Much has been written about the fuckery that was The Fanta Fascist CNN appearance. And I don't have to re-write here what has been said very well in other spaces. People say that I preach to the chorus here (and I do, duh) but I cannot let the opportunity pass without mentioning that CNN has shown its ass. And it's not pretty.
CNN gave a sex abuser the chance to slander the woman he had just been found guilty of abusing. CNN asked the audience not to boo The Orange Moron. Chris Litch (who is making CNN the new Fox News, apparently) called Oliver Darcy to his office when Darcy criticized the doomed Townhall fuckery and had Anderson Cooper debase himself by having him tell us to get out of our silos. Shame!
It was all about ratings. And still Uncle Joe brought more people with his Town Hall appearance on CNN. The Golden Calf of Doom cannot stop losing.
P.S. @JonStewart, we miss you.
I think CNN has been in trouble since it let go Chris Cuomo because of all the shit his brother got in as governor. It's been downhill since. I was always also on the fence with Don Lemmon...but for sure can't stand that smug ass the way to talked and treated Kaitin Collins...and on the air yet. Extremely unprofessional. Queen has issues with female competition I suspect. Course...much like Supreme Court outlets are supposed to report the good bad and the ugly...and keep a middle ground stance don't. Most only report the view side their on, and most either add facts out or add them in to satisfy their thirst for ratings. Is it any wonder the public doesn't know what to believe?!?!?! I too was shocked about the dump townhall and of all platforms giving in... CNN...but it wasn't long before the ogre swiped at Kaitlin, and then insulted the network again.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to have a talk with Anderson again and tell him to tell them, to clean up there acts.. and get back on track, after I tap his ass good, like five times in a row.
CNN is a whole kind of fuckery right now.
DeleteI do see they are trying for the 'entertainment' angle, which absolutely debases them. They used to be my go-to news source. Now? I don't even stop there.
And give Anderson an earful. I could NOT believe it when he told me to leave my silo! Gurrl....
And give him a tap AFTER he issues a correction. That way he'll stay in the straight and narrow...
I tend to agree with Maddie. Cuomo's firing was a mistake that could have been dealt with another way.
ReplyDeleteLemon deserved to go because he was a bit too full of himself and his level of importance, after Cuomo's departure.
That said, the woman they had lead the town hall with the racist rapist traitor didn't hold his feet to the fire; she should have called him out every time he lied ... of course, then she would have been calling him out every other sentence.
Now, imagine Biden doing a town hall and demanding only Democrats in the crowd. CNN wouldn't do that but their new head honcho is a conservative who wants Thing 45 on their airwaves.
I stick to Nicole Wallace on MSNBC.
I was totally confused when they fired Cuomo.
DeleteLemon was a little bit of a dick.
And that poor woman? He was on Fox News for awhile? I have no idea who she is, but she was treated with disrespect and barely disguised contempt. SHAME on CNN.
And you are right: it's the upper brass who wants Mango Mussolini and the ratings. I also watch MSNBC.
The host of that town hall was Kaitin Collins...the one that Don Lemmon insulted and treated rudely on air. Later she did call trump out when he said he finished the wall when they were discussing the immigrant issues , and she was like , hummm, but you only completed 50 miles of it. He disagreed. They went around a bit and he then told her she was a nasty woman!. She eye rolled.
DeleteOMG was she?
DeleteAnd of course he did call her that.
But she's no angel. There have been some homophobic tweets she posted and tried to hide, she worked for Tucker Carlson in the Daily Caller, and she is one of the people screaming about 'George Soros'. She's a piece of work, but not even her could against the Orange Menace. That man is a disgrace.
maybe it would be enough that he don't run (or that his party doesn't support him)
ReplyDeleteNo such luck, Xersex: His only way out of the many shitshows and legal foes he's involved with right now is the presidency. He'll go for it because his freedom depends on it.
DeleteAnd his party does not care that a corrupt, indicted felon is their candidate. They only care about power.
Anyway, I believe that other Rs. are no better. Some are downright bad.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t watch the debacle, I knew where it was going to go and I CAN’T stand the way 💩 talks, or blathers, or whatever you want to call it. With the writers’ strike, I miss my Daily Show, where I got some of my current events, that I don’t get from my two Chicago papers.
I think a better format would have been to have her pose the questions, and another news personality follow up with the real facts. And any time he failed to answer the question that was posed, ask again until he answered it. That way he would have only blathered on for a total of 10 minutes.
XOXO 👨🏼❤️💋👨🏽
I didn't, either.
DeleteWas not gonna give CNN another pair of eyes. Nope. But twitter was LIT with outraged people. And same about Twittler: I can't STAND him and his babbling. Such incoherent fool.
And there's no way to contain Cheeto. You know that. He'll talk over anybody unless they cut his mic.
There's a lot to unpack. CNN is hoping to gain some of Faux News' audience - especially with Tuckems departure. Yes, it was a mistake to cut Cuomo - there really were no grounds because he never covered his brother's shit on air. Throwing Lemon to a morning show co-host spot was also a mistake, but Litch was gunning to get rid of him. It's all an effort to turn the network to the right. As far as Anderson goes? Many fans quit him when he abandoned Kathy Griffin. I think he's lost more over his "silo" comments.
ReplyDeleteIf the network truly wanted to do it properly, it wouldn't have aired live and there would have been fact-checking going on. But they knew exactly what they were doing. Litch said it himself, "It did what it was meant to do: Make news. And it made a lot of news."
Here's the problem with that stance: A journalist isn't supposed to MAKE news, they are supposed to REPORT the news. Though, I don't know that anyone actually considers Kaitlin Collins a journalist.
Thing 45 will always be Thing 45. He's not going to change and his base doesn't want him to.
It was a shitshow.
DeleteCNN does want that Faux News audience and they will NEVER get it. It was a slap on the face of the people who usually trust them to put Mango Mussolini in a primetime spot: he has called CNN everything from fake news to corrupt. Abusive relationship much?
And I agree they knew exactly what they were doing: it was another episode of Survivor. Reality TV disguised as 'news'.
Pat...I can't say I was sorry to see Dom Lemmon go. He was a bitter queen. So smug too. His antics landed him on the morning show with the two female co-host which he had issue with since he wasn't the prized centerpiece anymore. And his verbal insults at them were awful to see. But I do think your right...this was his punishment to quit, but then he didn' they fired him. The two gals got this. And Kathy Griffin!!!! Hell, I would have run too!!!! I suspect if CNN does get more conservative...Anderson's days will be numbered. Besides...he's loaded, doesn't need to work and has a husband he can fuck all day, and play with his child.
DeleteIt was all about the ratings, however, for those ratings to make a difference they need to be continual, which would mean CNN would need to become FOX.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
DeleteBut CNN will never be Fox. In the mind of the MAGAts they are MSM. They'd never watch anything but OANN or Faux News. It was an exercise in futility.
I am so fucking tired of the Orange Ass Hole. There must be a massive sink hole somewhere we could just toss him in and let the world get on with the important things. Maybe there should be at least one week a month where we do not even mention his name or show any image, still or video, of him. I would give me the time to clean the screen of my television. Me, I have pretty much given up on all the news outlets. A little MSNBC now and then and several hours a day trying to plow through some onlie news sites. But even then it all just seems futile.
DeleteWHEN will he be hold accountable for the amount of fuckery, treason, corruption and assorted criminal activities he's been involved in for years and years?
I also do some MSNBC. I also read online newspapers rather than cable news. CNN used to be ok, though...
So, I wonder if maybe, just maybe, the world is turning a corner. Turkey just forced their asshat into a run-off election. The GOP brand is not something one should want to import.
DeleteHere, we need to get busy and kick ALL the MAGAts out of office. XOXO
Sorry, and this is just my opinion, but CNN began the downward spiral the day they made Wolf Blitzer their Cronkite wannabe.
DeleteOh, CNN lost their way awhile ago and I didn't notice cause I don't have cable. Wolf Blitzer is a joke. What kind of name is 'Wolf' anyway???