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the "Woke Mind Virus"

First of all, Kal Penn *sigh*. 

Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about the fuckery that is this whole 'Woke' bullshit coming from the Right. Because it has now become a 'thing' and conservatives are running with it. It's their new way to say that something is too 'diverse', which means that it's not racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic enough. BTW, here's a link for those in Canada, who apparently cannot watch The Daily show there.

And here's the thing: I've discovered I may be woke. In the Erykah Badu (who brought up the term again in the late aughts) sense.

The OED traced the origin of woke's newer definition to a 1962 New York Times article by Black author William Melvin Kelley describing how white beatniks were appropriating Black slang at the time. By the mid-20th century, woke "had been extended figuratively to refer to being ‘aware’ or ‘well informed’ in a political or cultural sense," and the dictionary credited Badu's use of the term on "Master Teacher" with catapulting it into the mainstream "with a particular nuance of ‘alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice.'"

Am I woke because I don't accommodate but instead I call out the opposition? They are not righteous, they wallow in moral turpitude and their only sense of urgency is related to their culture of grievance. Am I woke because I despise the deplorables and I do not hide it?

Am I woke because I am conscious of identity, both in me and in others? Maybe because I feel it is my duty to be inclusive of and uplifting of voices and experiences of groups that have been (and are) marginalized? Because I have cisgender male privilege and I use it for good?

Am I woke because I see intersectionality and the interlacing and scaffolding of power structures and systems of oppression that have been at work for centuries? Maybe because I think Critical Race Theory is necessary (and it's NOT taught in K-12 classrooms), or maybe because I think that the use of people's preferred pronouns is a must and that there is a difference between sex and gender? Does that make me woke?

Am I woke because I see how racism, sexism, xenophobia and misogyny are embedded in the cloth of American society and I will always point that out? Am I woke because I think that equity is a goal and not an impediment? When some gays think about equality, they are usually covering with a glossy veneer the actual structural inequalities that permeates American society. I would accept unequal outcomes, even when justified by freedom of speech. I guess I am woke after all.

And why I am talking about this? Because at this point, conservatives and Rethuglyclowns have weaponized the word 'woke' and I will not stand by while they use racism, sexism and homophobia as a weapon while trying to get away with it because they are 'anti-woke'. They are anti-empathy. That's what they are. It's the new old 'culture war' that Anita Bryant already waged against the Queers. Some of you may remember that c*nt (sorry to all the fantastic c*nts out there) but most people seem oblivious of how history works. 


P.S. Here's Ms. Badu, if you're nasty:


  1. "Woke" is the new "politically correct," just dog-whistles to incite the right.
    I love watching a wingnut try to explain "woke."

  2. Anonymous4/06/2023

    First off, can we talk about that backup singer for Ms. Badu? He is so fine 🥵.

    And I too have been infected by the woke virus. Not sure when I got infected, but I don’t really remember a time when I DIDN’T care about those around me and how they were treated. And I am totally aware of my privilege as a cis white man and of all of the inequalities around me.

    And what I’ve learned is that woke is not terminal, but I wish I didn’t have to be woke and things were better for all. People advancing in civil rights, that they should have had long ago, does not remove my civil rights.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, he's fine!
      And of course you've always have the Woke virus: you're a decent human being.


  3. Proudly Woke and doing my best to spread the virus in conservative West Texas.

  4. O! M! G! Quick! Get thee to an ER in a Deep Red State. STAT! Do you hear what I'm saying, son? Because you have it. You definitely have it.
    Here's the thing about Repuglyclowns - They stay on message. They grab onto a word or phrase and they push it at their audience at every turn, every time they open their thugly mouths. And the Dems could take a lesson. This entire '24 election cycle they need to be laser focused on three things: Women's right to health care (abortion), Sensible gun laws (banning assault weapons --- permanently), and Civil rights (LGBTQ+). In every ad, every speech, every debate. XOXO

    1. I agree.
      The Repugs will always stay on message and repeat ad nauseam their little word salads because they have nothing else. Nothing. And you are right, the Dems should stay on those messages because you KNOW the Repugs have no policy. Just words.


  5. "Better woke than broke!" I don't know what that means, I just made it up. Great video, LOL!

    1. Oh, and that's gonna be my slogan from now one.
      Quick, gimme a t-shrt. I needed it printed on it STAT.


  6. The United States of America is as big as a continent, so there are various differences, both in mentality and sensitivity. Not everyone travels at the same time, you can imagine a human body (of human beings) sized as a continent.

    1. Oh, but America is a body with a rotten underbelly.
      Those millions who voted for Mango Mussolini? They are rotten to the core by racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia. You name it. The conservative right is a wound that will not heal .


    2. by comparison, Ronny R. was a genius, I have to admit.

  7. Much ado. Repulsivecans are always eager to find a hook to hang their hat on. What a dumb one. Hate is a disease and they have it bad. Kizzes.

    1. Ohhh Repulsivecans! Yes.
      They always have their Dog Whistle ready. And this one may backfire because what they want is for people to eschew human decency.


  8. Sorry, I have to tell a funny story. A friend of my works one of the New York City Home Depots and two months ago he sent me pick of Kal Penn and telling me he'd just spoken to Kal Penn in Home Depot! Any way, there is no Woke virus except in the hearts and minds of Republicans.

  9. I don't even view it as being woke. I view it as just be welcoming to all and doing the right thing...and treating everybody as equal. We are all human being. I have just always been like this. I could blow a blood vessel every time I hear DeSanits Slime say come to Florida for the land of unwoke. The Covid Virus evidentially still didn't claim enough lives.......


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