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Oh, Ariel

If you are not a six year old or a mermaid enthusiast, you may not know that a live action movie of The Little Mermaid dropped and that the world apparently will never be the same. Because racism. 

Oh, yes. Apparently, the race of the actress portraying an imaginary being that is half woman- half fish is so important that millions of people have gone online to show their dislike concerning the choice Disney made when casting this movie. Because racism. Oh, you don't believe it's racism? Here:

There. Never underestimate the strength with which people hate other races and the amount of effort they'll put into showing that hatred. I, for one, am thinking about doing the best I can to shut them up: I liked the trailer (I know, I'm childish) and I will go to the theater to see the movie. I know, it's going to be on Disney + eventually, but just thinking that the racists will be home stewing over the casting of a beautiful Black singer (did I tell you that the mermaid's main asset is her... voice? which she uses UNDER THE WATER? I know, racism can be that petty) will make me enjoy the movie in theaters even more.

Happy viewing!


P.S. Yes, Black mermaids have always existed. Even before Andersen would write the fairy tale in which the Disney cartoon is based. So there's that. Also, Javier Bardem as King Triton, natch.


  1. I personally am not a follower of the little mermaid of any color. I'd prefer mermen (but with cocks, of course). In the abyss, then, there are still many forms of life that we still don't know. Maybe there really are pitch black mermaids. Who could safely rule it out?

    1. And I can see why.
      This is basically made for little girls who grew up and now have little girls of their own or for six year olds. Literally. And I'd prefer mermen, too, Xersex.
      Wouldn't that be fun? Especially if they do have cocks.
      (btw, there's a porn with that topic, slightly problematic but hot)


    2. even if mermen don't have dicks, at least they can have oral sex. At least this.

  2. I think anyone who finds this somehow wrong because of the color of the skin of a MERMAID should be forced to sit down for hours and watch on a loop the reactions of every single little Black girl seeing Halle Bailey's Ariel and how they reacted.
    Those whos till feel the same after, should be forced to go live under the sea.

      A mermaid!! Of all the imaginary beings! Seriously. I absolutely loved the look in those little black girls when they realized the mermaid looked like THEM. For fucking once.
      And I'd prod those who still feel the same afterwards into the sea myself.


  3. Bob is partially right. The vast majority of six-year-old girls, no matter what their color, are going to be head over heals to see a mermaid. Most of this backlash, I don't doubt, is from white, Evangelical Christians who see their world being reshaped in a way in which race doesn't matter.

    1. A six year old girl is gonna look at the MERMAID, not the actress. The actress could have green skin and they'd still enjoy the movie.
      And you know the xtianists are behind every pearl clutching event. It's their daily bread. They cannot live in a world where they are not the protagonists. Always.


  4. And yet these white evangelical christians claim to be the followers of a man who taught that love of everyone and everything without exception was His will. And the DNA of the region and the time in history would actually have him as a small in stature person of color not the blonde haired blue eyed Jeffrey Hunter Jesus that they all prefer. Wonder what the riots would be like if someone ever made a movie of the life of Christ cast with actors that actually represented the time and place?

    1. Hahaha
      How dare you try and use reason with the xtianists?? LOL They're deeply stupid and very, very fragile. Jesus was from northern Africa, so yeah. Probably brown and not very Aryan.
      And they would never let a movie about their lord and savior that did not fit THEIR ideas of who he was.
      Even the passion of the xst had some white in it.


  5. Anonymous3/22/2023

    Big says,
    Oh, we will not be able to put this fuckery back in the bag. It is out and the bigots are proud of themselves. In my theatre/dancing days I worked for a Black director who said about racists, "I would rather know who they are." Colorblind casting is not new.

    1. Anonymous3/22/2023

      Big adds,
      [Damn fat fingers pushed the publish button.]
      We can fight with the actions you have already used. Go press the Like button, and go watch the film. (I hate Disney, but I'll do it.) XOXO

    2. We won't.
      Bigots gonna bigot, no matter what. And I definitely are with that director: I wanna know who the stupid people are from the jump.
      And I also despise Disney, but I'll make a point to go see this. If only to make it a success (not like it'd need me, but I'd go anyway).


  6. Black mermaids and angry white dinosaurs.

    1. In a nutshell.
      The internet lost their collective shit. For real.


  7. Anonymous3/22/2023

    Oh the woke mob forced themselves on the casting decision. The horrors! They can go fuck them selves with their micro dicks.

    And you better not call it a fairy tale either, lest they conflate that with the gays. I wonder what they would do if twitler took a DNA test that showed he was Jewish? Wouldn’t that be scandalous?

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Can you imagine.
      Woke is now everything the racists do not like. And you go, Babes, let them HAVE IT.

      And can you imagine if Mango Mussolini ends up being Jewish? They'll explain it somehow, I'm sure...


  8. I'll never see this movie. I just can't stomach such tripe. That said, good for Disney for having some balls (for a change). I can't wait until we stop seeing characters in terms of the color of their skin. It's ridiculous on some levels. And... again, what some people won't choose to use as a rallying cry for the unevolved. This kind of fundraising tactic needs to go away...

    1. Ha!
      It IS tripe. But I want to piss off the racists, so yeah. I'll see it. I'll go with a six year old to make up for the fuckery. And you know how racism goes, so...



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