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Mark and Andrew

We really have to vanish the idea that only the young, beautiful and fit have sex. Or that they are the only ones that can be physically attractive. Really. Especially gay men. You see, from my perspective (and I have BEEN around) some gay men have this idea that once you turn thirty a certain age, you literally cease to exist as a sexual being. As if sex drive or desire would have an expiration date? I have always found that notion to be both ridiculous and short-sighted. It would be funny if it weren't so insidious.

Unless we are Asexual (some of us are, I'm sure) we keep feeling desire for others and keep having a high sex drive well into our seventies or eighties. Oh, yes. I'm sure I will still want to get pressed like the news in my seventies. Why the fuck not? (Wasn't Picasso having children at eighty?? Wasn't De Niro a daddy just a minute ago?) There may be reasons why desire declines somehow (illness, aging itself, lack of companionship, you name it) but the desire stays there. And seriously, I'd rather let an 'older' (and that's relative because 'older' can mean fifty or seventy, depending on your age) gentleman have his way with me, than having to teach a young gun the ropes in the hopes that he performs at standards. Experience, honey, it is not improvised.

One thing I have learned is that when there's a will there's a way. I am, of course, not opposed to a gentleman caller bringing a Blue Angel with him if necessary. Again, why the fuck not? It may not be necessary (there are many ways to get into heaven, dear) but if he thinks it'll be fun, I'm all for it. I will never not think that a hard cock is fun. What if a little vascular help is needed? If I had a headache, I'd pop an Ibuprofen. What's the difference?

So here's to Mark an Andrew, who in a few words explain what it is to be intimate and attracted (and attractive) way beyond our twenties, and why it is important to stay alert because one never knows... maybe that one dude who finds us attractive is just over sixty... or seventy.


P.S. this photo is soooo HAWT!

P.P.S. this is part of campaign by @relate. Americans should take note.


  1. love your and THEIR wisdom!

    1. Aww that's so sweet, Xersex!
      And I think they're awesome. Total goals.


  2. Well, of COURSE a sexual existence is possible --- preferrable --- into the elder years. I mean, come on, what guy doesn't like his dick getting hard and having a bit of a good time? I knew a guy in his 80s who couldn't get an erection and still engaged in activities. I guess when we're young we don't find "older" attractive. But, as one educational (gay) video I saw years and years ago said, "Yes, Virginia, some day you'll be old. Show that old guy a good time." XOXO

    1. I know, right??
      It makes me fume to think that some young gay people think that there's no life after thirty or whatever it is the cut line. And I was quite the opposite when I was sixteen (and even now) I usually go for the DILF type. I have been known to enjoy getting together with gentlemen way over fifty. And sixty.


  3. Being well into my 70's now I can assure you the desire and drive are very much still there. Sadly there are no takers where I live (city or apartment building) so we have to turn to other areas often time. Just read my blog later and find what I am talking about. Sex is so much a part or our lives that when it becomes no longer available you turn to new areas.

    1. Bravo!
      And desire (and drive) need not go away. Finding a gentleman caller does take some work but hey. I did read your blog and I'm here giving you a *slow clap*.
      Well done. Where there's a will...


  4. Anonymous5/12/2023

    Yes, snow on the roof does NOT mean that there isn’t a fire in the furnace. The silver daddies still can have a good time, it may not be all the things we used to do, but as they said, we adjust. Sometimes it may be a hot make out session, but who knows where that may lead. Being present for each other goes a long way.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, I know.
      I know with you. I KNOW where make out sessions with you lead... You rascal!!


  5. Old doesn't have to mean you're done having sex. I know some couple far younger who've devolved into a somewhat platonic but loving relationship.
    Me? I like the sex and everything works so why not use it? 😓

    1. Duh.
      I have told that to many a 25 year old. And have met them ten years later and asked about it. NOW they are the 'older' men. I cackle.
      And if everything works, it needs to be used. It's written somewhere, I'm sure.


  6. Nicely said, Sixpence. And way to go Mark an Andrew. Keep having a good time and that is a great photo.

    1. I loved that video.
      Seriously. They are goals.


  7. Here! Here! And I hope I'm one that will still have a high sex drive into my 70's and 80's and 90's!!!! So far so good but I have a ways to go yet. And I'm not one bit embarrassed to admit I have had sex with men in their mid 70's and even a threesome with a couple in their 70's. They and I had a good time and we all taught each other things. And Warbucks is 64....and that is some, excuse me...hot sex!!!! He sends me to the moon when he "eats me out" and then we take turns pounding each other. He can also be a three time a night guy. Too much TMI?? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Lad and his youth, well he is 37 now...and I tricked with a 29-year-old recently. And they too are very pleasing. Sex at any age is wonderful and pleasing, if your partner knows what their doing, and there is attraction.

    Now get some sleep Sixpence...I may require sex in the morning.

    1. Oh, Babes, SAME!
      And I have also had close encounters with gentlemen in their sixties and seventies and it's been FUN! And NEVER TMI LOL you know in what blog you're commenting, right?
      And Warbucks is just 64?? He's delicious.

      And I just knew you're one of those studs who get up frisky! Yeehaw!


  8. YAY! OLD GUY SEX! Celebrate it's beauty. We're all beautiful (if we choose to be - not you, Ron DeSatanist) - and we are all worthy of love and fun and intimacy. F*ck the ageists in the gay community who don't realize that - if they're lucky to live that old - that's them down the line. So... learn to love it cupcakes. We all end up in the same place one day. Thanks for sharing this, hon. Kizzes.

    1. HAHAHA
      The young gays think they'll be forever young. Good luck with that thought. The surprise of learning THEY are old is gonna kill them.



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