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Fuck, Marry, Kill: Luxury Loft edition.

We gave interior designers Noz Nozawa, Darren Jett, and Joy Moyler a photo of the same loft - then asked each of them to create a design for it in their particular style, however they pleased. Three artists, one canvas, each bringing something different to the space. See which designer comes closest to creating your dream studio apartment.

You know the drill... hypothetically, which one would you fuck, marry or kill?

Happy viewing!!


P.S. I'll let you know mine in the comments, or if you want, you can guess...


  1. love the solution at exactly 13:20.

    1. Nice!
      Even though I find her designs a little bit bland, I can see why people would prefer them...


  2. Anonymous3/13/2023

    I would kill Darren, again. I find his solution, though warm in color, very cold with the marble and mirrors. And that low furniture would be a nightmare to get out of. Yes I’m old and I’m not his target audience.

    I would fuck Noz mainly because of the rugs which are a trip hazard because of the holes in them and the dining room chairs would wobble because of the unevenness. I’m also not a fan of the window treatments.

    And that leaves Joy to marry. I do like her design and her rather conservative vision more aligns with my tastes. Though I would like to see some type of window treatments.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      I actually love the low furniture. Very 1960's sunken living rooms. Noz's rugs have fantastic texture, though. Hers was my fav.


  3. I have the same blue wall to wall carpeting. Joy, though livable leaves me cold. I love the swivel chair thing. BUT, Darren's ceiling is fabulous! So kill Joy. Fuck and marry Darren.

    1. Oh, yes.
      Darren brings it. And that CEILING!!


  4. I would literally murder the guy who closed off the kitchen, put effing silk on the floor, and lined a wall with mirrors.
    I'd marry the girl who used the wood island.
    And, well, I don't fuck women, even in a What If, so I'd take the last one to lunch.

    1. LMAOOO
      Same. And I don't cook too much, so closing the kitchen is not a terrible sin...


  5. I'd kill them all. I hate every design and would want to live in NONE of them.

    1. Hahahaha
      I loved the color in the windows, really. Total game changer. And I have to say that I liked Darren's ideas...


  6. No offence to them but I'd have to take them all out to the field and kill them. Didn't like any of them. And that guy needs to have his design card taken away. His taste is soooo in his mouth.

    1. LMAOOOO
      Totally valid. I like a combo or Darren's and Noz's, to be honest.


  7. Anonymous3/14/2023

    Big says,
    Noz I'd shoot for such an uncomfortable sofa. That alone gets her taken out and shot. I kind of liked Darren's copper because it leads the eye to the view. So, okay, him I might marry this time - or maybe fuck because the mirrors could make it fun. Joy, well, this time out...nope. She's just too bland. XOXO

    1. I agree with Joy's designs being on the bland/safe side.
      If I'm gonna pay money for a design, I want it to be awesome.



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