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Hair Plugs & Heartache

Ok, here's the thing: I think Netflix should give @MatteoLane a special. STAT. There. I said it. Yes, it's a corporation, but seriously, this shit is FUNNY. As in relatable funny. As in "I know what you mean" funny. As in "I've been there" funny. Matteo has a way of telling things that really gets the laughs. And he also gets the nods when it hits close to home. 

I am not gonna tell you much about what he talks about or the jokes I think were hilarious because this special needs to be experienced. He touches on what we do for beauty, about friendship and about the word 'faggot', it is funny, yes, but also... real? So, grab your fav drink (Maddie, this would be perf to do Cosmos with you!!) kick back and hit play. I thought it was HILARIOUS and witty and very, very gay.

Just as I like it.


P.S. and it's not only the gay boys who can be witty and lead the charge with laughs and realness. If you have time (and Netflix) stream any (or all) of Hannah Gadsby's specials. Highly recommend. 

Happy Pride!


  1. He truly is funny. I see his videos all over Facebook.
    Hannah Gadsby, too.

    1. He is!
      And I'm glad he's doing social media. Would be a fool not to.
      Hanna Gadsby kicks ass.


  2. I think I've told you many times the Raven used to be one of his stops. So I've seen him several times and he is absolutely hilarious. And he's very nice and welcoming he would always mingle with the crowd on his days there. And he's adorable little pocket gay. I also think I told you he has not shy about being naked and sure knows how to fill out a Speedo. Funny cute and sexy. Lethal for me.

    1. Yes!
      Oh, his live act should be sidesplittingly funny. He's charismatic. And yes, he's a pocket gay. BDE.
      And funny, cute and sexy is indeed Kryptonite.


  3. https://www.instagram.com/matteolane/ his IG
    https://www.youtube.com/user/Ewokburgers his youtube
    he's so nice cute and sexy

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matteo_Lane
      He has italian roots.

    2. Yes, he does!
      Also Latin. And he's got a whole series of his adventures in Italy. Are you following him? Andiamo!


  4. Hannah is amazing. She has one special where she gets super real and it is seriously some of the most mind-bending rhetoric ever recorded. Smart is funny. As for Matt? I just have issues with him. It's that A-Gay vibe. The BF loves him. So I see clips all the time and his stuff is well-written and clever, but I don't like him. I can't imagine having a cocktail with him... and that's how I measure comedians. If I would buy them a drink, then they've passed the test. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, Hanna is fantastic.
      We've watched her three specials. You may be thinking Nanette. It's fab.
      And Matteo may seem like the kind of gym-bunny, with a dash of mean girl vacuous gay but he's vulnerable (like when he talks here about his vanity and his hairplugs). So he gets a pass.
      And I'd buy YOU a drink. And I don't even like alcohol.


  5. He is truly funny. I've been subscribed to his YouTube channel for some time.

  6. Anonymous6/16/2023

    Matteo is hilarious! He has an ease about him that just draws you in. I’ve seen a few if his bits and he does not disappoint.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, you have got to watch this one.
      It's hilarious. And he's cute! I know you like your pocket gays...


  7. I love Hannah Gadsby! And when I have time, I'll watch the Matteo vid you've posted too!

    1. Love her too!
      Her last special with the bunnies? OMG.


  8. Big says,
    I shall have to come back later and watch!
    Had many computer issues --- caused by an anti-virus software of all things. Sheesh. Now to play catch-up! XOXO

    1. Oh nooo.
      Technology. Always comes back and bites us in the keyboard. Make sure you watch it though. It's a gas!


  9. Me apunto la recomendación...que necesito unas cuantas risas de evasión hasta llegar a las vacaciones, uff que intensidad labora...
    ¡Feliz Orgullo! Y un abracete :-)

    1. ...queria decir intensidad LABORAL...no sé donde fue esa L...

    2. Y es seguro que Matteo te las brinda, Angelillo!
      Es muy divertido (y te cuenta verdades como templos!)
      Feliz Orgullo!!!



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