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Letter to Coroticus



Nope, I’m not Irish. But I’ve had some Irish in me at times, natch. And even though I’m not one to observe many religious holidays (and St. Patrick’s is indeed a religious holiday, it celebrates that he brought Catholicism to Ireland) I like the idea of a river made green for a day. Also, it does not seem that many Irish customs changed overnight due to Patriciu's catholic influence:

“Before [Patrick’s] mission, Irish sexual arrangements were relatively improvisational. Trial ‘marriages’ of one year, multiple partners, and homosexual relations among warriors on campaign were all more or less the order of the day. Despite Patrick’s great success in changing the warrior mores of the Irish tribes, their sexual mores altered little.”

source: How the Irish Saved Civilization

So happy St. Paddy’s to those who are Irish, those who celebrate St. Paddy's and those with relatively improvisational sexual arrangements!



  1. Anonymous3/17/2023

    Top o’ the mornin’ to ya laddy! Nope I’m not Irish, either but I do like a good party. And though I’m a native Chicagoan, I’ve never been downtown for any of the parades. I’ll take a good corned beef sandwich, but not a fan of cooked cabbage, so I’ll have a side of coleslaw.

    So to all the gingers and those who love ‘em Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽☘️

    1. Hahaha so Irish!
      And I've seen most of the parades. Did not go for the Green River this year. Too cold!
      And yum corned beef sandwich.


  2. Yes, I read a marvelous quotation once referring to the "thin topsoil" of Irish Christianity lying over top of the Irish "bedrock" of paganism!

    1. Oh, that's priceless!
      And totally true. Xtianity has always been 'thin topsoil'.


  3. Anonymous3/17/2023

    Big says,
    For as much as my Protestant grandfather professed to hate them, turned out we're Irish. LOL. Not really a fan of the boiled meal but, like Huntley, I'll dig into a good corned beef on rye. Top 'o the day to ye! XOXO

    1. Hahaha
      Oh, that should have been a slap on the face. Well deserved.


  4. I do have Irish DNA running through my system, perhaps that explains why I'm so opinionated. Do you think that might be true?

  5. love green as I love blue: my fav. colours. So for me all this green is a pleasure

  6. My Irish nickname is Pat McCrotch.

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sixpence. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating in the best way possible.

    1. Happy St. Paddy's Mr. Shife!!!
      I did have a wonderful day, and I did not have anything green.


  8. Was thinking about eating some green dyed food and drink but then the thought of going to the bathroom and seeing something green in the toilet. I would probably panic and call 911. Checking my DNA report I do have 8% Irish (extreme norther Ireland) so I have enough green in my blood to get through the day. Happy greeness to you.

    1. Oh no.
      That's not a good idea. Nope. And 8% Irish!!
      That would be enough. Happy St Patrick's!!



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