record saying that the 'entire nation' knows Cheeto did incite the riot. Infighting. So delicious. The GOP imploding slowly because of Twitler? Karma in action.

All joking aside, this is something that has no precedent in American history (but then, there's the 14th Amendment, natch). And it's also Cheeto's rotten, corrupt legacy. Very fitting. Even though many people doubt he's going to be held accountable of his many crimes, I remain hopeful he'll go to jail, like so many Mob Bosses before him. Remember, nobody thought he was a viable presidential candidate when he came down that tacky escalator either and yet here we are ...



Also, icing on the cake?


Because fuck Gym Jordan. 


  1. In Italy, what happened on January 6, 2021 in the USA would have only one name: (attempted) coup d'état.

    1. In ANY other part of the world it would have been an attempted coup.
      But the Repugs here covered his ass because they have no other way to keep the power (and the ability to syphon billions of dollars). It was corruption at a level never seen in this country.


    2. mhhh corruption? you don't know Italy

  2. Anonymous12/20/2022

    I like the way Beau lays it out. Like many I felt that this won’t go anywhere, but he give me a (little) hope 💩will one day be in Club Fed. I would prefer Guantanamo, but we can’t have everything.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Same.
      I truly fear that some repug will get to be in power and will pardon Fat Orange's ass. Ugh. And Guantanamo would be soooo fitting!!


  3. I would love to see that crying bitch Gym Jordan locked up.
    I have doubts much will come of these referrals, but I hope something does ... at least making it impossible for him to run again. Of course, if charges do come up, you know that Fat Ass will scurry like a rat out of America,

    1. Ugh.
      Despise him. All the noise he was making that he was gonna 'hold Dems accountable'? Projection. And just preventing these traitors for ever running again is enough. They're in it for the money, of course.
      And I'd love for Orange Anus to skip to Russia and find himself under Vlad's thumb. Again.


  4. As a big fan of Cheetos I would request that you no longer refer to him with that term. Maybe something more appropriate like baby shit orange.

    1. Hahahaha
      OMG right? I love Cheetos. I've been known to finish a bag before even the movie credits are over! LOL
      And Baby Shit Orange is perfectly fitting.


  5. For a long time I've been telling people that patience is a virtue... be patient. And now? Believe me, the fun factory is just prepping up for production. In Adam Kinzinger's words, "in ten years no one will publicly admit they ever voted for Trump;" and that's going to go for the Republican party as well.

    1. Oh, I really hope so.
      And who knew that Adam Kinzinger and fucking Liz Cheney would be the reasonable, honorable repugs?? Who??
      I hope that the name Dump is forever associated with treason and that they erase it from any public building.


  6. Anonymous12/20/2022

    Big says,
    Now the DOJ must do their thing. Jack Smith must realize that HIS allotted time is also limited. He's got 2 years left to bring this all to fruition. May his team work efficiently and effectively bring all those scumbags down. XOXO

    1. I know, right?
      It's not like this has moved with alacrity. I understand they need to have a tight case, but really? Tick tock.


  7. Obama and Hilary Clinton both explicitly warned America that Trump was unfit for the presidency, but did people listen? Noooooooooooo.

    1. Oh, yes.
      Hillary did it on national tv. In FRONT OF Mango Mussolini. People did not listen. It is that deadly combo of misogyny and stupidity that Americans seem to favor.


  8. I do wish... and let's, all of us, make this our grown-up Xmas Wish... that the DOJ actually does something with all this info and charges these A-holes with some serious crimes. Convicted or not... I want that stain on them for life, like a tattoo that says... I am a traitorous, cowardly GOP beyotch. That everyone in this nation is not outraged demonstrates the power of brainwashing via FOX NEWS. Shame on all of them. Kizzes.


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