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Oh, Mr. Childers ....

.... and then @tylerchilders decided he was gonna make me tear up today.

Country music is quite specific, right? 

Country is a music genre originating in the Southern and Southwestern United States. First produced in the 1920s, Country music primarily focuses on working class Americans and blue-collar American life.

But Country Music can reach beyond those labels, when it needs to. Just like @TylerChilders has done here. If you like country music, you can pre-order Childer's upcoming Rustin' in the Rain on his website. Oh, BTW, Childers is an Ally.

Funny story: I was getting this post ready when Huntley sent me a text with a link to the video...


P.S. And this is how you make country music, WhatsYourName Bigot.


  1. Replies
    1. I know right?
      Totally unexpected. This is the kind of surprises I like.


  2. I saw this the other day and my eyes started leaking for no good reason. Love the video, love that he used his song and then made THIS video.
    Tyler Childers is quite a hottie as are Colton Haynes and James Scully. Lovely.

    1. I know right?
      Quite the slap on the face to that 'other' country singer. And the story! Colton Haynes is so handsome!


  3. Anonymous7/31/2023

    It’s such a moving story and having Colton in it is a bonus. It shows that the queer community, for ages, has only wanted what others have by default. We’re not asking for anything special, just to have the same opportunity love and build relationships.

    I saw a post on Xitter, or whatever it’s called these days, about a pediatric cardiologist (I believe that was the specialty) in Louisiana who built up this renowned department at his hospital over the last 15 years. Now he and his husband are uprooting their family (they have two young children) because of the political climate in the south. He has been invited to move to NY state and build up the department at a hospital there. This is what is going to happen all across the red states. They are going to lose essential workers and become a 3rd world country. They already get the bulk of government (SOCIALIST) assistance and will only need more.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I could not believe it when you sent the link to me! LOL
      Birds of a feather and all that...

      And you know Florida and Texas and all those Southern states are gonna suffer some brain drain. Pity, because they need some critical thinking ASAP. Not surprised that red states are bleeding people, though. Not at all.


  4. Big says,
    Very excellent. The world needs more people like him to use their platforms.

    That other POS asshat can fuck all the way off. Anyone who knows what he did here at the Route 91 Festival knows he's a coward to the highest degree and only cares about himself.


    1. I know, right?
      Totally unexpected too, because until literally a minute ago I had no idea who he was.
      And that idiot! Ugh. Of course he only cares about himself. And his songwriting skills are lacking. So there's that too.


  5. Replies
    1. It is!
      I was slightly surprised because I don't do Country often...


  6. a video that I could very well have put myself in my blog. Marvelous!

  7. OMG, I have only random words...Oh My Robert...Oh my life...And I sit here at 4 in the morning sobbing, tears dropping onto my lap and being gratefully sad for a love that is gone and flooded with memories of what were dreamed. I truly did not expect this from just a song and a beautiful video.

    1. Awww
      Music (and images) have that power. You were lucky you loved and were loved...



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