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I know there may be more pressing issues. But how could I let this one slide by? 

When you look up the definition of “doula,” you’ll probably read about a person who helps women through pregnancy, labor, and childbirth. But that’s a simple definition, and it doesn’t fully capture how rich a doula’s support can be. 

Oh, yes. Joking aside, Michael may be on on to something because to tell you the truth, some total tops could use some guidance. Even though we have heard from from both sides, and I know there's people with strong opinions about this topic (as it is the case with most topics related to sex) you'd have to accept that in some cases, some coaching could come handy and could even improve lives. TMYK, right?


P.S. Bonus points if your recognize the melodies.


  1. Anonymous3/31/2023

    Michael is always good for a laugh. I’m going to have to look him up for his services 😜.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. He's so fucking funny. And so fucking on point.
      And I think you'd look for his services cause you want to get in with the boys. I know your sneaky ways... LMAOOO


  2. I've always considered myself a experienced versatile. It just depends what kind of mood I'm in. But if someone is going to top me they better for sure know what they're doing . I think when guys see me though, and see my backside assets, they automatically assume I'm just the bottom. The crown jewels aren't bad either I will admit. So I think I'm very well versed to please a top and a bottom, and sometimes at the same time...... something for everyone,lmao!!!!!!

    1. And that's why you have so much fun.
      And I'm telling you, if someone wants to top, they BETTER know what they're doing, cause otherwise it's the door for them. And the lucky guy that gets with you gets it plenty on both sides. Or so I have heard....


  3. Sorry, not intersted.

    1. Of course.
      The elusive, the almost extinct, the seldom caught in the wild: the Total Top. Why am I not surprised?


  4. "You'll be taking fists by Summer."
    I'm dead.

    1. Ok, so here's the tea:
      I had to watch the video three times to get through because I was cackling so hard I had to pause it and start again. The puns! The wit! The overall fuckery!


  5. δούλη meant originally 'servant, slave', feminine equivalent of δοũλος; the term was adopted by the American anthropologist Dana Raphael in her 1973 work, entitled The tender gift, to indicate «one or more individuals, often female, who give psychological encouragement and physical assistance to the newly delivered mother» or 'one or more people, usually women, who provide psychological encouragement and physical assistance to the new mother', referring in particular to breastfeeding. Over time, as the article dedicated to the term in the online Encyclopaedia Britannica notes, the meaning broadens to indicate people who provide help and assistance even before and during childbirth.

    The video made me smile

    1. Leonard Bernstein: West Side Story!

    2. OMG Xersex!
      See, this is why I love you so hard. And you are right, the video is a total riot and yes, West Side Story!


  6. When is this set for it's Broadway debut?

    1. Hahahaha
      Can you IMAGINE?
      Also, get thee to Avenue Q. It's dirty, it's funny and it has puppets!


  7. Big says,
    LOL. "I Feel Pretty," "A Boy Like That," "Jet Song," "America," "Somewhere," & "Tonight." (Yes, I've done the show - can you tell? and my wife played the role of Anybody.) XOXO

    1. OMG Why did I know it was gonna be either you or Upton who would kill it?
      And I love that she got to act with you!!!


  8. LMAO. He is so funny. I don't mind bottoming, but I'm sure I make a awkward bottom. I'm just so tall. But hell, I'm all open for some new tips. No pun inteneded.

    1. But babes,
      Like Maddie, you're hot no matter what you're doing. That's the advantage of being a sexy beast. And a tall man bottoming? I'm getting a chub.



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