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If you think that this is 'just' a makeup tutorial, you may be wrong. This is so, so much more than just teaching someone your makeup routine that most people will just stay on the surface and will comment on Sasha's age (she's 37) or her lack of eyebrows (duh, she does Drag for a living) or the fact that she looks... normal? This is kind of revolutionary because it's showing that Trans people are just... people.

And I think that's the whole idea behind a tutorial like this: it is basically a primer for Trans women to let them know that it's ok to be clocked. That they do not need to hide behind tons of makeup to be 'valid' in the eyes of others. Oh, yes, Transpeople feel terribly self-conscious and see clocking as a means of invalidating who they are and therefore some Trans women pile up the makeup (something widely used by cisgender women as a sign of femininity) to the elevens in order to appear more 'feminine' when in fact they are calling attention to themselves, for, well, wearing makeup. It's one of those double-edged swords Trans people have to deal with every day: it's bad if they don't wear make up. Bad if they do.

So this short makeup tutorial is a way to educate both Cis and Tans people in the art of not giving a fuck: a cisgender woman does not need to literally erase herself to look pretty and neither does a Trans woman. So kudos to @sashacolby for offering a view to the 'real' Sasha, not the Showgirl Sasha. I think this was necessary. Especially right now, with the repugs upping the ante against Trans individuals in the US. So good for Sasha and good for Allure for the message.

I imagine that One Million Moms are gonna boycott @Allure now? 

Good luck with that. I don't think they give two fucks about what conservatives think. The proof is in the pudding.


P.S. my girl is EVERYWHERE! Love to see it.


  1. you don't have to be over the top in outward appearance to be a person.

    1. True.
      The thing is, Transwomen are like children learning to walk and they want to run the moment they find they have the freedom to do it. Sasha here is a perfect example of a very good middle point: it's make up, it's girly, and it's just the right amount to make them feel... pretty?


  2. Sasha is really becoming the face of trans and drag in a time when we really need that!

    1. Oh, very that!
      And I'm here for her (and her sisters).


  3. How she does ANYTHING with those nails is beyond me!

    1. Hahahaha
      I know, right? I'd hurt myself and probably others.


  4. Big says,
    Women who slather on the makeup never look good. The best makeup is when you can't tell they're wearing it. My wife is like that - always has been. Of course, for evening fundraisers (when we were deep into the scene) she would put on more but it still wasn't over the top. XOXO
    P.S. Sasha, dear ... the lips are a bit overdone. A little less collagen next time, sweets. (LOL)

    1. Oh, three tons of make up does not look good on Cis women, either.
      The Tammy Faye look is something very few can pull off.
      And you know a girl needs to pout...


  5. Anonymous5/04/2023

    Kudos to Sasha for the short video showing her daily routine. Not that I’m any kind of expert, but you don’t need to get all made up to go to Aldi or the home improvement store. Put on what makes you feel good, male or female.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I know, right?
      That high contrast camera is something I'm not sure I'd put in front of my face. It's very daring appearing like that when you are famous for a beat mug.
      And you KNOW I've seen people who put on a face to go to Trader Joe's!


  6. That is one mistake a lot of trans women make, way too much makeup. I'm not even trans, but when I used to do drag even if it was an afternoon event for sale like a gay pride festival girl I always did Day makeup!

    I will never understand the Shaving of the eyebrows though. I know I started doing drag a lot of Queens shaved them off, but then when they were a man I always thought looked odd. I always wanted to look as good in Drag and out of drag equally the same. So I never shaved my eyebrows off, I always waxed them over, then a layer of dry soap then powder then Foundation you couldn't even tell they were there, and then I penciled in the exaggerated ones above my real ones. There used to be the old string trick that doesn't always hold up.

    1. Thank you!
      I think it's both the intense desire to appear like the media dictates women must appear and the joy of being able to play with toys that were denied to them by the conventions of gender.
      A little bit of Day Makeup never hurt anybody! I see no dead bodies around me.
      And the eyebrow thing is a choice, for sure. I've seen that on Drag Race (all the iterations!): some Queens do without, some cover them. And what string trick? Do tell!!


  7. Less is always better.

    1. Well, it's hard to tell that to someone who is indulging on something they've always wanted. But yes, in this case, less is better.


  8. I have always believed less is more. And she's beautiful!


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