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Oh, yes. The resolutions. Those that I never keep, basically because by February life has caught up with me and I have totally forgotten most things I was thinking about at the beginning of January. I also think most list of resolutions imply that there was something inherently wrong with my life during 2022 and I refuse to think that. It's not that my life is not hectic or that it is perfect, mind you. But so many things happen at work and at home that I usually lose track of the things I thought were important/needed change/wanted to do during the first days of the year. So my New Year List needs to be above all, practical.

So let's say you'll be my interlocutor, Constant Reader, for this one. And what am I thankful for? Many things: I have stayed healthy (knocks on wood) and even though I have had to work with groups of people I have not tested positive for COVID and that, my dear, is quite the feat at this point. I am also grateful for the people who love me (yes, there's a few, thank goodness!). They have been a great source of strength and happiness this past year (and always). Oh, I'm also grateful I have my basement garden apartment, which you by now know well because I've overshared stuff about my little pied à terre right here, in this thingy here. I love my little corner of the world and I'm lucky to have it. 
And I guess I have to say I am grateful for my job: it lets me do something that I'm very good at doing and receive money in exchange. Is it fun? Sometimes. Is it easy? I can make it easy, but they're paying me to do it for some reason, right? Is it rewarding? Many times. Not every day or every week, but yes, many times. 
So yeah, there's things I'm grateful for. And I better remember them.

Ohhh let's see: what would be the theme of last year? What about Assurance without Presumption? Because familiarity breeds contempt and I think that's the worst feeling. I think Assurance without Presumption would work just fine. And in a book about my life, 2022 would be called "The times and lives of Elsworth Polliwog" because Harry Potter. Take that as you wish.

I managed to go through all of 2022 without getting in trouble or losing my job. I did that because I avoided having to talk directly to my boss, natch. I know, that's not really hardship but when you could lose your job because you tell your boss exactly what you think of her, it becomes serious. I managed to only talk to my direct supervisor during the whole year without requesting an audience with The Duchess of Mean. I don't know if I have told you, but my boss is an evil, vicious, power hungry, mean queen bitch from hell. And I don't like her. 
So I managed to stay out of trouble with everybody at work and not once had to talk to her personally. She came in like a wrecking ball and was taking names but I managed to keep my ass in check and my mouth shut and out of her way. I plan on doing exactly the same this year. I don't enjoy talking to negative people. And that woman is a black hole of unpleasantness. The Supernova of all Debby Downers. Hell in Sensible Heels.

Oh shit. This should be easy, no? No grudges. Well, I do not want to carry grudges into 2023. And I guess I'm going to have to find a way to practice The Kindness of Strangers with the few people I cannot stand. Restrain is not my forte, as you can imagine, so it will take more than willpower, Adobo and Saran Wrap for me to keep it civil when interacting with assholes or people I despise. 
But I'll try it. Because if there's people I don't like it's my problem, not theirs. It's my reaction to them what muddles the waters, not their being fucking morons. So yeah. I think I will also write their names in a piece of paper and I'll burn that. Let's see how that goes.

Ohhh what would be my intentions? Not something lame like Grow from Love, right? What about I'll practice some Avoidance of the Stayback Kamikaze? I am going to have to be more in the moment and more aware of my triggers. And that, Constant Reader, IS the struggle.

And how about you? Do you do the whole 'New Year Resolutions' thing? Do you keep them? Or are we more similar than you thought? 


P.S. I'm going to be out of reach for some more days, btw. I'll be off to see how Kanaka Maoli live and I won't be back until next week. Gotta make my short break count. 


  1. Well my impression of you is that you do pretty good at the whole life thing. And, my sincere wish for your New Year is that your Boss does not read this Blog. As for me making resoloutions...I do make some each year with the final one being that I resolve to break all my resoloutions. Sort of a reverse psychology approach. Does it work? No, but at least I have an excuse.

    1. Aww Thanks, dear.
      My life is an ongoing soap opera, but I manage. LOL
      And in all Midwestern passive-agressiveness I'd really like for that horrible woman to read this blog. She's a nightmare.
      And reverse psychology is a great tool!!


  2. Anonymous1/03/2023

    Big says,
    Nope. No resolutions for me. Gave those up many years ago. I gotta hand it to you for managing to stay under the radar with the boss. I never managed to do that because: My mouth. Yep. If someone asks my opinion, I give it. I'll tell them I think they're right or wrong and why. Which is why the economic downturn in the aughts gave them the perfect excuse to cut me. Age and disability played against me there, too. But...water under the bridge and all that. Turned out the best because...well, because I got to meet you and so many others through the Blogosphere. And, for that, I'm grateful. XOXO

    1. Oh, it took EFFORT, because I'm very mouthy and that woman is a case of the Karen. And I love that you're here with us, blogging and cackling at the world and its crazy bullshit.


  3. Wow, you are doing a deep dive into introspection for this New Year's! Keep on avoiding the Duchess of Mean!

      Yes, the Duchess of Mean! You have NO IDEA how many times I have to count until ten to avoid hitting the 'send' button! LOL


  4. Anonymous1/03/2023

    "kanakas"...interesting choice of words.
    I have only one resolution which is obtainable. That is to rent a new car with all the new gadgets on it to see what it is like. Jimmy

    1. Yes!
      It's the word my friend uses. But he's a native, of course. I have the impression it's been reclaimed for obvious reasons.
      And renting a car with all the bells and whistles? How fun! You'll blog about it, of course??


  5. No resolutions for me. My goals tend to be long range, like living to be 100, or possibly 105, at which age I do not doubt that some will think of me as a Holy Prick.

    1. Oh, you'll probably make it to 105. Pickled, of course.
      And the Holy Prick moniker applies even now, dear...


  6. I want to reduce my coffee intake. I want to increase my water intake. I am going to take more risks this year... as in, travel. I dunno. Being a bit more... selfish? Not a bad thing. I simply want more for myself. Is that bad? I will still help others... but I'm also concerned about time... running... out. Kizzes. And welcome back and welcome to 2023.

    1. Oohhh yes.
      I'm fighting to reduce sugar. But alas, I have a sweet tooth. And more for ourselves is NOT bad. It's actually recommended by.. me. And time is gonna run with our without us, so why wait?


  7. Anonymous1/03/2023

    I don’t really do resolutions. I mean, how do you improve on perfection, amirite. Well, maybe I could be a little less modest.

    But seriously, I do want to be healthier in the coming year. I was within one pound of getting back to my WW goal weight, but the holidays blew that out of the water. I need to walk more and hopefully get the bicycle serviced so I can get out and ride this year.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. No improving on perfection, you are right! LOL
      And I feel you with the holidays. I have your cookies to blame for probably an extra pound or two! LMAOO
      And walking is my medicine. I do it almost every day.


  8. Work on happiness, avoid unpleasantness.
    And kill anyone who dares get in my way.
    I kid.
    Or do I?

    1. Hahahaha
      I'll introduce you to my boss. That'll be two birds one stone.


  9. Like you I never make them. My only motto year in and year out is to "LIVE! LIVE!!!!! Life is a banquet, and some sorry suckers are starving to death!"

    That said, I am grateful for also not getting Covid yet. And my doctor said to cut back on drinking. Every time I want to drink have an apple he said. I says, who the hell has time to eat 28 apples a day? He then asked, if I have ever given up drinking. And like Pasty Stone I replied," it was the worst 8 hours of my life."

    Happy New Year doll!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Life is indeed a banquet, Maddie! Love that journey for me.
      And 28 apples a day is a bit much. Gin? Well, we could aim to getting pickled, no?
      Happy New Year, babes!


  10. I am not a fan of resolutions so I just do monthly challenges as that seems more practical and achievable. Happy New Year, Sixpence, and enjoy your time away.

    1. I love your monthly challenges!!!
      I think chunking up our goals make them more achievable.
      Happy New Year, Mr. Shife. Hugs to the kids!


  11. I presume you travelled to Hawaii? I hope you had a good time, and did not do anything I would do.

    1. Yes, I did!!!
      It was a blast. And I managed not to burn myself. And I am afraid I did some things you'd do, Lurkie... Because why not??


  12. love the wisdom here!

    1. Aww
      Thanks, Xersex! I can be introspective sometimes.


    2. I don't make, however, any resolution for this new year.


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