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Oh, Vegas...

1 a: a particular manner or technique by which something is done, created, or performed
b: a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech)
c: a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself

2: a distinctive quality, form, or type of something

Damn, this is a beautiful man. Artist, tattooer, writer, and recovering addict:

I use my art to tell my story and to help others who are struggling with addiction and mental health issues. I believe that everyone has the power to overcome their challenges and to live a fulfilling life.

His Instagram account is full of beautiful and thought-provoking art. He often uses his art to explore themes of addiction, mental health, and Native American culture. His story is one of Indigenous Resistance, Rebellion and Truth. His work is both powerful and inspiring, and it is clear that he is a talented artist with a lot to say. After this, I think you will find out that having style has nothing to do with fashion and everything to do with discovering who we really are.



  1. the last dress is fabulous! and he's very cute and talented

    1. I loved that attire too!
      Gonna make my version of it somehow.
      And you are right: cute and talented.


  2. So many thoughts right now.... I get it. I do. He's right in that his ancestry is indigenous. Hispanic label hails from Hispanola (Spain), Latino(a)(x) goes way, way, way back - and was a description of the peoples who spoke Latin. Many words are based in Latin. His thing about the deforestation of the Amazon and meat because of soy? I must've missed something, because his conflicting statements confuse me. Anyway, I agree that he's talented and his art is wonderful and he's making statements - which is what art should do. XOXO

    1. Latinx, Hispanic: they have to do more with ethnicity and language.
      He's right about reclaiming his Native American roots.
      And he's talking about the displacement of tribes and the burning of the rain forest to make place to plant soy in order to feed livestock: meat is killing the planet's lungs.
      Making a statement is what fashion and style do. Yes.


  3. Fabulous sense of style. I love so many of the pieces.

    1. Same!
      The vegan Doc Marten's??? Yes please. Also, I want ALL OF HIS SWEATERS and that jacket with the patches in the back. Now.


  4. Anonymous5/11/2023

    I can understand where he is coming from. For too long we have tried to fit people into a check box, and we’re still doing it (hello binary laws). We all have our own realities and we’re entitled to express them. What he is doing with his art is embracing his experience.

    He is one handsome, intelligent individual. And when he was dressing in his last outfit, I saw a lot of you in him.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh yes.
      Have you notice that they have 'WHITE- Non Hispanic' in the surveys? The NERVE!
      And he's handsome and smart. Deadly combo.
      Awww babes!!


  5. Very impressive young man!

    1. Very, indeed.
      So few younger people are as articulate and as passionate. I also love that he upcycles!


  6. Replies
    1. It is!
      You see, your Dino socks are style...


  7. Anyone can do fashion...but not everyone has style....and he has it.

    1. Absolutely!
      And that's why so many people need stylists *ahem* Style Architects. Because fashion can be bought...


  8. Fascinating... I love listening to him. Interesting that his activism and self-expression are achieved via fashion. Interesting choice. And vintage reworks... how fun. Thanks for sharing this. It's this type of thing that I wish every member of the GOP were forced to sit through and absorb. This is their kryptonite. Kizzes.

    1. Isn't he cool?
      I think that this way of thinking is what has got the Repugs afraid of younger people and want to stop them from voting...



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